I don't know what this thread even is anymore

It’s fine that you say that, but I’m not exactly hypocritical on this stance. I’ve just posted and written based on what I know.

Seeing this thread with 100+ posts and links


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tl;dr, members of the AD community: https://youtu.be/H2LQMElLoLs?si=-6QHEayTA7ccGama

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If you have a guild tag and you engage in ERP then yes that guild has ERP in it. Ooh waahing over scales and balances, majority and minority, which race does most, which race does less is simple goalpost shifting.
Because if the above was true we’d need a nuremberg trial for our various elf guilds.


blud is straight waffling what x.x

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t. profile hidden classic alt man

lol he flag bombed my earlier response, struck a nerve I guess.

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Hook, line and sinker.

What is hard to understand?


Are you sure it’s not your Nr. 1 fan blog deploying a thermonuclear war on your post?

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It’s a high standard, that’s for sure. But there are still guilds without ERP. Any other notion is simply silly. And even if, hypothetically, every single guild in the game had some form of ERP, there’s still a sliding scale here. Putting a decently clean guild where one member may occasionally slink off on an alt in the same bin as say, Goldshire Lux is simply shifting the goalposts so the entire idea of having standards seem unreasonable.

There are also guilds where erp = instant gkick

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There’s also the issue of ‘guild’ being a very loose term. There’s RP guilds, PvP guilds, PvE guilds, guilds that literally only exist so that one (1) person can have a funky title under their name. I’ve chosen to interpret the classic-posters argument as meaning ‘RP guild’ but I really can’t know for sure.


I’m being carted off to Nuremberg to stand trial for my crimes.


They´re the same picture.

Can’t wait for the inevitable Shewp biopic, the man behind it all. The Forum Wars, the Fourth War, the War on Gooners, the Orgrimmar Roleplay Community War and the Fall of Horde Roleplay with only the Dust Scavengers left to restore what was lost.

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Wait, I thought it was the PCU that was behind it all.

always has been

Either naivety or willfully ignorant.

There is no sliding scale, based on the rules-that-be as dictated by mandatory forum upvoting. I’m only upholding what has been deemed as the consensus.

There’s no such thing and really, it’s a non-issue. Blizzard has a precedent of only caring, and inconsistently at that, when there’s harassment of other players going on, which conceivably could be seen with this thread.

man has never been in a guild with decent people


Been in many guilds with many lovely people. Most people don’t give a rat’s posterior about what you do in your personal time so long as it’s not harming people and I think any reasonable person, i.e the 90% of people on this server who don’t live terminally online this forum like the rest of us would consider stalking someone’s twitter feed and faking discord posts to be a little odd.


Well, at least that one guild I made just so I could have a cool title with literally no one else in it is free of ERP.
No wait, I forgot, I got roped into one (1) ERP session back when I was 14, I guess my guild has ERP after all.