HR is killing classic

Was the same in 2019 Classic. Didnt kill that either. It´s bad, just dont join these runs. On the other hand I can understand to reserve some items if you specifically hunt one.

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Got a bit off but I think there are some relevant thoughts, so keeping it.
I mean, is it off?
I just made a case on why tanks are scarce and why HR makes sense. Meh :cry:

I think there are two distinct scenarios:

I as tank want to receive the tanking gear if it drops.

Completely valid in my view.
Someone just posted a thread about a rogue needing a 2H on last boss, because.
Also applies in reverse, tank shouldn’t take 2H or intellect cloth.

Thing is, tanks & healers are poor by design. Whether because daily 120g at trainer or absolute zero outdoors income due to being slow, take your pick.

(I’m the latter. By the time I would kill guardians, someone takes the node. In dungeons, the hunter skins, the dps warrior mines, the dps druid herbs. I tried in 2019, I hated everyone, I was mining 220 by the end of Classic. BC also requires to be born with 325 for Adamantite, so I was 270 by WLK. My level 32 warrior now has 8 gold. I will still walk to Stratholme and I won’t afford going to Tempest Keep.)

This also leads to greed, which is more like desperation.
Two solutions are RMT and role satchels (RDF rewards).

I as tank, healer, organizer… want to be paid for my service, but of course it’s borderline forbidden so you’ll be nice and pass on everything, mkay?

Same category for me as selling a boost for gold.
Yes, it is a service, but so is everything.

In our country, a few years ago some politician said: being a caring child is a service, should be paid and taxed. You can take this really far.

Well if I have to take PUGs for a run I never did HR anything but it ends up instead that if you need 1 item from whole UBRS you do not want DPS warriors or ask them specifically if they need a tank carpace (the DPS warrior BiS is in BRD a mail chest).

But I think its actually better to ask ppl what they need (a DPS warrior might need all the plate items and ring from last boss or the swords from Rend etc. which I will not roll for) instead of just invite 5 rogues since they cant use the carpace (and its hard to get casters or hunter and most easy to invite rogue DPS). It also sometimes ends with rogues being sad its 5 of them but since I usually can provide healers from guild they rather go than wait forever for a group.

I felt like announcing “HR” when LFM sounded like “those bad guys” but thinking about it isnt it the same as asking the DPS warrior who ask to join in /w if he want the tank chest from 5 % dropchance item.

Also would you not be sad if an item dropping once per 20 runs suddenly went to some leather warrior lvl 58 who also get uncontested all other items (at least plate) in whole dungeon (maybe except the ring and sword since rogues also need it)?

So maybe the ppl saying HR in LFG are just more honest instead of trying to fix the group so you can skip saying HR cause no one will need the item.

Than make your party group and go without HR’s, wtf
Literally no problem with that
Same with GDKP and other loot system, so many people playing that you can find any type of loot system in guilds/raids.


The problem with GDKP was people buying gold from bots to buy items and that naablets swiped their cards for quick loot instead of joining guilds made for casual raiding.

I had much better time filling raid roster without the gdkp than back in original Classic when people who werent good enough for the tryhard speedrunners just paid their way into a speed run with real money instead of progress the game.

The HR, SR and all other loot systems do not include any gold or cant be paid for outside the game so its a np. solution.

Ofc the best would be Blizzard able to ban the bots then GDKP would be as good as any system but as long as Blizzard cant ban goldfarm bots then it is what it is.


there is addon called badboy, just filter HR and you are fine :slight_smile:

than you are not raiding because TF 99% or the time is HR ed with raid matts. Only solution is personal loot, they claimed some QoL improvements in rushed fresh but they did not change anything. Only dual spec so far.

