I bought a lvl 60 boost today... and I'm shocked and disappointed

This is why that nobody should waste their money on them and their useless services. The shop is keeping them afloat. Stop using it and watch them sink further into obscurity.

You got what you paid for - a level 60 boost.

What you’re asking for is a ‘ready for current content’ boost, and they’re not selling that.


It’s advertised as that though.

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OP here. These forums never fails to amaze me. Unfortunately most of the times in a negative way, like many answers in this thread.

I’m playing WoW to have fun after work. What’s fun to me and what’s not, or what’s fun to you and what’s not may differ. If you enjoy leveling and everything that comes with it I’m more than happy for you. But if I decide to take my money and boost a char, because I hate leveling and every second of it, there’s no reason for some really childish answers.

That being said, I understand why leveling is a must at the start of an expansion and it’s ok for me at that point. And as I said, in Shadowlands I already leveled four chars, one for each Covenant. And while three of these chars for sure were less and less fun to me after the first one, because most of it was redundant, it was ok.

But now, with the opportunity of a lvl 60 boost and after already having leveled four chars, including everything from the Covenants, the campaigns, the Maw, Korthia, the Renown, the pre 9.1.5 grind for the Archivists and many things I forgot, I’m just not willing to do it a fifth time.

Yet, after the boost and having done everything before four times, you basicly get nothing. Yes, I can now ride in the Maw (unlike I wrote in my first post) but I didn’t get the quest step until Renown 46 and going back to Oribos. And besides that everything I wrote still stands. I get bombarded with quests. Most of which I already forgotten exist.
Half a dozen quests in Oribos. Quests for Tazavesh. Quests in/for the Maw. Quests in/for Torghast/the Runearver. Quests in/for Korthia. No conduits. No Powers. Etc etc…

Unlike many others I have no problem with paying for the game, timegated stuff, rep grind, currency grind or even borrowed power grind etc. But at some point it’s enough. We are one year into Shadowlands. It’s the era of the QoL patch. You have perfect (yet expensive) product for alts. Blizzard said Shadowlands is the alt-friendlist addon every. However, creating an alt, even after having done and seen everything multiple times, doesn’t feel like fun but punishment… at least to me. And what is it good for anyway? To keep me in the game and subbed? If anything at all this makes me want to quit.

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Buyer beware is all I can say.

Get a refund?

That’s the only bit of factual information in there. There’s stuff about not missing the opportunity to take part in current content and taking your adventure to new heights, but there’s nothing that specifically says your boosted character will be ready for current content.

Standard marketing language. (And if you want to argue about marketing language being misleading, that’s a much bigger topic and it needs to be directed at practically every company on the planet.)

Just to be clear, when you say you hate levelling, you mean levelling and not just the questing part. Just that you don’t need to quest to get to 60. Seems a lot of money when you think a game card comes in at .33p [ UK ] a day. If you spent 10 days it would amount to 3.30. I was under the impression that the games makers based the costs on lost revenue from the time you save not levelling. That would be a good way of assessing cost. But at those costs it really makes no sense. Appears to be a simple cash grab and taking advantage of the very lazy and or those that just don’t have the time.

PS I have three boosts on my log in screen and with each expansion I seem to get another and they just keep changing the cap level. So I’m assuming they all now go up to 60. Not that I am going to use any. I love levelling… er not questing. Just levelling.

it pleases me greatly that its such an inconvenience :wink: thanks for the 60$ i guess

I’m not sure who this was addressed to, but I’ll answer.

Yes, I hate levelling, not just the questing part. I want to get to endgame and do the current content, not slog my way through old content (on a character with half of its abilities missing) yet again.

on my freshly capped alts I can’t mount in the maw either, I had to save baine, and do the korthia introduction to be able to mount in the maw, and if there’s a skip for that, I didn’t find it.

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You dont have to safe baine anymore, you can skip

the covenant tutorial
the maw quests
the korthia quest

where is skip npc

Thank god.

i’d be shocked and disappointed too if I wasted my money on Shadowlands :stuck_out_tongue: also boosts generally give you the minimal effort frankly they could just give you the lvl and minium ilvl and most people would be ok with that i think anything exstra is a additional service

I don’t do endgame. I only level characters. Was just trying to help if you simply wanted to get to 60 without questing. But you do have to level… well unless you buy the boost. Anyhoo have fun with what ever you do in endgame. Fortunately it has never interested me.

So it is the time to buy gold for $400 and ask a guild to boost you 10/10M and shower you with 252 gear. Easy game.

It was Comp Stomp week last week, need I say more? XD

Edit: also I didn’t upgrade it 7/7. I said 3/7 which give 220 PvP ilvl.

Maybe you should check what up to speed actually means. Having far worse gear than someone lvling through dungeon spam isn’t up to speed on any level.

Not sure if this was meant to be funny or ironic but who cares? Everyone should be allowed to enjoy the game the way he or she wants to. If someone is rich enough and willing to spend 400€ so be it. It’s none of my biz and doesn’t hurt me at all.

I changed Covs last week and did Comp Stomp for Renown. It was a boring pain in the backend. Do I need to say more? I can absolutely understand everyone who tries to avoid all of this crap.

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i can’t kill the final boss, i have to kill those before