I can't enjoy pvp and it makes me sad

OP, just get a twink honestly
The perfect place is 39 or 49 lvl where variety of abilities is not much less than 60
Most of the games are pugged, you get equal amount of overgeared people on both sides

PREMADES RUIN PVP FOR EVERYONE! Is not fun to play against and is not fun to play in one. The only time premades are fun is premade vs premade, but when u get that games, one of the premades just give up cuz the game is taking too long. Ranking system is crap in classic and makes ppl look for the best way to get the most hour per hour. No one is enjoying PvP! They are only farming for the gear. No one will do PvP after they get what they wont. If this dont change ever, soon, no one will be doing PvP, because rewards will get outdated and no one will care for PvP, cuz it sucks the way its is now.
Make a simple system where, if u join solo or with a party, u will face solos or partys. If u join as raid, u will face raids. Thats simple change would bring everyone a fair game, where u actually can have fun and farm honor at the same time. At this moment, PvP is just grind, no one is having fun… #somechange


If tryhards get their rank by smashing pugs, but 9/10 BGs are against a premade, doesn’t that also mean that tryhards get matched against premades?

And yes, people do want their ranks fast. Why would anybody want to spend an extra month or two grinding battlegrounds?

Furthermore, you people are asking for a permanent solution to a temporary “problem”. Do you think people are going to premade for efficient honor once AQ and Naxx are out? No, because that gear is way better than the honor gear.

And lastly, what is your little queue change going to do about people wanting to play with a friend or two?

No, they don’t.

Premades are the classic experience, it’s a damn team game. If you want casual solo PVP either play retail or wait for TBC.

If you think people are going to roll over and abandon the most efficient honor per hour so little Mindout can have his fair game, you’re sadly mistaken.

If solo queue turns out more efficient than premading, you’re simply going to get tryhards using consumables in your solo queues. Think that’s fair? Just wait until Mr Warlord and Mrs Marshal ignore each other to graveyard camp you.

You’re not getting the “nobody cares about anything and everybody is inexperienced” Vanilla experience. That is just a dream, a dream long past.

Play at 59. It’s all pugs and you still play with every ability in the class.

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