They added LFD (not RDF) which didn’t cause ripples in the end, but originally purists did yell wolf (retail). Apparently it was an acceptable change :slight_smile:

(I’d welcome it, but) I’m afraid personal loot would have a bigger impact, like we had GDKP threads for months. I’m sure a lot of people wouldn’t care but I suspect it would impact (prevent) both benevolent and self-centred loot distribution, so. I don’t expect Blizzard to confront this issue now. Maybe in a next iteration a few years down the line.

Maining a rogue in classic anniverisary. Every single rare and/or pre-bis thing i need as a rogue coming from dungs is being hardreserved by warriors.

Warriors call the shots, they decide how far in a dung “his group” will go, they even now only want 5x arena runs in BRD for SGC and no further than Rend in UBRS. They HR HoJ, they HR Felstriker, they HR the cloak from Rivendare, even the skinningknife in UBRS gets HRd (im LW+Skinner), they HR Truestrike shoulders, i’ve even seen a warrior with the dagger offhand from DM-W.

I’ve only done BRD since lvl 51, lost HoJ a few times to a warrior in tanking disguise (ofc) (apart from 1x DM-E and 2x UBRS).

The drops mentioned are so rare, it’s not even funny anymore and with my rogue i’m at the lowest end of everything. 3-manned with 2 other rogues angerforge too but HoJ didn’t even drop once.


I’m losing my appetite for this version, go figure out who’s to blame, maybe up the droprate on things.


At this point just enable personal loot, I’m tired of all items being HR.


HoJ is BiS for even deep prot tank warriors so every warrior wants it…

Old news.

Warriors are calling the shots at the cost of all my gearing up as a rogue, i’m not the only rogue who’s feeling their dominance, look at all the items they want to HR that i posted, you’re not getting around that with your old news.

They can chose to tank, i can’t, for me it’s nearly impossible to get into a group where i get a fair chance on 1 of those items without making groups myself in which i clearly have to HR stuff for myself.

As healer/tank i dont go with groups that HR stuff. Honestly it has come to a point where people get upset when i tell them.

“But no caster items are on HR wtf why wouldn´t you”

At least dual spec makes it easy for druids to fill both healing and tanking role.
But like every group has 2 warriors, leather geared, charges in, gets aggro etc etc. They are literally tanking anyway just sucking at it.

why would someone want to tank for a rogue that needs their items?


To bad that you cant chose to tank, im guessing it wasnt news to you that rogues cant tank outside of SoD.

Wanna know something funny, I never HR gear I find it a disgusting practice, but the likleyhood that I would take someone who behaves like you (blaming others for their bad luck and lack of planing) is so low that its laughable.

First you complain about “warriors in tank disguise” then I point out that its BiS even for tank warriors as a way to say that its not about tanks/“tanks” stealing dps gear. And then you once again blame others while answering that and fail to see the solution that is staring you in the face, you were almost there, make your own group and dont HR the things but at most maybe take 1 more person that might be interested in the same item.

Well why don’t you? Make your own group, don’t HR and have a fair roll against 3 other melee that will instantly whisper you as soon as you announce your non-hr group. Give them a fair chance :rofl:


I have no issues with hr groups. As a mage i could join a group with mh hr for exampel and wouldnt bother me at all.
I have seen groups with everything hr. But why would anyone join thoose groups.

Why would someone let ego get the best of them?

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if a group has HR and you hate it: Dont join.
If you see a group of strangers at the bus stop drinking alcohol and you hate it: Dont join.
Just go on, its none of your business. Let people do what they want to do.

You are playing down and over simplifying the issue.

It’s getting harder and harder to form regular groups. Tanks and healers are selling their roles in dungeons, which limits the already small pool of available tanks and healers.

DPS players are not getting a fair shot at the loot. Try and join a strat UD group that doesn’t have cape HR for tank, its quite frankly getting rediculous. Do you think those tanks are coming back to the dungeon after they get what they want? HR is giving the middle finger to a large portion of the player base and that’s unhealthy for the game.

But sure, double down on frustrating and unhealthy practises, watch the casual players leave the game and the ego monsters flourish.