I don't know what this thread even is anymore

Hi there. So don’t even try to prove me wrong here.

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The thread’s derailment can’t be FULLY blamed on classic-posting users, if anything we all are in some part responsible for continuing it but eh, can’t exactly stop people from not posting no matter how many times it’s said to stop posting.

While on one hand I normally wouldn’t have an issue with alt-posting, the people engaging in it have set a firm pattern around it. If you wanna say stupid things, slander and deffamation on an alt to escape scrutiny… Do not be surprised if someone savvy enough decides to also track you down and expose you, can’t throw :poop: and expect your hands to be clean.

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That was aimed at YOU, not him.

I thought you were gone.



I feel so happy finally having pals to side with. Loras and the ginger dwarf - my new best friends (for the evening). You guys make me restore faith in humanity again. Bless you and know it was a pleasure to read your comments.

Oh i’m of the same opinion, worry not. If I ever switch alts, it’s sometimes to my DK when it’s a DK related thread, that sort of thing. Atleast one friend of mine on these forums does that for same reason.

uh oh posting on my classic character :scream_cat:

he died in darkshore to a murloc at level 13 :sob:

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That name was taken, unfortunately.

I mean you’re arguing with someone who’s name is a homophobic dog whistle of the far-right.

What were you expecting?

TBH I’d be ok with some Scav showing up and try to clarify both of your pieces of evidence in some shape or form, not like the deranged bloodroach who just came in screeching about it all being slander and falsehoods.

Stop this crime at once ur under arrest I’m taking you to the stockades to either AFK for 4 hours or have incredibly uncomfortable RP forced upon you :man_police_officer: :rotating_light:

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4 hours is nothing.

Try 10000 years!

it can’t be any worse than ‘venue roleplay’ in final fantasy xiv…can it? :face_with_thermometer:

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I prefer

“Chief of the Bureau of the Architect.”

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My man you’re far deep into a weird jojo hole if you think Speedwagone is a homophobic dog whistle.

I mean… With Maiev tho :smirk:

Pretty much. Besides, while age and experience definitely has some part in it, I think the forum veterans simply know to pick our battles and never go overboard.