I don't know what this thread even is anymore

It’s basically like the entire FFXIV RP scene. Fetishistic sexual second life RP.

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Genuine question.

Since we’re doing the whole how do you behave in game-related channels thingy. If this is the kind of approach you aspire to have in your community, do you remotely think you come across as the good roleplayers?

Like, I know what I think about it and, judging by how often you complain about people who write down how they don’t want to interact with your group, I am inclined to think I am not the only one. But don’t you realize how toxic it comes across as?


something something trout population

Just a question: What community do you mean?
Because just glancing over the people in this forum thread, I don´t think most of the most vocal people here are in any community together.

Random I know, but why do Americans use their outdoor shoes as well as indoor? That’s filthy for reasons I shouldn’t have to explain. British folks… Has the concept of slippers or having different sets of footwear for indoor and outdoor never entered your wayward colony since the split or what?

Then we are looking at a different thread.

We can circle around the issue but it is hardly a coincidence that these people have all been in the same community for a relatively long time. Maybe they aren’t anymore? I do not know nor care tbh but, if there is a place where these attitudes have been, if not learned, reinforced, I am going to bet my money it was there.

Now unless we want another fifty posts of people trying to victimize themselves because no one gets their jokes, I will refer to my main point which, honestly, doesn’t have to be about a community but just about the attitude.

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Look, it’s just a joke, it is your fault for not getting it.
That’s your language when people try to reach out and solve problems, no?


Okay my man. I will just kindly ask that you guys spare us the twenty posts of self-appraisal from you and your pals. It’s gotten old.


Imagine being pleasant on a public forum. Too much for some.


Put these folks on ignore.
They’re incapable of saying anything positive and live in a perpetual cycle of angst and cynicism.


I dunno about the others but I ain’t in any community with anyone else in this thread barring Vax

And can we please please please just NOT res the thread for 10,000 rounds of back and forth arguing

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I am actually going to step in and say that I was partially wrong when I attacked Rotgarde, since I never saw their ingame events and didn’t know what they were actually doing. But you are doing the same thing here.

If these “Dust haters” met the guild in the game and partook in their events (which often include everyone who’s willing to participate) you’d see that they don’t do anything “illegal” or obscene in their RP. So what’s the point of dragging this pointless argument about some NSFW posts in social networks and private channels? What will your next step be? Police people’s actions behind closed doors? Preach abstinence? I don’t get it. This is just weird.


I think you are going a bit too far with this and the last 3 tirade messages coalburnt.

You are a reasonable and a smart poster. You can do better than insulting for the sake of insulting, trolling and :poop: posting aside.

I have butted my heads with Zaphius more than once over these forums and while I disagree with his and some other posters’ view on Speedwagon and Obahar’s tones giving a bad impression of them as players, I do think that you calling out Vaxir like that is unnecessary.

At least in Loras’ v Obahar case I can see the call out. Loras would defend or side with anybody who ever agrees with him or aligns with his goals, even if they were utterly opposed to their world view, so the call-out is accurate. They used to be a poster that stood for something, now they live in perpetual spite toward anybody who has ever disagreed with them to the point where they are publically gleeful if something bad were to happen to someone they are in gripe with. It’s not a good look.

I don’t claim to be any better mind you, I have done plenty of things I am not proud of.

In Vaxir’s case they just stated that people should probably try and be more polite over the forums, which is fair. And it would certainly serve to give better impressions of all of us, which Zaphius’ message is correct about on a general level.

I don’t view you as any less of a person regardless of how you choose to conduct yourself in the future or if you disagree with me, because I know you are better. Cheers.


this place is entirely irrelevant, even to people playing on the server.

it is a small insignificant echo chamber of an already small insignificant portion of the playerbase.

it doesn’t matter what anyone says or does here, it’s the same players racked up for the same play, over, and over again; ad infinitum.


That is correct Coalburnt.
However you can hold yourself to a higher standard.

I don’t know what this thread even is at this point

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The four horsemen of the forum apocalypse.

The constant forum optics fence-sitters
The smut-post defending rejects
The alt mass-flaggers
And the talking heads that haven’t been subscribed since Legion, nonstop circle-posting

The same song and dance each thread.


A beautifully mess of nonsense, classics and reruns.

Coalburnt’s rehab and therapy apparently.

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I just call it unproductive and stale, even the petty slap-fights gets dull after long enough.

Both Warscale and Coalburnt put it well.

The forums are becoming more and more irrelevant. Same threads, day in, day out. Same clown rodeo, same static takes by the same ‘horsemen’. Every few weeks/months I tab in, there are fewer and fewer people, except for the echo chamber people in question. A very sad affair and direction to go when compared to the old RP-focused days.