I am stuck on Flamelash Server, how did this happen?

This is a dangerous precedent created by the PVP terrorists. Blizzard needs to change their policy on PVP harassment. I have a simple solution and please someone explain to me why it hasn’t been thought of.

The solution is this: Make it so that when you right click on your portrait and you disable PVP, you are invulnerable to enemy players. For those who want PVP, let them have the option enabled. For those who don’t want to be camped and harassed, unable to progress in the game, let them have the option to play.

And don’t give me the “roll to PVE” bull. When all the boats are filled with enemies and you simply can’t go to one zone to another and progress in the game, it’s not PVP anymore. It’s terrorism.

Waiting for Blizzard to update on this issue @

I’m hoping this is sarcasm but I’m really unsure if it is. However, I’ll bite.

Your solution already exists…on PvE servers. It is the fundamental difference between the two types of servers. Probably why no one from PvE server are complaining about wPvP.

You also have that option on PVP servers and it does nothing. Why is it there anyway?

Just reroll on another server.
Make sure to keep your char incase they open transfers in the future.

Sigh, always one of these :frowning:

Just reroll another server? I wish it was that easy

There’s no alliance left… how can she play the game… LOL

What are your other options? Play the game on your own solo? Join the Leftovers guild which has from what I hear, most of the active Alliance players?

It’s actually not up to Blizzard to manage faction balance on servers. They sometimes do Free Character Migrations and maybe one day you’ll see available Alliance transfers only, to Flamelash… but they’ve never really tried to balance individual servers, for the past 15 years at all.

Flamelash alliance get higher ranks easy. Thats a major QoL adjustment.

Instead of farming 300k+ a week you might only need 100k.

You will be absolutely disappointed if you expect Blizzard to balance the servers. It is impossible.

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One day of AV to get grand Marshall in 12 weeks lol

Correct world is delusional :smiley:

Guaranteed. Less than 600 active level 60s, some of which might not even play that much.

Top 20 = not even middle of pack on other servers.

It was blizzard that created this mess by allowing free transfers from Flamelash to other servers. Thats the main reason this happened so its up to them to resolve this issue.

Not all of us moved to other servers, I canceled my subscription (9 hours left). Time to hit them where it hurts, there are plenty of other games out there.

Bliz won’t re-open free transfers based on posts like these. There was plenty of time, but there’s ALWAYS someone who miss the boat. You have 3 options now, and 3 only:

  1. Wait for paid transfer (it’s not offcial that it’s coming, so…might not)
  2. Unsub and never come back
  3. Reroll on another realm
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I guess ill stay or wait for paid transfers!

How the hell could you lead a guild (other than exceptionally poorly to non-exsistantly) and not know (using your figures) that 499 of the member in that 500 (or upto 1000) members were going to leave to another server and leave you all alone.

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