I don't know what this thread even is anymore

I do like that most of us seemed to grow up and the horrible threads are much, much less. It was such a bad place back then. But everything changes!


Oh, indeed. I do recall a very old regular (now retired) player who entered my guild thread to accuse me of lorebreaking events.

I already had this conversation with her in-game: she purposefully told me she’d bring our convo on the forums with the purpose of making my guild look bad… because using a Scourge necropolis as members of the Scourge during MOP was indeed lorebreaking in her eyes?

Gosh, it is kinda funny how intrusive people were back then.


Very fair point yes and entirely valid.

Earlier AD and the forums while it had alot of drama threads and things like that, did have that sort of community too yeah. The strong tribalism we’ve seen in later years and divide between communities and groups that seem to loathe eachother wasn’t as prevalent back then and came about much later.

The thing with that too is that it is silly. But also very easy to get sucked into. Because yeah, there are people we won’t like, that is very human and natural, and its easy to find identity with groups who agree with us on aspects and its easy to get swooped away with it. I’ve done so before certainly, and we’re both well aware of it.

But the strong faction & tribalist views and alot of AD’s drama, gets very silly when taking a step back and think on the context of it being about larping in an online game. One well past its prime as well.

Oh yes, absolutely.

Absolutely terrifying prospect and the idea makes me turn to dust.


The level of pettiness with that is…I wanted to say astounding but also kinda par for the course with what our server has been and is capable of.


It used to happen a lot and still does on very rare occasions. Only, nowadays we tend to dunk on the person who’s brought it to the forums to complain. Shame culture is a big thing.


I think most average WoW players (And in particular AD’s “regulars”) are in the age gap of roughly 25-35 with some outliers.

So yeah, alot of us were teens or early 20’s back then.

Same with Callout threads, usually ERP ones.


I was twenty and now I’m thirty-three and that hurts my soul.


I’m turning 31 soon in like two months :frowning:


Shut up, I don’t want to think about it :frowning:

As for the forums, I agree, they -have- gotten alot tamer, and it does tend to be the same faces on here. Wouldn’t mind some new folks to talk to.

Also why do they always say “Every forumposter is the same” when I’m pretty sure I’ve not been in any clique ever :frowning:


All of my clique left the game :crying_cat_face: and I never succeeded in finding a new one to stuck around with.

Ah well. Time moves ever forward.

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Everything is derivative.
None of us have are own views.
There is only forum.

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They were pretty quick on the ‘rework’ thread.

This though, I think they don’t know how to actually figure out how to get their mod-by-algorithm to work.

The forumposters according to some on forums, all not on forums, and blog:

Will turn 29 in a fews months, and yeah, somewhat grew out of all the drama and I barely post anymore, just don’t see the point.

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One day… The Vulpera will be accepted and included just like any other Horde race on Argent dawn. Thats the future I hope for all Vulpera. A new chance and start for all of us.

Free of stero types. and all bad associations. Just another cool Horde race. No strings attached or any ill associations or will attached to it. Just Another Horde race you think nothing good or bad towards like the other races.

One day.

I can’t lie to you about your chances, but you have my sympathies.


Honestly, that’s an extremely powerful OC


Some might say there’s leadership potential.

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it’s Gawwosh Heccscweam :3

yo that is kawaii as hell