I don't know what this thread even is anymore

Can we NOT have an electric boogaloo of this discussion please?

Let the thread die.
Do not respond to anything.
Do not pass GO.
Do not collect $200.

It was 7 days in before someone did necromancy on this. Let it run the 30 days.


Not even to you? :pleading_face:

But nah, I’ve said what I wanted to now. If I was able to contribute to the thread when it was actually being replied to on the regular then I wouldn’t’ve made any responses but I wanted my thoughts on this to be out there because I have been very vocal about this elsewhere and it felt weird not to chip in here given that.

Also can I do this? I’m not strapped for cash but an extra $200 ain’t ever a bad thing.

As a reminder, necromancy is illegal in Azeroth.

Unless you’ve got papers. You’re clear then.


This sure is a statement lol, how else am I going to post proof if NOT linking it?

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It is also pretty dirty in my opinion to both claim that “nobody posts proof/links, why you not do it?” (Despite being well aware that it has been numerous times but get spam-reported in minutes), but to also at the same time then go “you shouldn’t post that, you’re just as bad now cus you share it (((:”


Actual highschooler kinda mentality if you ask me.
For the resident thread necromancer, though: I’ve no issue with ‘that’ sort of content, when done at an appreciable distance from in-game activities. Dust Scavengers are more than prevalent in showcasing, linking to, and associating with it, while also pretending they’re good, nice, wholesome family fun. It just doesn’t add up.

But not illegal IRL?

BRB I got some work to do…

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Just to clear up my confusion here: has there been actual proof of in-game ‘stuff’ posted and deleted so that I haven’t seen it, or are the links/evidence being spoken about now just the same Twitter and Discord excerpts?

Only links to Twitter and discord afaik. This thread wasn’t fantastic, really.

… and it’s still going! (Last time I’ll post. Promise!)

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More nothing, then. Got it. :saluting_face:


A non-fantastic thread for a not-too-great guild. Fitting.


Nobody ever said they did things in game :dracthyr_shrug:
More people saying they’re oh so clean and wholesome while they’re clearly not, and don’t actually bother hiding it.

TBH I find it fascinating that your first post is still hidden despite being over two weeks old. Usually CMs prune or unflag such posts within a week or less.

I guess you broke the algorithm.

It was cleared/unhidden and then re-hidden with the thread being recently necro’d.

Somebody clearly wasn’t happy about it.

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There’s nothing “unclean” about posting NSFW content on a platform that allows that content. If they were bringing it into the game - and it seems that they haven’t - then that would be a problem. What isn’t a problem or our business is what they do outside of the game.

It just reads like weird, malicious brigading at the moment.

“Keep adult content out of the game— wait no not like that.”


I get that you don’t like confrontation or conflict or taking any opinion on anything anymore, but can you actually shut up?

You’re absolutely useless in this topic. I don’t care if you’re not invested - other people are.


They’re posting it publically and tying it to their guild so it kinda is?
You can keep making up things I didn’t say but anyone can just actually read my posts.

NSFW content on Twitter is opt-in. NSFW accounts require you to opt-in to viewing them. The difference there is that on WoW, public NSFW content isn’t opt-in, you just get exposed to it. That’s the distinction.

(Take a shot every time I say NSFW or opt-in challenge.)

We’re not, or shouldn’t try to be, the morality police for stuff that is kept outside of the game.


You’re not. That’s my issue with you.

You used to have standards. You used to stand for something. You used to have opinions to offer.

Now you just sit comfy on your fence and judge the rest of us for actually CARING about things while having a proper Karen of an avatar.

If you truly do not care, then shut up.

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You’re being exceptionally rude. They’re not defending anything that breaks WoW’s ToS.

(I broke my promise, sorry.)