I didnt think I will get bored so fast

Personally I think they’ve made levelling too dull by making everything so dam easy. Mob pulls are easy drop rate is quick, kill times are high. The player spends more time running backwards and forwards to the quest hubs than doing the quests, same with the WQ stuff, they really should add some more evolving quests, instead of static go hear do this then go back to quest giver, or wait on this spot to try and tag it before it’s insta killed by the other 50 people there.

Also the dungeons are boring as all hell, I think this is genuinely the worst state dungeons have been in

I did played ff14 but only for a fraction of time I played wow. I play wow since vanilla and my 6 month sub ends 27 / 12.

I played enough to understand is just more of the same. No currency to buy gear specifically and dont even have the mood to start M+ next week and do 8 runs for each of my chars in a very toxic environment that M+ is for a CHANCE to get good loot from great vault. I did it a lot previous expansions, I dont feel I can do this again. I am not even going back to FFXIV…

Every game has base concepts that stick. If you’re bored of it, play something else. Simple as that

I’m sorry but whenever I see someone criticise dragon flying they just strike me as some miserable old kill joy dead set in their ways unable to give anything new a chance. Dragonflying is brilliant.


dragonriding is the best part of the expansion! the only downside of it is that we get used to it and when we are about to fly in old zones with regular mounts feels bad… I hope it will carry to next expansion and will not stay just in DF… or even better they will let us dragonride in whole content

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I think you’re right.
We’re still waiting for some content to open up next week.

People need to relearn how to set goals for themselves rather than logging in and having daily tasks set for them, mission table, emissary, WQs, and on and on…

Look in the Achievements tab and see what’s there.
Level some alts.
Do some professions.
Do fishing and cooking.

Old School open world free range gameplay.

Fact you alredy saying to players go and do old content only shows how modern version of wow just have terible retantion when comes its relevant content. Problem isnt amounth of content. Problem is that content is consumed in matter of hours instead of months how it used to be which is what kept players ocupied for months.

That’s mostly players fault there though.

How is a developer supposed to create enough content to satisfy someone who literally has NO LIFE and plays WoW 20 hours a day?

Heck I’m not even finished with zone questlines, let alone all the things you can grind. I’ve only been to 4 DF dungeons so far. It seems every time I finish a questline, 2 more pop up. But then again as a working adult it’s a miracle to get 3-4 hours a day to play WoW. Can’t believe it’s been almost 2 weeks since launch, I’ve barely scratched the surface. Which is A LOT more than I can say about, let’s say WoD, BFA or Shadowlands where I ate through every single questline in like 2 weeks each and was only left with grinding ilvl uselessly, waiting for months for content.

I mean, hard pass. Now that I no longer have guildies (came back for DF, but the entire rest of the guild is AWOL) I’ll just do it at my own pace. I have too little free time for organized stuff anyway and the whole concept of M+ disgusts me so I’m gonna treat it like a casual single player game for the most part


And what exactly you did in previous expansions?
TBC was the same stuff you leveled up you did profession you then did daily quests if there were and of course TBC-MoP you did grind reputations for a early power boost
you pretending that this game was something else back in the day
but it is the same formula :smiley: you lvl up you grind gear to become OP then you have fun with a gear you obtained

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the gear is accesible, only issue is best gear drops from rares which are boring to farm and basically non content and rep gates which is gated unless you are braindead and farm same mobs all day

Some people find it brain dead other not. Some people may say M+ overrated. Different people enjoy different stuff.
What I found is that there are all kinds of gear upgrades from different sources. Especially at 70 before M+ and raids are opened. And M0 is not the only sources for gearing.

Peopel what play casualy are running out of content not hardcore players. Game is so easy that even biggest casuals finished leveling in just couple of hours.

This forum seems to have two definitions of casual which are used interchangably and just leads to endless pointless talking in circles.

A) A casual is a person who engages in all content, but does not play alot

B) A casual is a person who might play just as much as a “hardcore” player, but only does solo/world content.

Guess there might be a third type, a combination of the two. But as someone from group A I am not running out of content anytime soon even as a casual, because I dont play more than 1-2 hours a day currently. Got enough other games to play and other stuff to do.

last i checked every game company want players to play most possible.

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Why log into the game if there is nothing to do?

I have a WA that has a timer for the feast and the Siege, saves me a lot of time waiting.


No, they want us to play the least possible whilst subbing and using store/services. If we all play then their hosting costs are higher. That is why they report number of active players, not hours played.

Sounds like you are burnt out. Feel free to quit mate. Don’t need you post QQing about it.

None of those options were old content except maybe leveling an alt but even that would be in current content even if you’ve already seen most of it - there are side quests that you’ve likely not done yet.
Achievements, Professions, fishing and cooking all have current content to them.

What I said stands, best gear is from grinding same mobs all day, better than mythic, better than any of your “different sources”