I don't know what this thread even is anymore

I prefer heterophobia.

Like this post to spread the gay agenda further.


The ERP was pretty hawt, I admit.

I assume then you’re still playing on Coeurl.

I see, your TRUE intentions come to light!
Who would’ve expected this from Gayagenda :triumph:

His own backside.

It’s hard to be so holier than thou. But he achieves it well.

They already have in the high elf thread. Ever since then the “accusations” haven’t changed. Despite what these guys are trying to portray it as.

Idk, to be honestly. It’s hard to maintain a steady argument when your opponents gather up in a gang and start twisting your words and using them against you. And reducing the argument to “But you’re a Classic char/San’layn/blah blah blah”.

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Threads that could have ended with the first post but continue well beyond 250 are always a wild ride huh


Let’s talk about the weather. It’s been raining non-stop here for the past three days.

No. Wild would suggest it was unpredictable.
This is more, the expected route - it’s a bus if anything.


I have no stake or interest in the slapfight going on, but I do think people should dial down the moral hysteria over someone posting NSFW things on Twitter/Discord. If it’s not being thrown around in-game, what’s the issue?



I wouldn’t say that about all of them, but definetly most.

They sure are.

Somewhere on a small hill standing out in the surrounding flat landscape, a lone straight-flag flies above a weathered bunker that has clearly seen many an assault

The gays:

It’s always a gang, none of them has the stones to actually engage in an argument one to one, they always nervously shuffle off when their wingmen start getting tired. I’d be willing to actually consider the ‘proof’ if there was actual proof like idk, a juicy erp log of two people in the guild actually doing something in game.

Like Loras said, a complete nothing burger. Drama these days is very low calorie and low effort.


I thought low calories were the thing these days?

low calorie stuff tends to be filled with toxic chemicals.

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Ultraprocessed food is bad for your health. Eat real food like meat and fresh vegetables.


and remember to eat your daily dose of deese

Everything tends to be filled with toxic chemicals these days.

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especially your character name.

you meant nuts