I don't know what this thread even is anymore

Having read it as an outside observer?

Proof that the forum moderators wait way too long with thread-euthanasia.


The who?
Never heard of them.


My bet was on WoD, not Legion. Darn.

I expect you can recognize them quite easily in public. Simply shout Vaxir, CoAD or PCU, and someone in the crowd will immediately start screaming with impotent dread.

The thread and post count on those keywords alone must be near-to-cosmic in terms of scope.

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I think the general health of the game has influence over that as well. Yeah there will always be the regulars, I remember a time when the regulars certainly were far more numerous than nowadays. Only thing that is constant seems to be the guild and A/H/N threads which don’t particularly demand much to maintain after creation.

So yeah, in my opinion forums have degraded progressively as the game got worse and frankly ridiculously polarizing IC and OOC… I mean we always had factions of RPers and so on, I’m not that blind and clamoring “In the ye ol’ time…” but some factors from back then are clearly paying dividends now.

Honestly, the ‘old’ forums were a lot worse. Drama threads regularly locking at the 26 page limit, very frequent and very aggressive witch hunts. Most of what the forums are now is those of us who’ve stuck around and chatter amongst ourselves, a glorified discord server.

The general behaviour on here is better, maybe because we’re older or maybe because there’s a lot less of us and we’ve all known each other for yonks.


Speak for yourself I will take WoD and MoP forums with all their drama any day and night over this.


You’re talking about like, 9 years ago. I’m not even sure if I was here back then!
No, wait, I was definitely there for late WOD.
…That’s it, basically.

miss me pre-cata forums when everyone had the same avatar


It didn’t say it was better, just more active and alive… Yes with exactly what you’ve just mentioned so I suppose it’s whatever one fancies. A forum full of toxicity but is very much active like in the Cata/MoP/WoD era or a smaller number of regulars you all know rehashing the same arguments and beefs they’ve had a decade ago but with generally more mellow and less eager to blow a gasket?

I’ll take the mellow personally – the people I could have feuds with just end up on my ignore list nowadays, which itself was a nice addition to the forums.

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If activity just means alot of people there but everyone is nasty to eachother, I don’t see how its better other than active for the sake of active.

WoW has also declined a bit simply by nature. Older games and forums gets less active with influx of newer players as things go on.

WoW in particular seems like a game not really easy to get into fresh and the forums generally aren’t very active. Outside of AD, most realm forums are dead, and GD is on average just people saying nasty stuff about people.


I would say that older forums had more nasty stuff by virtue of there being more people, not necessarily because people were worse back then.

In fact, since we’re speaking of pre-discord forums, the idea of an entire united community was actually a pretty strong one and if anything, I could avoid toxic attitudes more easily.


I remember a lot of guilds didn’t bother making forum threads back when because it was generally considered to just be a place for drama/toxicity, which is not particularly good for RP either

Of course, nowadays people don’t make threads on the forums for their guilds because posting in any of like 15 different discord servers that potential new rpers or returning rpers don’t know about is more effective instead, which is also not particularly good

times change but also they don’t thank you for listening


And forego the chance to flaunt transmogs? :scream:

C’mon, you and I know some people just enjoy to sit back, relax and pick up their :popcorn: and watch the chaos ensue. There’s also the tribal mindset that simply obfuscate much of the nastiness and makes the people involved numb to it.

And that too is fine. God the idea that this game might still be ongoing well into my forties or fifties after I’ve moved on truly sounds horrific. It may not die, but for the sake of us all, may it die in our hearts and mind.

The flattest of circles.

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back then in-game outfits were usually garbage unless you were wearing tier anyway, which if you were max level you got in your avatar so big win

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That little forum poster, they’re gonna be in that forum again and again and again forever…

Just like a horror franchise that refuses to end hahaha… Haha… Haaaa Glares at FNAF.

I was born the same year WoW released.
I am legally old enough to drink and drive, although not at the same time.
Do with that what you want.