HR is killing classic

this wasn’t just according to the asked change for the LFG system here but in general many other changes players are asking for to be made on classic, feel free to enjoy classic as much you like of course.

Retail included a lot of QoL stuff that lead to the current state of it. It became more oriented on the progress, content and collecting other then connecting with others, exploring and socializing.

I love some ideas and changes, but none of those would fit to the Classic. It’s just Classic, requires more time to level, reach areas, do dungeons, find groups, etc., but because of all those stuff every tiny upgrade or progress you actually feel. And because of the playstyle and time you have to spent on your character, you bond with it much easier and faster. I wouldn’t change that feeling for any QoL stuff.

Nobody really enjoys making their own groups, that is why those who do make a group want something in return for their effort. Like a guaranteed loot of their choosing if it drops.
Nobody is stopping you from making a group with no HR, I bet it will fill up really fast with people just like you :wink:

what is stopping me from making my own group me wanting to have an enjoyable experience, if nobody enjoys making groups why not have a more automatic dungeon finder (without the teleport to dungeon part)

I do not disagree with you. Just a rhetorical queation, what is a benefit of not having the teleport there? And if you say anything involving the word “Social”, please elaborate how exactly will the socializing take place during “afk 10 min while the hunter runs from Desolace to BRM”.

Most classic players aren’t asking for retail changes, you see what you want to see.

Right now blackrock mountain is a hotspot for pvp because everyone needs to go there to get to the dungeons/raid. If theres a dungeon finder system with a teleport this place would probably be deserted.

Honestly i dont see how a random invite lfg would change anything with hr.
I bet people would ask whats hr? The first thing they do when they join this random lfg idea.
Also nothing stopping leader of the lfg to hr items.

Oh, so it’s “I can’t grief you on your way to a dungeon if you teleport there”.
I see. So the teleporting has only positives for people actually using it.

But its the point of Classic PvP ppl are supposed to be griefed in the old nostalgic way. Just like if u get killed on warrior by a mage U bring a lock with felpuppy and spend 30 minutes lookin for it etc itd.

It is as its supposed to be timeconsuming and not skill based as retail. So if people dont like being murderd like 20 years ago on PvP servers then they should make chars on PvE servers.

My warrior gets usually ganked everywhere especially as tank specc but I would not like it to be removed from the lock alt the ability to murder them back etc itd.

Yeah, believe me, I get it. I rolled on PvE this Novemeber for the first time in 20 years and it was like breathing free after two decades of breathing through a face mask. Turns out being in the open world can be actually fun and relaxing, not just waiting for the next gank, hoping you can finish whatever you are doing before someone sees you.
Now being ganked on the way to a dungeon is just like a memory of a bad dream. Whoever told me PvP is the only way to play WoW back in 2004 played the worst joke of my life on me, I’m not even exaggerating.

Well I have never been ganked to the extent that you are telling about even when playing the worst class possible both as kid in 2005 and in 2019 and in 2025 aka warrior who is just as useless in deep prot back in 2005 as it is in fury/prot in 2025 for PvP.

You are literally walking around as living bait for all mages especially but even then havent been ganked when leveling in open world 1-60 back in Nov/Dec I think moar than 10-20 times on whole way to 60.

When playing an alt that can bite back like mage or lock its even less except for some lvl 60 ganker running around. But it was the same back then and also its fun if you somehow miraculously manage to kill yer ganker instead of dying :stuck_out_tongue:

Funny that, on RP-PvP server with Alliance majority, I’d often get killed 10-20 times per gameplay session, let alone all journey.
As a PvE specced mage the only classes you stand any chance against are PvE specced melees, who in turn would never attack a mage in open world to begin with, so my experience with PvP was 98% of Rogues, Shamans, Locks, Spriests, Hunters opening on me with literally 0 chance of retaliation.

Places would often just be camped/occupied to the point I just didn’t get to play that day, like when farming Wintersaber rep, sometimes the village would just be taken over by rogues with MC daggers or Warriors/Shamans with Hand of Ragnaros waiting for their BG to pop where all you could do is just accept you don’t get to play WoW that day and go do something else with your free time.
PvE realm is like heaven, I just deeply regret not making a switch back at the start of Classic, if not during Vanilla.

During SoM, decided to roll on PvP server for the first time. Reached level 40 and STV, got ganked, corpse camped and figured it is not for me due to lack of time. So I instantly quit and learned my lesson to roll only on PvE. If I want to kill some Hordies, I just join to BGs.

Players today often exhibit egoistic and narcissistic behavior, which seems to reflect broader societal trends. If I were a developer, I would suggest implementing the following changes to improve the loot system:

  1. No loot rule changes during dungeons/raids: Once inside, the loot rules should be set and remain unchanged throughout the instance.
  2. Need/Greed system adjusted: In raids, the Need/Greed system reward give players 2x loot from bosses, but the items would not be tradable. If everyone passes on the loot, it is left inside the corpse of the boss.

These changes might creates stronger guild communities based on trust and transparency. It also speeds up the time for people getting items…

I personally don’t like the loot system in Classic, I’m used to it - but it’s far from perfect.
I liked the personal loot that was introduced in like MoP - or later?

I would like to see everyone having 1 extra roll per dungeon/raid per week, where one can win either an item or gold. These items should obviously be bind on pickup.