I don't know what this thread even is anymore

That was a very specific image you described there.

I hate you now.

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Merely casting a wide net for a description. I do not have a picture of Raynardo in a Ricardo Milos outfit out there in the world. No siree.

No really I don’t.

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Pain, suffering even.

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A wounded man desires his pain reflected in those around him :skull:

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NGL that looks more like trashposting rather than them being Keti Caravan 2.0.

At the same time I’m woefully ignorant when it comes to the Vulpera RP scene so those might just be tiny windows into some eldritch 18+ role-play shenanigans

God sends his funniest clowns his silliest battles.


Going to the person in question’s Twitter has a direct link to NSFW content, they have also repeatedly discussed engaging in non-con themes of an inappropriate nature on their timeline.


Yeah thats what I thought you’re going to link as evidence, but Im not going to comb through this weird furry’s twitter profile to see something I dont ever want my browser to cache.

I’ll take your word instead.

Damn, the flagging was fast on this one.

Also… Why do they think a hidden post suddenly makes anyone -not- read it? This is the Streisand effect here, I in fact want to check what’s in it -more-.


The video linked should show some of it on the timeline search : )

Principle? Moral? Or maybe it increases the critical entropy of the thread to destruction.

God speed, Speedwagone


I uh

Don’t want to see any of it, I believe you


What is your problem here? A person’s fantasies or k*nks have nothing to do with the guild activities they actually host in the game. This guild is very timid and hospitable, and they are not doing anything “illegal”, as someone here said. You just like playing moralists and feeding on drama. Especially considering that the DS are singlehandedly saving Horde RP. Oh, maybe it’s because they are not part of the PCU clique, huh?


Damn, you must not be roleplaying on Horde a lot, despite your constant browning of pants on the forum


Contrarian Copium. Should we not mention how a lot of these posts and renders on the not-safe-for-Warcraft side actually line up with their location and caravan activities?
Stop trying to polish your halo, if you’d just kept quiet, it would not have blown up, Izya



Isnt this you? Why are you again embarrassing yourself?

Edit: Speedwagone beat me to it. :nerd_face:


Yes, we all know that is why this is here.
I mean we have the literal torture guro artist being sheltered and protected but some weird foxes used the phrase “TRY ON” on their twitter dot com timeline? Travesty.

Oh no no no don’t say it, they’ll come oozing out of the walls, aaaaah!