Snake Eyes survived the first tier of Nathria, acheiving our goal of AotC quite comfortably and we are now looking to fill the spots left over from the content drought that caused people to quit!
Currently looking for:
Melee DPS with decent tank offspec
We are a casual guild, we will aim for AotC each tier and then if we have plenty of time and people, some mythic bosses. Ideally you would enjoy actually spending time in the game, chilling or doing m+ and that.
We have good banter, and would suit anyone who isn’t going to bring drama and just wants to play the game.
Raid nights are Thursday and Sunday, from 2030 to 2300 server time, because I’m old and set the times to suit myself. It’s a perk.
If this sounds like your cup of tea, then get in touch with me on either bnet ID Dezzeh#2492 or Discord Dez#7975
Small update, we’re not super actively recruiting anyone for raids but can squeeze in a couple more dps. Another healer and tank for M+ would not hurt either!
Man finding new members for your guild in this game is a real challenge outside of people you already know. Still looking for a healer, and some range.
Oi oi, another update, looking to strengthen the 9.1 roster.
Could use a second, full time tank who knows their stuff and isn’t afraid of their own voice on Discord.
Need one/two more healers for M+ and raids.
Potentially spots for DPS if you aren’t a jabroni.