I don't know what this thread even is anymore

For me it kinda depends on whether or not our agenda-poster is actually gay. If it’s a straight person it’s pretty cringe.


For me it doesn’t matter on the person’s orientation, its propagating a term which was originally intended to be used with malice and to disingenuously portray a community.

“reclaiming” words usually just validates the word to be used by those who would still use it for harm as well.

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Agree to disagree. I’m still not ‘extremely homophobic’, just because I’ve chosen to make fun of a certain religious group on the other side of the world.

I thought we all named ourselves cringe things on purpose

Now, I myself am very curious about Quillestra’s post. I assume they did not go for the bullet points list.

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I’m just sitting here hoping Quillestra’s actually typing a well-thought-out, coherent response to Atahalni’s question, because like him, at this point I too wonder what their grievances are, as I cannot imagine they get happy from the amount of argueing on these forums.

… there is ofcourse always the chance I fell for a trollbait but eh, c’est la vie if that’s the case.

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A queer person taking a term like the gay agenda and memeing it into their persona is pretty funny and I approve.


My theory is that Quillestra felt mistreated and wants to bite back. A sort of “but I will have the last word!” approach.

Because her whole grievance is emotional and the two parties have, combined, the diplomatic ability of a nutcase, it’s going to last a while.

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I thought id check back up here— good heavens.


I think dumpsterfire is putting it politely.


Maybe. I’m just curious about what is going on really. And since I stopped a Sigtryggr rampage dead in it’s tracks once, maybe I can do something here aswell. Cause at this rate we don’t seem to get anywhere.


I used to be the same.

Honestly, it is best to just… let people do what they do and think what they think after explaining yourself. Some people either don’t see reason or don’t want to know truths etc.

Sometimes it’s just better stepping away and leaving it be.

Yeah, but the “I will have the last word” approach is commonly deployed by essentially anyone on the forums. I think it has to do with the innate vibe of disagreement: you can only really feel closure if you talk last. You need to conclude the discussion, right? And if someone just keeps talking about how they think you’re wrong, what sort of conclusion is that? No, you MUST get the last word, because obviously you’re right, and how can you possibly sleep at night if someone is wrong on the internet.

You’re one of the most reasonable folks around the forums so maybe you can help, but honestly I don’t think she wants to be helped. I believe she felt disrespected (which, yeah, happened) and has entered the fight mode. But maybe she will enlighten us soon tm.

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Vax, you reply nearly every time someone tries to pointlessly shade you. Your self-control is on par with Vixi’s.


Who knows, maybe their fight response will turn into a flight response.

I reply once or twice and hope to walk away :frowning: Like I decided to walk away from earlier convo today because it’d have gone nowhere as per usual. It’s an annoying thing to try and defend one’s self.

Yes i am a duke of hell.

(also Amduscias, Amdukias or Ambduscias) has 29 legions of demons and spirits under his command. He is depicted as a human with claws instead of hands and feet, the head of a unicorn, and a trumpet to symbolize his powerful voice. Amdusias is associated with thunder and it has been said that his voice is heard during storms. In other sources, he is accompanied by the sound of trumpets when he comes and will give concerts if commanded, but while all his types of musical instruments can be heard they cannot be seen. He is regarded as being the demon in charge of the cacophonous music that is hell. He can make trees bend at will.

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Just put them on your ignore list, fml. I’m ruthless when it comes to blocking people on the forums nowadays and my experience is better for it.


Well now I feel honored, thanks :slight_smile: