I notice more and more players who are HRing all needed items, like 4-5 items in UBRS. For example I saw a raid where a warrior HR felstriker, valor chest and shoulder, and plate waist. And this is not an isolated rare case, chat is literally overflowing with messages from UBRS where people HR at least 2 items.
This is unrealistic stupidity killing a classic. Why do you even join raids like this?
GDKP wasn’t the problem, HR was and is, but now it’s gotten worse.
Players, please, open your eyes
I agree, I don’t fancy joining such runs myself.
I suppose that’s when you say OK, but then you pay for my carry, and voila, GDKP invented.
HR is ages old
HR and GDKP are both symptoms that people don’t like the random loot system that is.
One argument was that personal loot is slower, but in reality it’s less random, only slower compared to getting all the loot - either as a late joiner, or an early buyer.
I’d be fine with personal loot for a start. It also applies to BoE stuff in dungeons, it’s silly that there too many needers.
Crafting could also work but it’d require several changes and while I’d totally enjoy GWoW2 mechanically (and likely 85-95% would), the most vocal people wouldn’t, or would they?
Yes, there are a lot of weird things killing the community in anniversary but the insane loot greed is the most toxic one.
The playerbase has immensely degenerated over the past years…
The loot system was the same in OG classic yet there was no HR runs at all and GDKP did only exist in niche groups.
In 2019 there was a surge of loot greed and few groups that started to do HR runs, yet it wasn’t the majority.
Now in anniversary realms there are hardly any groups without HRs… it’s pathetic and disgusting. The greed has gotten out of hand, yet everybody feels entitled to it.
„It’s a lot of work to create groups and therefore we need to secure our rewards“ or „if I don’t HR I will wait forever on loot“ are the short-sighted excuses for toxic social behavior.
Funny how it was the same (or even more) work to organise a group in vanilla, yet no one in their right mind would have thought of such a antisocial and narcissistic behavior. Ofcourse rushed content by blizzard enforces FOMO and therefore selfish loot greed.
It is an illness in today’s society being reflected ingame. Everyone looking out for themselves while creating their own misery is a paradox most people will lack the IQ to understand.
I’ve been enjoying WoW classic since 2004 but this re-re-release has shown that WoW isn’t an MMO anymore, there is no community or multiplayer behaviour. It’s a black-market simulator that will become a raidlogging RMT single-player game where everyone looks out for themselves, creating an unhealthy environment for everyone else.
It was hard for me to accept that it is time to move onto a different game, but this experience has made it a lot easier
It is becoming SOLORMT Game, by design as well. A big part of the playerbase is egoistical, narcissistic and also has very low vibes/energy.
There are still some of us who play b/c of the lore, the community, the rivalries, the who’s who, etc. and not because we need the next big thing, the next patch, the next expansion.
And yet every time I praise the community aspect of Era I get blasted by many here - Note I am not saying Era is perfect, at all, I just like to praise one of the aspects of the WoW game that I like.
Blizzard has been creating this hype, FOMO WoW culture for years now. Remember when 7-8 years ago people started (maybe even before) paying real money to high Arena rankers to team up and push their ranks?
There is little you can do. Animal spirits rule the day. I try to focus on those that have a more balanced view and the odd number of players who really enjoy the game.
It seems like all the later dungeons have massive parts skipped all to min max and farm reward. The expectation to gear a certain way otherwise be excluded from end game content is killing the game.
I have had tanks and dps /w me saying stupid crap like il tank your dungeon if I can HR this or that. Instant ignore… my dungeon grp is not some playground for ego monsters to have thier own way.
Yeah, Tanks and Healer playing their role for extra rewards (rune, HRs, boe) is the same abomination as all the endgame HR runs.
Tbh I cba to play this game at all anymore if not 4 of my friends are online