I am heavily disappointed in the UI of Rated PVP Finder


I am a player that did not really play WoW for a long time and when I did it was for short bursts and I never really stuck to it. I always had 0 interest in PvM and only PvP.

My point, the ui for rated premade group finder has been the exact same basic bum ui for years and years with 0 improvements.

Its so easy to add two more things and make life way better for everyone:

  • a CR requirement
  • a Versatility requirement

Works just as same as iLvL requirement.

And when people apply to your group just show their CR next to their iLvL in new Column.

For what ever you believe in’s sake. How did you not add these super easy features for years makes me confused.

But thanks for shadowlands, at least pvp gearing and pvp is fun.




very good idea.

Should display cr, full stat info, xp on the class that season, alts etc.

Nowdays everyone write 2300 xp for some reason and then they play like dogs and loose on 1700, classic one

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Isn’t that everyone these days, it’s the Classic Andy: )

Then there are other basic things like making it possible to have a listing up in the group finder, while at the same time queuing and doing stuff like BGs and dungeons through the dungeon/bg queue.
Or making it possible to queue for 2v2 rated while still searching for a 3rd with a listing in the group finder.

It’s really weird how they’ve never made that possible.


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