I don't know what this thread even is anymore

I think in this instance, that is not really the best approach at all and can be quite problematic. Even if people like it or not or agree or disagree, reputation can and do matter on a public server. And when handling a guild, its generally good to keep that fairly clean, in most sense of the word.

While it’s a hobby and not an actual job, I personally kinda see it similar to people doing bad, weird or very personal takes on official work accounts & or with their job signatures. It might not potentially reflect the full group/guild/place etc, but it still is pretty bad thing to do and can cause problems.

I think on that in particular, it’d be different for me personally if its still the same person, sort of the same content, people could still be aware its their account, but it’s not advertised directly linked to the guild if that makes sense?


Depends how you censor it, either way it would be best shared on platforms where the selection is more careful (Like discord) or specific group chats.

Not of only large-scale community discords, if you see a discord with NSFW channels (Surprising how many do, and the content that gets posted in meme channels even if the server doesn’t have a NSFW section.) Then it can very easily get flagged.

There’s no way to stop people from lying about age, the only option is ID cards with your face next to it. Some discords do this or have other age verification steps, often more strenuous than letting them join in an game chat.

or maybe the Dust Scavengers shouldn’t say such heinous :poop:. I don’t see how me pointing out and showing what they’re doing wrong is somehow just as bad when I both flag and warn about it.


See the problem is literally nothing of what they’ve said has been shown here so I still have no clue what you’re talking about, since the forums don’t allow for it.

If it’s so heinous it breaks the game rules, then of course not censoring it to some degree will make it unable to be posted or viewed here- hence post it elsewhere.

my brother in christ I got banned for posting it :sob:

I’m worried that replying to you further would be bullying the disabled. God damn.

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Let’s not go that route. I find Pickpawkit annoying, but they’re not stupid or dense, and certainly not uh… that.

That does not take away responsibility though. Just because it’s difficult does not meant that it is a free pass because “you cant stop it”.

Moral questions and issues aside, it can also be a pretty severe legal question depending on the country and region. Only using my own as an example, Sweden has extremely strong laws to protect children from sexual harm and content. It often generally doesn’t matter that you “didn’t know” or “they lied about their age” or “it was just edited by moderator” etc because the responsibility here always falls on the involved adult in the end, period. Our laws also include the protection fictional minors(so artwork, stories etc).

So it is the guild leader, and the officers responsibility to ensure that there is a strong vetting process and kept to appropriate ages. Even if it’s time-consuming or difficult. If that can’t be done for whatever reason, then they should make sure to not involve or include anything inappropriate.

If this is the case, and this is being ensured and enforced, then as I said, I don’t think I’d have an issue with it at all if its kept out of game. But there seem to be alot of voices that say and show that it is not the case.


Then it’s best to censor it at least partially to prevent that or share it elsewhere? which is what I’ve been saying, if it’s so heinous it can’t be posted here what makes you think it’s okay to without censoring it.

This seems to apply to yourself, please step back and take a minute.

Again, depends on how much effort is put into it yes. Discord definitely has far more options to prevent issues than something like a WoW guild and I haven’t heard about any legal issues filed against either one by your country or others.

What steps specifically does your guild do to ensure that, or any other guild that could be themed mature/nsfw content included? How many guilds on the server do you think also apply the steps you think would be necessary?

They don’t run a massive nsfw twitter, for one.

when you stop waffling and make some sense, perhaps.

Don’t argue with Pickpawkit.

You’d think people would learn by now.


Currently nothing because I am unsure if the guild even exists anymore, and I have not played Vixi since Shadowlands and currently not roleplaying.

When both I and it was active though, there was pretty clear rules to not have any NSFW stuff or content in any guild channel and a boot from the guild if you were caught doing so in-game.

Quite a few I’d imagine. Most guilds I’ve been in over the years had a clear rule of nothing like that in the open guild channels, and if there was a specific discord bit, it was heavily moderated and needed vetting/verification to access.

Even the more laxer guilds I’ve been in generally had a “keep it between yourselves and out of game, and make sure its not talked about in public, guild included,” if anyone was involved in that stuff.

All of these approaches are generally sensible.


Well, I still have no clue what twitter this references so I can’t really give an opinion on it. But it’s outside the game, not in it.

I don’t have a particular problem with you choosing to insult me, it’s the type you decided to go with that mocks the disabled.

That isn’t really as answer to the question I asked, though the guild in question seems to follow the rule of no NSFW content in game at all.

Yeah I can’t speak for the guild in question but my experience for most is generally quite moderated and requiring some sort of verification.

I think that’s quite sensible, I don’t like the stuff being in any public channel in game. Outside of it, like seems to be the case with the guild in question it depends on how they do verification for things like Discord.

If this is the case, then as I said, that would generally be fine in my opinion.

But from what both Speedwagone and Obahar have shared, it doesn’t seem to be case exactly with every guild related channel. And I have no personal reason to not believe them about this.

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ok coomer :ok_hand:

Never said it was in game :clown_face:

Yeah, do you mean even discord related channels that are not marked NSFW getting nsfw content chat that is a problem. But the server can and should get reported for that since it violates discords rules and the entire server will be flagged as NSFW not that it entirely solves the problem.

I generally mean all related guild channels and platforms. So discord, social media etc, I explained my thought on the latter already previously further up.

If you mean this post, I think it’s very sensible. I feel much in the same way. From what I found of the official twitter for the guild there was nothing risque/nsfw there so I’m not sure what Oba/Speed are referencing.

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That’s the one yeah.

what discord and twitter echochambers does to a mf


it’s difficult to hear what people are saying when you’re surrounded by the sound of… the kind of things that happen in that discord.