HR is killing classic

diamond flask is phase 5. there is not any good dps trinket alternative as ally until DFT, until u get hoj it’s basically an empty trinket slot.

if rogues & hunters would stop rolling on warrior loot u would see a lot less HR. it also doesnt help that warrior is the only class capable of doing decent dps in classic

Should be rules against it and have it ended, its nothing good that comes out of it for the community as a whole.

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yes they did but i don’t think you’ll like their reasons considering your rant towards SoD. My guild in SoD doesn’t do anything sweaty such as speedruns, we’re currently at naxx, it’s fine. In the mean while i’m trying to get some stuff done in the anniversary classic.

That’s the problem i have as a rogue in anniversary classic, of all the classes that need HoJ we can’t tank, they can. So what’s left is either paying someone, which i can’t really afford, or go as 3 rogues, if then that trinket doesn’t drop and it keeps on not dropping then what can you do.

It’s actually quite big for rogues if you don’t mind, the extra attack is an extra chance to hit with poisons.

No it’s even worse, say if Felstriker drops in UBRS all of a sudden sword rogues become dagger rogues and whatever wep tanks become dagger tanks just because it’s purple.

That’s gonna be hard as warriors consider all rogue loot as warrior loot seeing what they dare to HR. I feel like rogues are falling hard through the cracks in this classic.

Yea the way rogues are designed in classic just makes them a leech. You are a worse DPS version of a warrior that provides much less utility to the raid. Why would warriors want to play with a rogue that doesn’t do imp expose?

The fastest fix would be to take battle shout from warriors and give it to rogues.

Rogues do actually bring utility other than expose armor but what ur saying only confirms my experiences that ppl in general don’t have a clue about rogues, at all.

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in dungeons sure 1 out of 10 rogues might be using CS kidney when the healer is drinking to speed things up. Blinds are rare too, 90% don’t use crippling. But no one cares about dungeon groups apart from maximizing your chances of loot or XP/H before 50.

In raids rogues have 2 uses (3 on horde):

Expose armor on bosses/mobs that live long enough, maybe the dudes infront of twin emps.
Disarm traps in BWL.
Stun adds on Sartura. (On ally you can just hammer of justice them)

The people that don’t have a clue how rogues work in a raid dynamic tends to be the rogues themselves.

Yes, cheapshot, kidneyshot, kick and sometimes even gouge.

Cheapshot goes at the cost of Ambush as an opener, kidneyshot goes at the cost of all buildup combo points that could have been used for a dps finisher, kick goes at the cost of energy that could’ve been used for combobuilder or finisher and gouge the same thing, just to keep casters from casting or have the tank take less damage or help out an overaggroing mage f/i, i can even use vanish to be able to use another cheapshot every 5 mins and then this…

Very rich coming from the king of AoE.

You can’t have it both, either you let a rogue dps and have them do good dps or you can have utility but stop crying about rogues being a leech that don’t bring anything other than expose armor to the table.

Oh and no one ever asks me to Blind, there’s never a need for it, neither do they ever ask for Sap. But we bring nothing to the table, clearly.

It makes sense to me. For example if I’m going to tank a dungeon it takes a lot more effort than dpsing, hring 1 item is fine then.

Most rogues don’t even play daggers so ambush instead of CS is not really a thing. And it should be done to speed up the raid itself. 4-10s of a tank taking 0 dmg is more valuable than a SS & eviscerate/slice and dice if it means your party does not stop.

Most rogues going swords also means just less loot for warriors and daggers are vendored, despite dagger being objectively better than swords on anything other than just getting RNG boss parses. It just goes to show the inherent selfish nature of those that play rogue.

I main warrior. So no reason to bring mages in to this, completely irrelevant. Even rogues that don’t use utlity don’t bring good dps, certainly not enough for me to want to roll on an item against them, I would much rather take another warrior if I had to choose between melee. If I run a dungeon where we don’t need the same items I don’t mind taking a rogue, though I still consider them rats.

