I don't know what this thread even is anymore

At least it’s an actual emotion and not just smug condescention from somebody who lost their guts.

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I’m not sure what’s being said, but I assume I’m being internet warrior’d.


I don’t care if I look bad attacking the wholesome chungus bean uwu

I’ve had enough of Loras’s bull.


Honestly, I didn’t read Loras posts as particularly uncaring? If an issue is to be dealt with, it’s nicer to see it dealt with properly with proper evidence rather than make it seem like weird and complicated gossip for those uninitiated. Information is important.


that’s, like, your opinion, man. I just personally have an issue with people being so openly NSFW and also playing with minors while not vetting who joins their guild.

If anything, you’re only making sure the thread reaches more people by continually replying and getting it pinned to the top of the forum. I’d personally feel quite icky if my kids were playing around/with people who spend such a large amount of their time yiffing.


She sits on the fence. She ALWAYS sits on the fence.

She lost the ability to give an opinion one way or another beyond a “meh” and a shrug. I hate it. I hate what she’s become.

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I thought we were going to let the thread die?


Nah. Not when the ending tone is “teehee there’s no evidence!” from the fence-sitter supreme.

Which is funny, since there’s been posted evidence of everything they’re accused of. They’re just not also accused of literally stealing children off the street, which is apparently the extent people have to go to even be ‘bad’ these days.

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See, I was a bit confused myself and under the impression that the bad stuff was done or promoted in-game.

If t hat is not the case, then I am…a bit uncertain where I stand on it. On the one hand, even if it’s not done in the actual game, if its still promoted via in-game channels easily(such as TRP or guilds links etc) then it can still be problematic, especially so if there is no safeguard or vetting process for people’s age.

However, beyond that if it’s literally just stuff that exists on its own outside of WoW on age-appropriate platforms and kept there, then I don’t see a problem with it.


There’s no evidence to say it is.

But that’s like saying there’s no evidence of corruption within any given government. We all know what’s going on, especially when the scavengers have more renders done in Blender than they have an actual presence in-game.

This isn’t just some thought policing nonsense. The only thing that’s missing is something absolutely concrete and undeniable - but I don’t think benefit of the doubt should be given to the overly horny furries who repeatedly post 3d orgies of their characters on a very, VERY regular basis.


We know.

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Yea, my problem crops up when the NSFW content is linked directly in an account that proudly proclaims “DUST SCAVENGER EU OFFICER”, as well as the vast majority of the media being “group” content of a lot of guild members, seemingly corresponding with whatever events/activity/area the guild is currently partaking in at the time.

Most RP community things happen outside of the game these days, particularly on places like Discord. It does allow NSFW content, but that shouldn’t be flaunted openly at minors either

Gotcha. :+1:

I personally think there’s some merit to the argument made, but I do think making aimless gossip on the game forums is a bad look and more confusing than helpful.


Can speculate for sure, but I have known people who very specifically enjoyed or enjoys raunchy stuff in their private life & talking about it with people of the same age, yet kept things strictly off when they were in any game or setting where it was randoms they didn’t know the age of. This wasn’t WoW though, mind you.

That said though, I know from before this thread that you have had a long history with the Dustpaw scavengers and I don’t personally have a reason to doubt you on this as I think you’ve been very credible before with many things, and I said, I still found Pickpawkits approach to be pretty dirty as I’ve had problems with them before too.

But I do also think you went a bit too hard on Loras.

I was just trying to explain my own thoughts a little on this.


Yeah. I have no regrets. I’m sick of her.

If they’re not vetting who they’re inviting into the guild and openly posting their NSFW stuff in the guild discord, then that’s something that ought to stop, sure.

I don’t mind, I’ve had said poster blocked for months so I only know that they’re trying to snipe at me when people point it out.



By censoring it, if the content is problematic because it’s in a public RP profile (Though in this case even that didn’t occur) then it’s problematic being linked on the forums which is even more public.

It isn’t, Discords more harsh on stuff like that and NSFW channels being opt-in and marked. In fact having NSFW channels can flag the entire server as NSFW and not allow minors accounts in.

If it was censored, it would be evidence of… [NOTHING, REDACTED]

This is only true of large-scale community Discords and you’re smoking that pack if you think 13 year olds are being honest about their age when making a Discord account.