I don't know what this thread even is anymore

I want to burn a hobbit…

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You know i’m trying to remember who would be dumb enough to fall for that piece of lost media and I’m not sure you’d like to be associated with any of the answers.

the man, the myth, the drogon himself, Smooth Scale Smoog

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To get into the semantics part of it, its not even possible to race change three times in a week, it has 72HR cooldown

Moving on from that, I thought we’re talking about alts? Why are you bringing up my race change or faction change habits?

Again, what even is altposting. This is clearly not the character I play the most ingame, but the character I do most content on is not the character I do the most RP on. What I can say is that I’ve never used another character on the Forums, so I think it’s fair to call this my forum main. The only reason this character is my forum main is because of the funi name.

Sorry, my mistake. Not a horse. A pelican.

Not now, you have a hoard of treasure to watch over.

I actually didn’t know race changing HAS a CD, the more you know.


That’d just make it easier for witch hunts to escalate, though.

The term is often used when someone post something, usually controversial, on an alt because they rather not be found out on their mains. Whether that’s to make jabs at people, link screenshots, or just saying bad things.

It used to be that often someone posted something about, say, a guild or a character, only to be found out as being someone that had a grudge and/or had their own proverbial skeletons in the closet.

Their second “argument” is “You are a San’layn”. Thinking they are soooo so funny while saying that and knowing it isn’t true. The third greatest argument would be posting a pie recipe, 'cuz that’s a debate winner for sure. AD forum in a nutshell. Mindset of school bullies. Inside a brain of a moralist.

It does and as someone who changes some characters often (I never change Distantpeak or my dwarf hunter, Geldri) I been hit by this filthy cool down.

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Please, no one has called him a san’layn.

Whispers into Solbranthius’ ear “Yes, we know that.”

Cringe classic-poster derails another thread, RIP :sob: :fist:

At least you’d not have to ignore 17 characters per account.
It’d be a step up from this.

Now, on a more positive note, or at least a different one.

Is it possible to create an original vulpera guild name, or are they all condemned to rest in the dust?


Yeah I’m clearly part of the altposting problem

I was AFK for about an hour for dinner and missed the carnage, but based on what was linked as “proof” of the Dust Scavengers’ wrongdoing seems pretty… nothingburger.

The discord screenshot has no provided context and on its own just reads as crude memery. I have definitely made weirder jokes in my time to friends.

As for the Twitter stuff… well, okay the non-con stuff is in poor taste for sure, but having a NSFW alt profile? That’s nothing out of the ordinary. Plenty of people have them and it doesn’t make them deranged freaks.


I prefer the Helen Lovejoy Revivalist Party - HLRP
Or just ‘Karen’.

None of the outrage is genuine, never has been, never will be. Bullies seek clout and ways to hunt down and persecute those lesser than them because they need to feel better about themselves. When they can’t get a pin on someone they get extremely worked up and sweaty about it.

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They don’t all have to bite the dust so to speak. Things regarding the Dunes, Mirages, Oasis, even murdering snakes or making foxholes could be fitting as far as names go.