I don't know what this thread even is anymore

https:/ /media.discordapp.net/attachments/547724275575029773/985573849015914606/gifntext-gif.gif


^ This ^ in 10

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The age old issue of perpetuators of outrage culture not being able to identify edgy humour for what it is. A lot of the running gags in pertinent circles I personally find rather tasteless and discomforting but even I, who am notoriously bad at interpreting intent in text form, can tell that the vast majority of edgy jokes and objectionable statements are made in jest, in mutual understanding.

Some people should learn to take the things they read on the internet with a grain of salt.


I’d rather starve to death, but thanks for the consideration, please never consider us in future.

More fun to encourage it at this point, if people want to think i’m serious when I say things tongue in cheek like ‘dibs on rommel’ then I say go for it, just makes them look silly.

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Jesus does the world not get humour

At this point we should just make a thread called “The AD Rumour mill”

Where we only post things we’ve heard about guilds and people based on no fact other than we heard it from somewhere.

That would be spicy xD

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I heard that Dagnon is shredded, that he has a sixpack.

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Psst, I heard they sell Booty Bay special banana bread 50 silver less in Ratchet.


It’s pretty interesting that people will say linking to bad content in RP profiles is bad and then sort of link to the content/show it themselves on a public forum that doesn’t require anything to view - the same people saying it’s bad will encourage it instead. Unless you censored it, since it’s gone I think it’s equally bad.

Of course Pickpawkit shows up. Just what this thread needed.

Man, just when everyone had forgotten about this thread and ready to let it go until the next one… The embodiment of the issues spoken here presents themselve.


:popcorn: anyone? Got plenty ready to share


Only presented themselves after someone else performed necromancy though.
So who’s really at fault?


t. sindri (the forum doesnt let me be myself :S)

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Honestly it’s not worth engaging with them. Better save the popcorn for something more interesting than a contrarian vulpera poster with a boring tendency to cling onto anything and everything they percieve as a slight against them.

Also I was banned while this thread was properly active - and given that my only post in this thread has been flagged again it might well happen for a second time - but I’m disappointed I didn’t get to speak my mind properly on the guild this thread is about. The moment has passed, so I’m not going to bring the topic back to where it was entirely, but instead I’d just like to say that it’s incredibly disappointing to see vulpera limited to the same disheartening tendencies time and time again. Themes of exploration, finding a place in the world, being super endearing with their brains-over-brawn styles, even just being kinda cute and wholesome - it’s always sidelined by people’s inability to keep the lewd out and that’s really the main reason I’ve been so adamant on this guild inparticular off the forums when speaking either publicly or privately with friends.

As naive as it is to admit, I thought we were over this when Keti was rightfully chased off the server. To see it manifest elsewhere, in one of the two main vulpera guilds? Yeah that struck a nerve.

Anyway that’s my take on this. It wasn’t asked for, it’s probably not wanted, it’s definitely redundant because I’ve spoken about this on numerous occassions before, but I honestly just want better for vulpera than this.


Wondering why you didn’t do that in OP.

Very interesting zero evidence was still presented but the same people liked this post. Really not the Contrarian here.

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It was posted and then deleted and I believe the person who posted it was banned temporarily. Because I have only recently been unbanned I will not be reposting it and offering myself up for another suspension.

If you have an open mind, you can find this stuff out for yourself. If you’ve made up your mind that this is people just being mean and making stuff up, then I’m not going to attempt to convince you otherwise.

What I’ll conclude with is this: I want to see more vulpera guilds on Argent Dawn, not less. I’ve been told that I don’t like them as a race and that I just relentlessly mock them for one reason or another and that couldn’t be further from the truth. I like them a lot. Despite not having an interest in Horde RP anymore because of how difficult it is to find RP out in the open that isn’t in cross-faciton hubs or on neutral grounds, I still find myself tempted to try and hop back onto my little light-wielding fox-goblin despite the fact I know I won’t find a home for him.

All of that to say that despite the fact I do want more vulpera RP on Argent Dawn, I also don’t want to keep my mouth shut when I am percieving something as wrong. If the Dustpaw Caravan were doing the things that I’m condemning, I’d absolutely call them out too. If there were some hypothetical third vulpera guild engaging in the behaviours I’ve hinted towards, I’d call that out. It’s not personal - I don’t do this out of spite towards individuals, I’m critical of this because it genuinely gets under my skin that you have this very openly sexual guild that feels like an open secret that too many people are afraid or reluctant to call out.


From what everyone has posted, it was just their twitter. I have no clue on the context of what was posted. Others have posted (after reading more of the thread) that it wasn’t anything in game related.

It does happen frequently, which is why I am skeptical. Also sorry for ‘bumping’ the thread (though someone else technically did prior to me and is what led me to seeing it since I rarely look on the forums these days.)

I wasn’t aware it had (somewhat) moved into a more positive light with some considerations that would’ve been better than this.

I have no way of knowing what you’re referencing or if it was in game related or poor behavior, and I’m not about to bring the topic up in the AD/RP related discords because I’d rather not stir up things.

Well, part of the problem is how lopsided faction disparity is on AD but I do think more active good RP guilds are always wanted. Sometimes it’s a lot of work and there is generally some amount of drama that can be hard to deal with properly without certain people/groups feeling burned. It also doesn’t help that the game populace isn’t particularly growing and likely continues to deflate instead.


why i didn’t want to clear my name in private after being accused publicly? yeah, i wonder why.