I don't know what this thread even is anymore

mate you were in a guild with your teenage friends who ran around pretending to be actual internet superspies, in fact you still do it, so get off the horse.

Now that is unfortunate, I hope you did report the person who coerced you into this and that the impact to your wellbeing and sense of self was as minimal as possible. ERP with minors is something that is really not acceptable.


Expecting any sort of coherency from a classic alt is a tough sell for me, best not let it bury the thread.

Hook, line and sinker.

If all you have is “buh woo hoo classic alt”, then the argument has already been settled sadly.

Because just about everyone here is alt posting. Don’t be mad, stay intelligent.


They’re not fake. Here’s one of the Dust Scavengers members own corroboration to prove that.

(I'm concerned by the amount of High Elves - #870 by Korì-argent-dawn):


I preferred your posting on Amdusias, this is just trite.

I preferred when you were inside a horse.

TBH its a bit mad to claim that everyone is altposting here

Brother you change your face 3 times a week, you are just an eternal alt.

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You are 3 clicks away from knowing that isnt true, why are you being obtuse

Everyone that isn’t me is Alt-posting, Classic-posting, Activity-hiding, ERP’ing, PCU and Vulperas

you live in my walls I can hear you get out get out get out get out


Guys I think I might be altposting sorry

I can’t keep up with everyone’s alts anymore :frowning:

Define ‘altposting’

None of this would be happening if you were forced to post with battletag only.
Until then though, I will enjoy the caramel delight of people getting their kecks in a knot.

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Id love to know that too, I havent changed my forum posting character for months, but apparently I change it three times a week

What a weirdo take

To be fair this IS an alt in game, but this is the character I will post on the forums on unless otherwise unable to.

Don’t be so modest, we know your warlock main changes race at least 3 times a week and faction twice a month.

Borderline creepy stalking there.

I’ve been a FPandaren before then switched as soon as Vulpera became available… Does that mean I’m alt-posting since I race changed?