I didnt think I will get bored so fast

Makes perfectly sense when you cannot be still on the mount.




I can give you the short answerr.


Normal flying now requires pathfinder, im unsure exactly why they thought giving us one form of flying, but locking the other form of flying was a brilliant idea.

This is likely the only thing i can agree with you on, as i view DF to be really good in all honesty.

But yeah. The fact we still have to wait a year for pathfinder, but we can dragon fly dont make alot of sense.

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The season hasn’t even started yet and you making posts moaning about being bored. Have you done Lore Master?
Leveled an alt or 2?
Have you done any Rep or Gear grinding in the Citadel?
Have you got a full set of Honour Gear?
Have you done the Mythic Glory Achievement?
Have you done all the Time trials and races?
There is loads to do and the Season isnt even out.
And if you have done all that, take a break. The game isn’t designed to be a full time job, play something different or do another hobby. This isn’t a Dragon flight problem its a MMO problem they aren’t infinite fun machines. Take the initiative and make some fun.

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I zoned out here. Yet another forum muppet.


if you seriously say that Dragonflight has nothing intereting to o comapred to let’s say, Shadowlands, you really have to re-think what are you seeking in an mmo and in this game particularly. Everything is moving since release.

There is plenty of people in the world to do the world activities, which are numerous, plenty of world quests to grind, the actual side quest packet is HUGE, on top on the main quest, and ll are interesting,

Since I started, I almost collected more toys and goodies than in all shadowlands, this xpac if FULL of new stuff to get out of the box.

There is the new profession, there is the new talents, I spent DAYS building up talents and trying them out in dungeons, there is almost 3 playstyle by spec now, as if having 2-4 specs by class was not enough variety. There is the dang dragonriding, the races.

PVP is on fire, but that’s my only negative point. The Ilevel you can achieve for a start of xpac make pvp full of raging grinders who are already 50 Ilevel above you, not really fun.

I have many, many, many, many alts, that I leveled in shadowlands because I was actually bored of this damn xpac pretty fast, here I could not even start to play one DF because I am just too busy with my main evoker, and I am on vacation so I have all the time in the world

If you feel bored of Dragonflight, already, I think it’s a “you” problem rather than the xpac (so far)

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Don’t worry though, those people are a sad minority. Just see the number of likes. The overwhelming majority is enjoying this expansion, and we all know there are TONS of things to do and have fun with…

Df is awesome so far and the seasons haven’t even started yet…


You swore the same love for SL when it was new.

Is the true essence of: “it’s to early yet”

I got the same belt (same name and ilvl) from 4 different chests over 2 weeks period. WoW’s RNG just selectively hates people.

That being said, sometimes I just enjoy flying around the zones. Dragonriding is awesome (though I wish they didn’t nerf the top speed), the ambience is great, the amount of stuff to do is overwhelming, but at the same time doesn’t feel like you HAVE TO DO ALL OF IT EVERY SINGLE DAY without pause like it did in previous 2-3 expansions… Overall I can say that I’m happy with it as a solo player (since all my peers “grew out” of WoW and as a working adult I don’t have time for organized content like guild raiding anymore)

Otherwise, the one thing I hate the most about this expansion is that Blizzard felt the need to make like 80% mobs in this expansion casters. It’s a pain while questing, it’s a pain in dungeons. Not everyone has a Death Grip, fighting packs of mobs with like 1 melee and 4 casters is ridiculous and makes everything drag out and people absolutely confused as to what casts to interrupt since EVERYBODY’S CASTING SOMETHING ALL THE TIME. And that’s a hunter main saying it. I tried leveling my enha shaman, but running around from caster to caster just because they refuse to go to you, and start casting something else instantly instead of moving to you even if you interrupt them… it’s just crazy. The only dungeons that are bearable is when your have a paladin tanking spamming Avenger’s Shield with its chain silence effect to get the mobs to group up, since the new dungeons don’t don’t seem to have much in the way of obstacles to force Line of Sight grouping

As usual, I’d really like to see loot AT LEAST up to “normal” raid quality to be purchasable via “pity” currency (like you do in FF14 for example), because I suffer from being RNGesus’ Lil’ B all the time and can go literally months without an upgrade (I literally quit Shadowlands after I got no ilvl upgrade for over 3 months despite doing M+ and raiding at the time)

I would so far give this expansion about 6/10 just like MoP.

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If you just get frustrated by the endgame, as in you don’t like the game, maybe it’s just time to swap? Sounds like you fundamentally just dont like the game anymore.

The ideal state is you find something like M+ or arena that you genuinely just enjoy for the sake of itself, outcome independence, if you NEED the effort you put in to result in a specific result then it’s not good.

Like if you run M+ every week and the only thing on your mind is ‘‘I need X item’’ and it stresses you out, rather than you run M+ to challenge yourself, and get a better score for the sake of having a higher M+ score, that’s a recipe for disaster.

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The reason you are bored is because you are only interested in player power which is only a small part of the game. It’s not worth playing only for that.

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yeah lets w8 an hour per rare somewhere that syustem is so stupid u shouildbt be able getting gear like that just make it drop from raids and myhtics but way more often

and if u have to w8 a hour at evry rarew till it spawns its also a form of timegateing

If i do a m,ythic or raid i excpect loot evry boss , and then this great vault system also major timegate makes me sick and will probbably be the reason i quit again

but well see how long blizzard can keep me satisfied

im bored now because i got nothing to do im geared up fr raids and M+ but these “people” release a game and a few weeks later its really playable

another timegate…

and its already such a grindfest i dont like grinding fr hours feels like a job and we all know how much we like jobs. now fr the main story to go further i have to get rand 12 valdrakken??? i dont wanna go farm rep i wanna earn it by doing dungeons and mythics st*pid blizzard makes me wanna …

If all you do is WQ (there are not so many actuall) and running 8 m+ per week, how do you expect not to be bored? Any exp is boring to you then and will always be.

Im leveling a 4th char and actually doing side quests (which are freaking good) to gain rep with the factions. Not to mention the professions I want to have and the fishing I want to do.

Too much to do. But if it’s only M+ for you … you will be burned out.

actually loving it that i dont need to log in all the timw and can actually play alts

very happy with dragon fiesta so far.

but then again i dont have ao much yime to play every day.
with raid m+ and pvp i would also have tons to do if i had 10h a day so i am missing out on playing all and can only focus on pvp
if you dont do the major 3 of course it will be boring lol

Comon, atleast try to be less ignorant. You think you need to farm rep to get to 12 valdrakken? You have not done a single side quest did you!? The end of some chains give 1500+ rep on the factions.

Just me butting in this useless and unnecessary conflict.
Can you post on your actual retail character?
If you are calling out ppl atleast don’t do it hiding behind a classic/low lvl char.

I think its more like 8-10 with most factions after doing the side quests. But still we are only 2 weeks into the expansion!
Personally I cant believe Im 2 weeks in, already leveled t0 70 and halfway through most of the rep grinds! Thats kinda amazing to me…

and still people will be out there thinking ‘its too slow!’