I don't know what this thread even is anymore

look at me, look at me, i’m the drama now.


I’m going to take a hot take that might cause a stir to people, get your tomato’s ready people.

It’s my opinion, which is just an opinion, and might be different than other opinions…
…that the vast majority of online drama is actually incited by the constant back and forth of reactions and people bringing the topic up again.

And that some people actually enjoy drama, even if they act as if they don’t.

Its a double edged sword, I think. People should be able to warn other people about scummy stuff going on, and that will inevitably lead to drama. The Keti crew had like, four consecutive forum threads with 2000 posts each, and whilst there was a lot of melarkey in there, I think the overall effect was good: people knew to stay away.

But it can swing the other way. Look at the PCU: there are definitely a lot of legitimate grievances there, but the drama surrounding them has taken on a life of its own. I remember back during the Dark Ranger debacle in Stormwind, with two people accusing each other of being PCU trolls, neither of which knew what PCU even meant. At that point, the drama has been spread and perpetrated so much that very little truth remains, leading to a sort of echo chamber.

The forums are definitely an arena for drama as well, but its not that much of an echo chamber. The fact that anyone can post anywhere means theres always an influx of new thoughts, views and opinions, although its true that the wildest views tend to be ‘dogpiled’, or whatever people like to call it.


Careful you don’t paint a target on your back, invoking the dreaded three letters…

I find it endearing, given the absolute meltdowns it seems to cause at this point.

I’ll say it again, PCU might as well be some form of Gestalt belief, willed into existence much like Ork technology.

But really, this is just a form of calling the other side “My tribal enemy.”

It’s what it ultimately is, there have always been different community initiatives. Some running hand in hand and others not getting on. Guilds have fought and collapsed over the drama and people end up feuding over ridiculous things that cause the genuine issues to blur.

It’s to be expected, really. People are going to be people. It’s just depressing when people don’t move on or grow past it. Everyone wants a big, healthy roleplay community and in an ideal world it would be. But everyone is susceptible to the tea.


Afaik the PCU isn’t particularly large or very influential on the wider server anymore?

It’s simply a few more-or-less like-minded guilds, who enjoy each others company and like to RP together? Seems alright to me?


From what I heard, yeah. They did some questionable stuff back in BfA, but in the four years since they’ve seemed pretty decent. But, the label has lived on, and is now put on anyone people don’t like.

People on both sides of the ‘conflict’ have always overestimated the actual importance of said community. It was aggrandised into being more relevant to the average RPer’s time in game by being such a polarising issue.

The community does have a history of housing (and thereby enabling) a fair number of really unpleasant players, though, and a lot of the people who’ve ended up on my forums ignore list are or were members. Are those people representative of the entire number? Maybe, maybe not.


Gosh darn it we can’t even get past the first step.
I think Blizzard has given up on moderating this thread, maybe they hope we’ll get bored.

Pro-tip. We won’t. Argent Dawners, stepping away from drama? Whaaaat.

The problem is though that maybe - and a big maybe - 100 people actively use the forum. Sure there will be those who just read and never contribute but AD has something like what… 6000/7000 characters? Census dude, pull up the numbers would you?

Its massively overstated how much influence this place has. I have buddies who say they take one look at this bonfire and laugh and return to their discord communities, that’s where all the bulk of people are. Complaining about RP or drama or w/e is meaningless here, the intended audience just isn’t watching.

Tru facts. To be human is to be tribal. Tribes can usually - USUALLY - get along side by side so long as one tribe isn’t trying to actively screw over another tribe or the perception of being screwed over isn’t there. Its really funny, and a little sad, to think that despite modern society and twelve thousand years of civilisation we’ve really not moved out out of the hunter gatherer mindset we had since two hundred thousand years or so ago.
Caveman brain biology doesn’t work well with modern expectations.

This seems to be the mirror of the two conflicting narratives that “the PCU is dead!!!” but at the same time “the PCU has infiltrated every guild on the realm and planted their sleeper agents, ready to dismantle detractors from the inside at any moment!!”


You’d think so, but my original post has been restored TWICE!
I think they just enjoy watching drama unfold.

I ask meself, I was present for some of it. I won’t go into the details, but it was definitely questionable. Not nearly as bad as the rumours would have people believe, though.

I think they just can’t be bothered. It must be very tiresome for them to have to deal with a roleplay server.

As with any ‘drama’ and ‘beef’ its really a subjective thing. Obviously those close to accused parties are going to be sympathetic to them, that is what happens in friendships. Aggrieved parties will obviously feel more strongly about certain events and whatnot and therefore have their own stance.

It’s impossible to be objective, and really it doesn’t matter. It’s what the prevailing narrative that stands out as that matters. I’m sure just about everyone has had some sort of drama directed towards them over the years.
I’ve been accused of being ‘PCU’ despite never having been inside it.
I like many others have been accused of doing things like ERP despite no evidence ever surfacing. The faked screenshot ‘proof’ been admitted to have been faked in public by the guy who took them no less. One of the funnier turns on AD.

I guess its no different than the accusations levelled against the Dusty folk here. Anyone can take a single out of context snapshot from social media or whatever and then say ‘oh look at these weirdos doing dirty things’ and then it turns out its a total nothingburger.

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Is the PCU in the room with us now? :smile:

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You were literally in Rotgarde.

Left quite a while before the PCU was formed. Well over a year actually.

After officiating the gay wedding, yes I remember.

Is that a problem?

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No, just funny how that ended and Famosium’s stealthed involvement - merely reminicising.