You shouldn’t have to ask a rogue to use kidney, cs, blind, kick etc. Just like you shouldn’t have to ask a warrior to taunt, a mage to blizzard or sheep, a priest to heal or someone to buff.

At first, i’m a dagger combat rogue and ppl don’t have to ask me to use utility but i use it where i see it fit f/i on casters but also when i see tank and/or healer are struggling, all just to make sure the run goes as smooth as possible.

The crippling poison btw, i stopped using that in my endless BRD adventures to get HoJ because they die soon enough (crippling poison also goes at the cost of my dps).

But you don’t understand that when i don’t need to use utility, i do very good dps even with my not so great gear but you can’t have it both ways.

I haven’t raided btw but i would love to have those daggers land in my bags in raids.

So now back to hard reserving stuff. The reason why i’m not so greatly geared is that the stuff i need from dungs get hard reserved, constantly. And because i can’t get progress on my gear, there’s not a lot that keeps me in classic and will keep on prioritizing raiding in SoD on 2 chars instead of the original plan to prio only 1 char in SoD.

ok let’s assume you do great dps (which is still basically on par with a hunter)
Any other class just dpsing still brings utility like party buffs or warriors that sunder, demo shout and can easily off tank.

Now why should a warrior bring you along and roll against items they need? Why do you deserve it when they have to do the actual job? Most warriors don’t even enjoy tanking, especially not in classic, most warriors don’t even want to play warrior but do so as it’s the only good dps class in classic. You make ZERO sacrifices playing rogue, it’s by far the most selfish class you can ever play

Yeah i’m quite done with this convo with you, good luck.

you too bro maybe with some luck u can roach yourself to prebis before bwl is out

I think the faster pacing of this version also creates unnecessary FOMO effect, where people are afraid of not being able to gear up ‘in time’. Question of course rises, what are you gearing for?

Are you playing for the joy of the game or just playing for sake of playing? AV has become unbearable recently, matches reaching one hour mark. People are joining AV, and expecting the team to do all the objectives and tasks, while they themselves afk.

It feels like people are clocking in to play wow like they are going to work, and not for the social - roleplaying aspect that people used to log in for.


Well hoj is really good. Sgc wont happen😅
I had 0 problems finding groups without hr on hoj or sgc, but it was 1-2 months ago. Maybe its to late ingame idk. But on my main warrior i dont even have sgc, i did 30 runs with no luck and gave up😅
But there is plenty of altenatives than sgc. Im using the scholo one for exampel that gives 2%crit and 10str etc.
So you might wanna join a group that does hr on shc but not hoj etc☺️

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Doesn’t have to :slight_smile:
We have different personalities and backgrounds.

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I see nothing wrong with it for two reasons :

  1. You are not forced to join those groups.
  2. You can always create the group yourself and do the same.

I’m all for fairness, but I am leading two raids weekly and I see nothing wrong with getting 1-2 guaranteed items for all the time and effort I put into looking for people, planning he raid, baby sitting those sitting in fire and laying down the tactics (however brief) every raid, having to watch what others do with more attention than I pay to my self game-play and so on.

yea its so hard to find groups in the group finder that dont have any HR, at this point i think ill much prefer a more automatic LFG system that forces group loot so I wont have to deal with the 1000s of HR, lvling was a lot of fun but endgame has been a pain in the a** thus far with this community.

Truely fascinating, nowadays there is not much to be seen from the “lets relive classic like in the good old days because retail sucks” instead players are asking for more and more retail changes in order to stop degen player behavior almost like blizzard was actually right about the changes to the game in wotlk and past of it and retail is not that bad after all. I don’t hate classic nor retail but this is the observation i made.


I think retail has some great things going for it and i dont hate it, but imo classic world feels much more alive because ppl have to travel to dungeons and dont have flying mounts. an automatic lfg system that doesnt teleport ppl to dungeons would not ruin this. I personally dont enjoy having to make my own groups in order to avoid having my loot HR’ed.