I am going to camp every boosted 58 I see until they quit

Lucky for us Bliz likes money, so they won’t abandon the boost, I expect all services available in retail to make it over to classic and a lot sooner than they were implemented originaly.


p2w my a… lol. you can get to the same level by playing, they have no edge over you other than time. they dont get special gear, they dont get special skills, they dont get a pvp advantage, they dont unlock special content. you either level or buy a boost simple as that not everybody has the time or nerves to level for hours everyday and just because you did doesnt mean they have to go through the same crap. cry all you want its a bussiness and blizzard will implement boosts.


But I’m not the one who is ‘crying’. You are the ones who are doing that. You choose to play an MMO, in which leveling your character is a staple part, but whine and complain that can’t be bothered to play it properly because it takes too much effort - so you insist that Blizzard allows you to skip parts of the game for real cash.

You even admit that you lack the ‘nerves’ to level your character, and so you hope to use your credit card to give you an easy ride.

But guess what? You still have to level from 58 - 70. Oh dear. Hope you can spare enough of your valuable time to do so.


Blablabla. You aint killing nobody. Grow up kid.
People who want to get a boost are free to do so. You have problems with it? Take it to Blizz. Yea your right, they dont give a crap about what you think as do i


You can gank people in retail too. Classic’s not for you.

Sad people have to feel this way about a GAME. If people can have fun by using a boost, so be it, let them get on with it. Not like it’s a new concept. I take far more offence to the dungeon boost meta and other things that actually damage the game economy and systems (i.e. bots, multiboxers, layer abusers, and the like).


Retail is the game for you then!


You won’t :slight_smile:

@OP Same.
But i wouldn’t be surprised if they sold ingame bis items on cash shop to “help” boosted boys soon enough.

Sad people have to feel this way about a GAME. If people can have fun by ganking a boostie, so be it, let them get on with it. Not like it’s a new concept. I take far more offence to the dungeon boost meta and other things that actually damage the game economy and systems (i.e. bots, multiboxers, layer abusers, and the like).


it doesnt give me the same feeling as classic. retail just sucks. bunch of clusterf!ck effects and spells i dont really like it. i played on wotlk private servers for too long and i wanted to play on official servers but ill just wait.

no, retail is garbage. from wod to shadowlands retail sucks.


To each is own, but where you are headed is griefing territory, which is still a bannable offence. Not that modern Blizz is likely to act on it as if they can’t automate it, they don’t care anymore.

Also why I play on a PVE server these days. I have no need or desire to stroke a superiority complex by ganking defenceless lower level characters and I don’t appreciate getting stunlocked by a rogue while I’m standing around harmlessly fishing on my priest just because…

That i can agree with, despite you acting like a child in the previous thread

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Haha, are we getting banned for PvPing on a PvP server?
Very nice. Maybe they should sell banning services in the ingame cash shop as well for them retail babies.


There’s a difference between PVP and specifically targeting a group of players because they opted to use a boost. If you can’t see the difference, it’s time to take those sunglasses off. If those players report you often enough, that ban will happen and won’t be overturned, so enjoy at your own risk.

Also willing to bet 90% of those advocating doing this will themselves use the boost if it is free or extremely cheap. I know I will, the more ALTs to shuffle professions and make gold, the better.


You are delusional and you lost reality because of playing retail too much.
In phase 2, there were gankers camping players at every flight path, killing all the quest NPCs 24 hours nonstop, even in some servers there were campers waiting in front of banks in enemy capital cities AND at the graveyard corpse camping any spirit rezzers.

Not a single player has been banned. Stop being so soft.

If I play the game seriously, which I’m not so sure of because of paid boosts being added to the game, I will 100% boost some characters as profession alts. I might even boost like 20 characters and destroy the server economy(have 11 level 60s already anyway, so they can also be tailor/alch alts) because I have a lot of money irl.
That is why this boost is disgusting. It is so pay to win that if you’re unhappy with it, you will definitely use it. If you can’t understand the reasoning behind why someone who is against paid character boosts would want to use them to take advantage, I can’t help you.

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That’s actually not true. Whilst the Eula does say that one shouldn’t excessively camp someone, that rule hasn’t been enforced for years.

Blizzard even said themselves that they wont intervene on Classic when it comes to players fighting one another, unless they’re exploiting other rules whilst doing so. (Such as safespotting on Gadgetzan roof)

I think I have a better chance of beating Mike Tyson in a fist fight than you have of this boost being free. It’s not even going to be cheap, it’s most likely going to be in the same price region as the retail boosts.

I also took the liberty of checking and it remains an actionable offence under the harassment clauses in the ToS. If you read again, I did say the chance of it happening was low as Blizzard takes a very ‘hands-off’ approach these days (probably also due to having far fewer GM’s than they used to), but the underlying risk is still there. They also said the boost will be limited to 1 per account, which pretty much negates the pay to win argument, unless you want to pay for 20 accounts just for the boosts, in which case I wish your bank account good luck.

Also, kindly stop with the half-arsed attempts at insulting me, I haven’t seriously played retail since Legion and only gave SL a very casual month.

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No there is no such thing in EULA and there has been absolutely 0 records of a player being banned for pvp ever since the game was launched in 2005. You are just making it up, but feel free to report every ganker in the game, you might get banned yourself in the end for making false reports because that is actually possible.

For someone rich irl, this “money” is one dinner bill. 20 accounts means 230 euros per month for subs, then you pay 1000 euros for boosting those 20 characters. (if boost is lets say 50 eur per) So for 1230 euros you got yourself an ingame gold printing company that will make around 20k net gold every transmute cd(2-3 days) early in TBC.
So if you can spend 1-2k euros up front irl, which is again as I said, nothing for a rich person, then you win. That is the definition of p2w.

Then, of top of that, think about the BOT COMPANIES (yes, there are actual companies with employees that makes gold via botting, boosting etc. then sell gold in RMTs). Now, getting a bot to level 60 to start making money normally takes 2-3 weeks, levelling by botting. Now, then can just pay the price and start botting from the first hour.
So, imagine if you were running a botting company. You have a net 50k euros annual revenue from selling gold. Would you not buy the boost and waste 2 weeks of your employee botting to level? I would probably buy many, many boosts and send them all to outlands zones to start printing gold. If they get banned, no worries, it takes 2 minutes to buy another boost and send it back to botting.
This will be so lucrative for richie richs and botters that even normal players will be incentivized to either bot or make transmute alts.

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1 thing the boost is doing right :
You finally see how many immature kids exist in the comment section.

The boost will be good for the game.