I don't know what this thread even is anymore

It’s a pointless task as no one here is willing to change their mind on things. You’re either a flawless angel with no problems or a demented problem that needs ‘dealing with’ there is no middle ground any more.

  • I joined the RP server in hopes of finding a Forsaken/Undead guild (not a villainous one, just a chill safe space), because Sylvanas and her Dark Rangers are what got me into WoW in the first place and it’s my favourite race.
  • I saw people here having prejudice against the Undead race (starting in the Draenei DK’s thread) with even the most famous Forsaken PCU guild not taking in the Darkfallen. It started a fierce argument about the validity of non-Dark Ranger Undead elves in RP, especially in the casual setting. People assumed that my character was a San’layn, and we began to discuss whether or not it’s legit to play a Darkfallen who is not a villain and instead serves the Horde/Alliance/Forsaken etc.
  • Since people kept mentioning the San’layn, we also had an argument about what this word actually means. Hypothetically such a trifle could end in several messages but did not. Now people are using the word “San’layn” as some kind of my personal slur to poke me.
  • We also had a debate about High elves. Why people keep justifying headcanons and lore stretching when their favourite precious Quel’dorei are involved but would scold you for doing the same for your Darkfallen. That thread also included this same vulpera argument (the “proofs” haven’t changed ever since, btw).
  • None of these debates led to consensus and both sides were snarky and ugly (both me and my debaters). Usually it involved a lot of “high school” type of bullying, and now I have a reputation of being an insane San’layn poster. And I have a full arsenal of examples of their hypocrisy to use against them as well. I don’t always post to argue though, and I came here specifically to defend the cool folks I like because that’s how I truly feel.

In a nutshell yes. In my childhood I was always the odd one out. I’ve experienced this kind of treatment a lot irl when you are considered to be a weirdo and a nerd and you are fighting against the whole world alone. That’s why I am not scared of such online dramas now, I’m used to it. I know it isn’t right and that I should stop and not further engage in this pointless discussion of a fictional fantasy world, but… I guess I just like bringing new arguments to the table, it’s addictive. I think I should calm down and be more chill. Such arguments can be very addictive, and I should rethink my approach. Thank you for inspiring me to change my ways.


While I can relate to this I genuinely suggest you just NOT bite back to the replies and remarks, take it on the chin and move on, do what you actually ENJOY doing rather than getting into arguments on the forum, more you give them to respond to the more it will just keep repeating.

I’m not saying this to scold or berate you Quill, I’m ACTUALLY trying to give (as best I can that is) advice.


Wait, so you didn’t want you join a villainous one, but you tried to get into Rotgarde?

If I remember correctly, that ‘debate’ was you repeatedly bringing up High Elves and no one else understanding why, or defending it.

There is nothing at all wrong with defending yourself when faced with baying hounds who have been told you are the ‘bad guy’. Sure you might feel that you need to calm yourself down which is valid but never feel as if there’s a problem in defending yourself, your name or your principles.

We all pay the same subscription and therefore are entitled to the same level of enjoyment as anyone else while in game with no shadow of being stalked, harassed, made to feel lesser or anything like that.

Just because the double standards of one group say they can walk over you like a door rug, doesn’t mean its actually right.


Is this group in the room with us now?


I am somewhat upset that Vixi did not meme it up by replying to you.



There ever was one exception of Darkfallen being in the Horde- Which also consequently were all killed off during BFA quests (alliance). The Darkfallen / San’layn argument aside, RG or indeed any undead guild doesn’t need to invite races they do not consider as core Forsaken faction races.

RG actually had a few abomination RPers over the years too, so it’s not like they only ever made an exception with dark rangers (until they got their new models).

Idk if people are using it as a slur to provoke you. People just use the term interchangeably, to their credit or not. But they still mean the original thing I feel, which is the fact that you wanted to RP a darkfallen in a forsaken guild and you were rejected for it.

People do provoke you and act out maliciously, but such posts also come from your end. I don’t disagree you’ve been more or less left alone against everyone but nobody’s entitled to being accepted by the community either.

I’m not sure what is the headcanon here- This is a bit on Blizzard’s fault but basically there is biologically virtually no difference between High Elves and Blood elves- Hence the races really are just a political statement, whether you stand for the Horde or for the Alliance.

So a High elf that has blue eyes and looks like a high elf but calls themself a Blood Elf or associates themselves with the Horde, is a blood elf. Equally, a blood elf that associates themselves with the Alliance or their past as High Elves is part of the Alliance.

A darkfallen is darkfallen. It’s an actual form of undead that elves take (among Ban’shee’s and to an extent Fal’dorei???), not something that is a political belief. You’re a monster race and save for one (brief) instance, you’re never associated with either of the factions again. Until perhaps future, we’ll see.

An insane San’layn poster is hardly a terrible badge to have on these forums. Just ask the people here what I am associated with or used to be associated with.

