I can't enjoy pvp and it makes me sad

Be the change

Hello. I’ve created Continent wide Premade discords for Classic.
By joining this discord(s) you will be able to find or form your own groups and use the voice channels, you will be able to discuss tactics with your fellow class or faction players, you will be able to praise or humiliate your opponents or teammates, post your clips from battlegrounds, memes or chat in the “general” about anything you want.
The moment you join the Discord(s) please go and attach the roles to open relevant for you category(ies).
To open “Sh*t show” and “Faction tactics” categories react for “Alliance or Horde” in the “add-role-faction-class”
To open Class discussion category react for “Class” in the “add-role-faction-class”
To open Realm category react “add-role-(type of realm you play)”
You’re allowed to react for multiple realms and factions if you play several.
AB EU https://discord.gg/5MUyz5m

AB NA https://discord.gg/XrKGArN

WSG EU https://discord.gg/Jb5gUGt

WSG NA https://discord.gg/FG8mp4M

P.s. I highly suggest changing your name into your main character name so people will have an easier time whispering you in game or tagging in “aftermatch” channel.

They are not your friends lulz, it s a game, get out make real ones. The ‘friends’ in WOW will trade ur dumb face for a piece of gear in an instant

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this idiot is in every post when it talks about premades. forums are for complains and compliments if you don’t like it shut up and don’t talk about it

Just because I don’t agree with you doesn’t mean that I am trolling.

It doesn’t matter how many people are asking for something is what you’re asking for is completely unreasonable. You’re simply asking for something that doesn’t belong in the classic game.

You might as well ask Amon Amarth to play Justin Beiber’s music.

That’s cute. A tip though; if you’re incapable of arguing with somebody, you may want to avoid questioning their intelligence.

Miylee has been my main for many years, and whilst I abandoned her on retail some time back, she’s always been my posting avatar. Why would I change that?

Forums are actually for discussions and if we; those opposed to your stupidity, keep silent, then we; those who actually wanted Classic, lose out.

Further more, the world isn’t one big circle jerk of people that share the exact same opinion. If you want that, go to tumblr, twitter or China.

Im sorry you are stupid.

So if 99% is asking something, that 1% consider unreasonable, it doesn’t matter? I also would like to be a tyrant, in my country, but we are talking about a game here, and the ONLY criteria, should be “do people enjoy this?” The question is, how many do enjoy the current situation in BGs, and how many feel frustrated.
For me, and for many others I guess. For you, it doesn’t matter…

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Premades need to be queued against premades and pugs vs pugs.


Too bad so many players can not see anything but black and white. Comparing this to how BFA turned out is utter nonsense. This change would actually make classic MORE how vanilla was like, not less.

No, i want classic bg’s to be pug vs pug which is very fun when it happens


very true man, real classic experience. It is also fun to premade but against other premade. in a pug you will experience more random strategy’s and more diffrent players; drama etc: : in a premade you have your strategy just need to fulfill it, different strategy’s for different playing types both should be encouraged not one trumping over the other. GG

Irrelevant. You aren’t the 99%.

But yes, that would be unreasonable. Do you think it would be reasonable for Taylor Swift’s audience to ask Amon Amarth to change their sound so that they (the Swifties) could listen and enjoy?

The real question is “Which people enjoy this?”

It’s a recreation of a modern game. Classic was never supposed to be marketted towards EVERYONE. It’s marketted towards people that want the old style of gaming.

It “doesn’t matter” to me because I knew what I was signing up for when I made my account on Classic. I knew what I was asking for for half of my life when I was wanting Classic servers.

You should have known the same.

No, it wouldn’t. Changing premades wouldn’t magically make people dumb and inexperienced again. Changing premades would just be the first step towards retail.

Remember, every problem with retail started with people saying “Casuals will quit if…”

After you wrote “It doesnt matter how many people want to change something”, you say it’s irrelevant? Not exaggerating but irrelevant?
That why I call you a troll.
It is not a game for experts and pros. It wasn’t in Vanilla at least.
My last reply to you. You don’t care at all, what people say and nothing could change that. Wtf are you doing in a forum?

Because it is irrelevant. What you’re wanting to change isn’t open for change.

Call me whatever you want, it doesn’t make you right and it doesn’t invalidate what I’m telling you.

That was 15 years ago, back when people were new and inexperienced. Not only were people inexperienced with WoW at the time, but the MMO genre itself was still young.

There’s no way for anyone to bring that back.

Perhaps then, one might try saying something different to me instead of the same thing over and over and over again?

It doesn’t matter how many different examples you pull into your arguments, it doesn’t matter how much you try to stretch my words. The core issue is simple, you want change a part of the game, something that doesn’t need changing.

And I’m here as a voice against all change. If we dont have voices like mine, all we have is a big circle jerk of people wanting their little “make the game more fair” changes to the game.

Ok, then you can play AV that is pug vs pug or wait a couple of months and play WSG/AB when people are no longer ranking.

You could just say that, and skip all the lectures.
We cant have the same experience? Yes its obvious that Classic is not a time machine. But you arguments aren’t about that. What I understand from your attitude, is that you don’t want the game to change at all, and tell people, that they are naive to even ask Blizzard to try to “fix” whatever is considered as an issue.
Unless you are an expert in WoW, there absolutely no chance, that “you know better than us”, about what should be done and if it is possible.
PS: I couldn’t help it and answered…

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This problem will eventually solve itself anyway. After 3 or 4 days of trying even the thickest solo queuers will realize its an utter waste of time doing wsg or ab. Av is not an option, because on ally side you always lose, on horde side the queue is getting too long. Premades will mostly meet premades and it will no longer be efficient to farm honor. Noone is going to be a winner and many will leave the game.


I’ve said that multiple times over. It isn’t my fault that people pick and choose which parts of my posts they wish to read.

My arguments are about people trying to change a game to recapture an old feeling, something that is completely impossible. You can completely remove communication from players and it still wont be vanilla, because people will still know their class as well as everybody else’s class.

I believe in the old saying “Don’t fix what isn’t broken”.

Define an expert? I know how your changes end, I’ve experienced it all before. I’ve experiened the people I’ve played with, I’ve experienced the people I’ve played against. I can tell you without a single doubt in my mind, that a “small” change like “premade vs premade” isn’t going to end the way you want it to.

There is simply no “make everything fair” button. You’d be changing the game for others and gaining absolutely nothing in the process, at which point all the people threatening to quit would just quit anyway.

The same will happen if the game changes to be premade vs premade.

If you want casual battlegrounds where nobody waits for efficient honor per hour, wait for AQ where R14 gear is no longer BiS, or wait for TBC. We waited a decade for Classic, you can wait a bit longer for your version of Classic where nobody cares about BG results.

If premade is matched against premade, all solo queuers win. As premades are not going to fight each other, they will have to join pugs, improving the group performance for all. Ranking will not be affected, because noone will have a better chance than the others. Try hards would still have to rank against other try hards.


Yeah… No.

Instead, you solo queuers will just rant about certain characters going in to BGs geared to the teeth and smashing you up. Or have you been blind to people crying about “twinks” for the past 2 decades?

There is no way that you win, you’ll just be trading one problem for another.

There will be high ranks on each side, solo queuers will obviously be happy with the ones they play with. But the truth of the matter is, try hards want to rank faster, which can only be achieved by smashing pugs. That is why you insist on keeping the current system. You couldn’t care less about pugs, you just want an easy and fast way to get your rank. So much about the classic experience.