Hunter low dps

Thats a declaration of war, be grateful im in Florida for three weeks

but will be home soon.

I’ve been banned from this forum more times than you’ve probably had hot dinners. It’s a particularly oversensitive place. So it doesn’t scare me, means I’ve got a good excuse not to have to deal with you lot :smiley:



Never mind.

Irn* /char

Not a Scot but equally baffled by those who enjoy the flavour of licking rusty nails.

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If I wanted help (and in the past I have) I will go to Trueshot Lodge, the Discord, and solicit it. What happened was he tried to pick apart my performance as the source of my problems. Whereas I am trying to deal with other factors here. Besides, as I have said, me and MM don’t necessarily agree with one another, dunno why, I never do well with it but I quite enjoy playing it for some reason. Until then it doesn’t seem to work any more.

Scratches Ellipsis into letters of Fire and Sword with a bloody nail

He offered help, you accepted. He gave advice and then you crapped all over him. /golfclap.

Is your gear fully enchanted? Do you have a tier set? Do you have 2x embalishments appropriate to your class? Are you using right trinkets? Do you use flask/rune/food? Are you knowledgeable with the dungeon to use your cd’s properly? Do you have proper stats on your gear?

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I gave link to my logs and said “knock yourself out”. I really did not solicit his help but he was more than willing to impose it thinking he was some sort of demigod himself.

Lets call it tacit approval then eh?

Why couldn’t you just take it as face value that he was attempting to be helpful? He gave you one concrete tip to work on.
Every time something has been raised here, you have the option following two rough paths.
One is to accept something at face value, consider it and decide whether or not to to act on it. The other is to lash out, make excuses and insult. You’ve chosen option 2 every time, to everybody who does not fully agree with you.

It’s no skin off my nose, but if constructive criticism is given you should be more mature about accepting it. (Yes, yes, I know, rich coming from a simp etc). Anyway, this ran its course ages ago…

Because in the context of the discussion, he was attempting to “school” me that I was the source of my problem, whereas I was trying to discuss “the state of MM hunter”, the clue was in the title. Otherwise I would’ve started a thread with “why am I such a crap MM hunter?”. See, a massive difference. Big bollocks thought he could wade in and school me and that it was all my fault. That was not up for discussion.

Because youre not getting it that using the world first guilds as an example is a bad argument?

People are pointing out that even with hunters being on the low spectrum you can mitigate much of it by simply being a better player. And youre not playing on a level where this balance difference would be that visible.

Yeah maybe youre trying. But there is still a lot of room to improve.

So are you.

There is absolutely no way on earth that this guy who has been insanely defensive calling everything said in this thread a personal attack is now claiming the forums are an ‘oversensitive place’ lmao. Why is it always the most offended oversensitive people that say this.

My point in my feedback was not ‘you are garbage’ and anybody who reads it will agree. My point was that instead of spending hours and hours raging on forums and being offended when people disagree, this time would be more positively spent actively working on improving and getting better at the game/spec. Arguing on here is going to net 0 performance increase, spending time on dummies/guides/WCL will at least net you some.

Download Hekilii and smash buttons.

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This logic makes no sense because, sure, specs can be judged in a bubble and some are objectively better performing.


The moment you judged the state of something based on your own experience, then, your performance must be decent enough to give you a non skewed perspective.

I respecced dps in raid the other day cause there were too many healers and literally smashed my hand on the keyboard without a clue.

Ranking like 12 or lower per ILvL, does that give me the right to say evoker is underperforming and to have a talk about the state of evoker based on that?

Of course not, it is pretty obvious that my dps gameplay is what is lacking the most in such scenario.

Be it rotation, PI, embellish, stat or whatever else, my performance was literally on the bottom of the spectrum. There is not much else to say about it.

A 427 hunter almost outdpsed you on Amalgam HC, that should ring a bell?

You cannot talk about hunter MM state based on that performance as much as i cant talk about devo one based on my performance.

EDITED TO APOLOGIZE : I’m a stupid goof that confused “MM” and “BM” because I thought this whole thread was about BM only, I’m very sorry if I was rude to you.


Doing fine while being in the bottom 5 of all the parses you linked seems weird to me.

Ok, Raids are not really the best place to do massive damage with a Beast Master, since we really shine against packs of 5-7 targets with 3 stacks of Frenzy and Bestial + Kill Cleaves active, monotarget we can reach “decent” numbers as long as we can focus solely on keeping said 3 stacks of Frenzy active.

I don’t know what you wanted to do with those links, but it had the opposite effect : bottom five is not doing fine, it’s a “failing grade” in every school and university on this planet.

The person in question is MM. BM is not doing well in raids absolutely, and keys it has issues with its lack of on demand burst / cooldowns to assign to packs alongside ramp up.

The OP is BM though, but he’s also struggling to keep up with people a whole raid tier behind him in gear and while BM is having a bad time in keys and the spec definitely needs more than the 5% it just got, it’s not that far behind.

Yes, I realized that just after posting … I’m a stupid goof that confused “MM” and “BM”, I’ll apologize promplty.

Hunter dps is fine what are you talking about?

You are giving examples about low ilvl speedrun raiding at first week this never been relevant.

You are right , you only dealing ‘‘some’’ damage because of ilvl , your ilvl parses are terrible. When you getting grey ilvl parse you can’t blame the class for it

EDIT : Also mr i don’t know how to play my class and i don’t know how to check ilvl parses , gratz on your forum ban and if you continue harassing people in game like that you will receive another ban soon but this time in game. I happily reported your harassment in game.
Checking this tread and see people tryed to help you and you keep ignoring and s**t talking back to them . Deserved forum ban and hopefully deserved mute or probably in game ban will happen to you for harassing people that doesn’t agree with you here in game.

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