In any case, I do not think you will get anywhere by trying to state you are right. Even if you were hypothetically right, it doesn’t really matter because people can still decide to dislike you. Either be the change you want to see or move on.

I think you answer your own dilemma here.

Sometimes you need to bite back.

Sometimes you need to simply not let anybody sway you no matter if everybody is against you, if you feel after a thorough assessment you are in the right you got to dig your heels into the ground as deep as you can and say no.

And sometimes you simply shrug things off. It is what it is.

I can only speak from experience that you gain nothing from wasting your time arguing with some nobodies over the forums about x thing. Be happy and be successful, that’s the best revenge you can ever have on anybody ever.

In fairness at that time RG had been reformed with the Horde, Blazepast was the Executor and you had some whomesome folk like Agonal, Ulwa etc in there and RG was more like a daycare for the Forsaken than jackbooted villains of the old.


I’ve been stressing out over bluteooth related issues and not looked at the forums :frowning:

That is true, in my life I’ve learned that if some people don’t like you there is little to nothing you can do to make them change their mind. Like, at this point I can’t imagine Obahar or anyone from his gang to have a drop of respect and sympathy for me :sweat_smile: And trying to “earn” it by fighting and screaming is a tactic that will only end in vain.

Was Rotgarde a villainous guild? Wasn’t it a Forsaken loyalist guild?

Why? Because there aren’t supposed to be non-DR Darkfallen in the Horde and the Alliance (because we don’t see any as NPCs). Just like there aren’t supposed to be this many carefree High elves in the Alliance. But people are totally fine with the Quel’dorei headcanons and not fine with the Darkfallen ones. Just a mirroring example of some biased attitude.

Thank you for your feedback, guys! In retrospect our arguments were really pointless and worthless, like I haven’t learned a single useful thing from them. Too bad.

So our long discussions mean nothing to you!? :sob:

I am going to focus just on this bit because everything else is… well, I don’t think it’s what matters the most.

Don’t believe your image is beyond redemption or anything like that. These forums have seen much worse from everyone (me included) and we’re still around. We don’t care. Right now, as you can see, a lot of people are asking you -why- you keep going, and I believe some people kinda sympathize with you.

On the forums I think there was this sort of importance fallacy, that you believe your discussion will actually help you get somewhere with whatever you have in mind. Pro tip: Atahalni is right, it usually doesn’t help.

People may not agree with what you say, but having a spine and standing up for yourself when an entire group wants to feed you sh!t? Yeah, that deserves sympathy. It’s fine to feel you were treated unfairly. But if I am to take a guess, I think it’s draining to be in this trolling/angered state the entire time. I’d just let it go: mind, you aren’t giving ground, really, because you have nothing to lose from this debate. And - remember what these people are like? Perhaps you gained something by not being in their company, so it is your win.

Or don’t - I’m not your father and can’t dictate what you should do but quite frankly? Please let’s move on from this matter.


I’ll be honest, Quillestra, I think the main issue is that a lot of the time it’s hard to know what you’re even arguing for or against. Like, you named your earlier thread “San’layn not a race? You owe me an apology.”, and then when people said “No, san’layn AREN’T a race, it’s a political affiliation”, you said “That’s what I’ve been saying all along! You owe me an apology!”.
I know I myself had trouble understanding what your point is, so it’s a bit hard to take you seriously.

yeah, exactly. villainous.

Yeah, but no one cares about High Elves in Stormwind. I don’t like the giant abundance of High Elves in Stormwind. According to the Rotgarde representative in the thread, they also didn’t care for it. The high elves are simply irrelevant, which is so weird for you to keep bringing them up and ascribing views to the entire forum about whether or not they’re fine.

Yes you are.

My original stance was always more confused and slightly sympathetic. It only turned sour as of the latest thread and even then it’s not like some great grudge. If they’d stop being weird and confusing and then popped up later, I don’t think me or anyone else would care and just treat them as another forum poster/enjoyer.

There is no grudge, just confusion and current annoyance.

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It’s true. The real loss is going on the forums in the first place.

DAMN. Listen man I’m nobody’s father I am only 28, that’s too young to be a father. And no, I will not listen to any counter-argument.

I have two words that are hyphenated into one.

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Me too but it’s directed against me. I could be playing BG3 and instead I am here, waiting for Desartin’s reply. Damn it.

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The Sylvanas book (or some other of those series of books at that point in time?) mentions that there are Darkfallen in the Horde, even those that partake in blood magic, but they’re not San’layn, they’re just undead elves of the Forsaken that tend to engage in that kind of magic without the vampiric aspect of San’layn. Quillestra is right about this part; the Forsaken do have undead elves that aren’t dark rangers.

Blizzard just decided to give undead elves a funky new name for some reason, and that’s Darkfallen. It literally only means that.


It was a weird retcon that is still sending ripples of confusion through the fans.
Just another day for a WoW fan.

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