I don't know what this thread even is anymore

You seem to be fond of recalling him. I don’t remember him being involved. Just myself and the two happy undead twinks.


So it was you, not him, that released the screenshots, in an attempt to publicly ridicule them?

Just want to get my facts straight.

IIRC I was in an event on my Alliance guild at the time and Valter DMed me about some undead rogue had leaked the screenshots. She never told me where they had been leaked and I found them a couple of months later when a mutual friend linked me to Oprah’s Argent Dawn Housewives blog.

To this day I don’t know who took them or who was following us. My guessing is someone who didn’t either like myself or one of the two bridegrooms. Rotgarde attracted some odd personalities over its time.

Yeah that must have been it :roll_eyes:

Good talk.

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Truth is usually a lot less exciting than it sounds, sorry to disappoint.
I always thought you were a rather fun chap to RP within the RG though :slight_smile:

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So what you’re saying is that… Ted was riiiiiight?

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It apparently didn’t. I got a strike for the Vulpera story I made. (thank you very much for whoever reported that for trolling, you must be fun at parties.)

So people are being held accountable, for some reason.

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I honestly think the moderation is entirely automated at this point and you used a trigger word in your title.

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I tried to revoke it, and they said it been checked? Although it’s been another automatic response four days later so… I dunno. They didn’t explain me what actually been wrong with it tho.

Causing havoc on the forums by bringing up sensetive topics and feuling fires: :white_check_mark:

Doing an comedic IC rant about Vulperas (a fictional race by the way): :x:

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True enough :+1:

I think alot of the tribal image of said community could’ve been avoided if only we’d have seen more public displays of unpleasant folks being told to stop by their buddies. Maybe they just didn’t want trouble, but it certainly did not help.


I couldn’t really comment with certainty since I’ve never been in the community to see how issues within were resolved for myself, but that’s definitely how it looked from the outside, yeah. Aggressively protective, tribal mentality.

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I’ve never been in it either, but I know people that still are, and even they told me who the problematic ones were and that they were being covered for.

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Reading through this I am sure of one thing.

Warhammer dwarves are more likely to forget a grudge than AD’ers.


These two quotes summarize the issues I believe most sensible people have with the PCU, I know for sure they sum up how I feel about the community at least. Not to turn this into an “Erhmegerd!! PCU suxx!!!” thread.

I just find most of the overtly obnoxious or rude PCU folks to be the forum crowd while the ones I’ve stumbled upon (or stumbled on me fishing) in-game have been pleasant or outright lovely folk.


Yep, that’s me.

Don’t tell anyone but the PCU was never this super influential giga entity.
At it’s most infamous and feared it was like, 60 people.

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yeah but one man in the PCU is worth 10 in stormwind so they were right to fear us.

See, it’s this kind of statement that most reasonable people would see as a joke, but that some people would see as a serious threat. They would then go on to start a rumour about how the PCU is planning to nuke Stormwind. I think a sizeable chunk of the PCUs reputation comes from scenarios like this.


I’ve seen PCU paranoia in a server I’m in recently and it was bizarre. One guy started freaking out about a PCU guild possibly being in the same area as them when…

  1. The guild has been disbanded for a long time now.

  2. The guild was never in the PCU, or associated with PCU, to begin with.

Insert image of two elves calling each other PCU here I guess.