State of MM Hunter

Do you have any logs so we can help you with your damage issue?

Do you also have any examples of places were you struggle defensively? Because from my experience our defensiveness is perfectly fine for most damage types, only really rashok mythic has felt rough - any keys upto 20s has been completely fine.

None of the top 3 Sarkareth kills included a hunter. At all.

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My logs are out there but you’ll probably just call them rubbish. I’m just a guy trying the best he can to do as well as he can and hitting a wall. Plus you’re 439 ilvl…makes a lot of difference, we don’t all get that opportunity.

But if you think they are rubbish then why not focus on improving rather than asking for buffs. MM is in a mediocre spot right now, not amazing, not awful, but why not try and improve rather than just praying for buffs that might not come?

My ilevel is irrelevant, most of my kills/m+ spamming was week 1 with 422 ilevel.

I’ve optimised as far as I can but it never seems to make any more difference. Here, have a look, have a field day:

I mean by far the biggest factor effecting your damage is just activity time. On your best magmorax kill you have 85% activity time - which you want as close to 100% as possible. This is essentially 15% lost damage on average, which is huge. This is a pretty common reason for peoples damage being lower than expected honestly, and it’s also super hard to diagnose unless you know to look for it.

There are some minor things like a consistent opener and such, but the minor things will pale in comparison to the activity time mentioned above, it would be an absolutely huge gain to improve on this. Again, not personal, this is something most people lose damage with.

There’s a lot going on, it’s hard to have that much uptime. I don’t know how you all manage to do so f**king perfectly within the first couple of weeks. Besides, that doesn’t address my issue…being as squishy as…

So I just don’t know how to fix this. Guess I’ll just delete the game, looks like people like me aren’t allowed to have an opinion on things and is gatekept by people like you.

Good for you, we’re not all the immense ball of talent that you are mate. Some of us are just normal people trying to play to the best of our abilities. I try to improve - in vain. I’ve been at this for years and I’ve just plateaued and gone backwards at some point. So for us “mere mortals” this means we won’t be able to get into keys, we won’t be able to get into decent raiding. It kills the game for it. But from your high and mighty position you don’t see that, it’s very comfortable up there isn’t it? Yeah, you’re the final straw for me quitting this game. I’m out.


Please explain how I gatekept in anyway?

You said you had a damage issue, and I offered you some advice on how to improve it. You literally gave me permission to take a look lmfao.

So why on earth are you being rude and personal?


I did explain, for those of us who aren’t part of a fantastic guild and aren’t click-perfect it’s not that easy. We need help to compete out here.

As I said, I’ve plateaued and have difficulty getting better. Takes me a long time to get used to encounters and perfect my style but no one has any kind of time or patience. So you’ve very much gatekept me, you’ve basically said I am not allowed my opinion because my performance is not absolutely spot-on perfect.

I have no idea how your brain does it, never will. But you’re the “elite” in this game, and it’s like royalty in WoW.

No, I suggested that instead of trying to change something you cannot control (Balancing, literally no balancing is done because of complaining on forums I assure you), and focus on something you can control (personal performance).

I am not sure why you are so offended.

Because I am squishy. My character performs like dogs**t for its item level and the slightest thing kills me. I’m not the best player and I’m not the worst, but white knights like you don’t help in the slightest.

If you are going to just insult me, i’ll pass on attempting to help. Good luck :slight_smile:

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Shame this thread turned into a sh*tshow.

Regardless how Sausageroo performs, fact remains 1. MM was inflated post 10.1 due to the onyx ring and 2. the MM tier set is the worst DPS gain in the game currently.

No one can dispute that and that is what should be focussed upon.

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you know something iv learned in my few years of this is as the game as gone one more and more people want to be good at everything.
you cant balance a game like this classes need Niche areas.

quite often the only barrier to participation is a group percieved one. not meta or fotm dont get invited but the reality is all classes are viable to quite high keys.

thats not to say tweeks cant be had, but often as mentioned above you arent expected to be able to play at top 1% but dont then being buffed to compensate for it is also terrible for the game.

someone at some point has to take a turn being lower on the logs or the game stagnates is just how it is. some classes have been far worse for far longer im sure.

each class forum is full of people whining about how bad their class is compared to another one, it becomes an unhealthy obsession to be fair.

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Sadly it’s the age we live in. People look at MDI and RWF and then make their decisions based on that, selecting only the best-performing classes/specs for whatever content they run. Sites like wowhead and Icy Veins don’t help the situation either by constantly posting articles on the performances of each class and spec for raids and M+, further skewing peoples’ perceptions despite almost every class being viable for the content as @Alasean pointed out. People no longer want to think for themselves.


I would say the reverse, they simply highlight issues. Now if only the devs would pull the finger out and put everyone on a level playing field.


No - they highlight poor data with absolute zero nuance added. There are many reasons and factors why statistics are the way they are, and wowhead highlights none of it. This heavily skews things to look worse than they are. Here are some examples of why raid statistics are bad, when you add no context:

  • Better specs are played more by better players, so the better specs skew even higher than they should, because the average playerbase is better. Likewise, weaker specs are shown even lower than they should be, because it will be played by a far more casual player on average/people who care less about max performance. This makes the gap between better and weaker specs far bigger than it’s ‘real’ value. If top players suddenly play the weaker specs - those specs would rise. This is why sometimes a mere 3% buff can make a spec seem WAY better - it’s just because it makes better people play it.

  • Top performing specs often get PId, which push them even further ahead. This applies right now to things like unholy, demo, destro, etc.

  • Some specs are better at certain fight types. Last tier BM was an excellent example of why overall boss statistics are useless. It was a very strong spec, the best ST spec in the game at times, yet was almost last on overall. This was purely because even on AoE fights, BM played pure single target for boss damage. This made it look really bad overall, but it was an extremely powerful spec.

There are a million other factors. As people above have mentioned, unless you are raiding world first or pushing the absolute rank 1 keys, class balance is more an issue of community perception than actually gatekeeping you from content. We have had some of the best class balancing we’ve ever had this expansion - but it’s 2023 meta gaming so people flock to whatever their favourite streamer says is good, when in reality it’s meaningless.

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Jesus Christ this thread was hilarious.

Jerby tries to help a person and gets the most emo self pitying response its possible to get.
It’s not the class sausagearoo, its you. You can work on whats in your control and try to make small incremental improvements or you can rely on external factors like “them changing the class” I’d suggest the former.

Also, statements like “no hunters were used on the world first kills of …”. What the fudge does that have to do with you? Those teams normally have very specific setups designed around the specifics of a fight. Statements like this don’t add credibility to your assertions, they make a joke of you making them.

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