I don't know what this thread even is anymore

lowoktar ogaw (,>﹏<,)

zuwug zuwug ( ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚

This creature disgusts me.

My chances are done for… I’ve tried and failed more times than I can count. These peoples mind cannot be changed.

It is their belief that twitter smutt and erp is so normalized and common place. Your just hating for the sake of hating if you say otherwise. They believe every guild and everyones twitter is as lewd if not close to it. As theirs… And its their hope that despite your ‘‘predjudice and judgement’’ About the topic of Erp and Nsfw stuff. That you will see their good quality and rp instead.

I warned them a bazilion times about the optics and the looks and how people will view this. They shot me down every time.

The Vulpera future and our standing on Argent dawn is in their hands now. No forum posts or anything will change their ways. And even though I love Vulpera and think its the coolest race. Deserving of much better than this. It’s in their hands now.

Its also in your hands as well Argent dawn. The Vulpera are what we all make them out to be and what we make of them. You all can make and play the ideal Vulpera if you wanted too. And save this really cool race from this label.


I had a dream that various Vulpera caravans focusing on the different classes and possible ideology driving them.

The compassionate Dune-Priests ready to assist any living soul in the harsh deserts for it is their belief that even in the most unforgiveable setting there is the capacity to do more than just survive by abusing others.

The rapacious Spell-caster composed caravans, Vulpera who have stolen or learned spells from different sources and would happily trade ressources in exchange for a grimoire, for knowledge is power and the key to survival and thriving… Of course, as they are not trained adepts, mortality rate was high until the arrival of the Horde.

The beast rearing caravan. A Vulpera guild entirely oriented in raising beasts of the desert and taming them. Selling them to other caravans and being the one with the strongest around forces… Imagine a farmer, but with arrow coated in Cobra poison, a swarm of Wasps at his command and just in case an army of Alpaga. Peaceful enough but if you f- around, you will find out rapidly.

Finally, the Vulperan equivalent of the Monk. Could easily echo the story of Kang by having them all to be slaves or former slaves of the Sethrak who learned to fight without weapons by imitating the fighting style of the local fauna, idk something like the Beetle, Vulture, Cobra and whatnot as replacement for Celestials.

Obviously each caravan has roles that must be filled like a healer, caravan lorekeeper, guard and beast tender but that’s the general vibe each would have. We could have had all of this… But no, we got exactly what people stereotyped them and their players will turn out to be for a decent chunk.


As tiresome as it is to read the constant dunking on vulpera a lot of RPers do it with valid reasons
Forum posting won’t really fix that, just RP and be decent about it, it’s surprisingly easy
That’s my take anyway as someone who has two vulpera in the group of characters they chiefly play


Ah, so I’m not Lukas after all.


Who could be behind this?

Right, I think this is getting beyond sad now, can anyone call an airstrike on this thread already?


You can just mute it.


I don’t even feel like troutposting anymore.

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I probably should…

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly.

Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground.

The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don’t care what humans think is impossible.

love that you guys are furiously refeshing the page for updates

emergency meeting called in the secret consequences of argent dawn discord lmao

wtf whats that expose about? What just happen here? why is there debris all over the place?

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Kinda interesting they swapped to a classic level 10 posting for some secondary account just at the ready. I think any association with them would be worse than whatever people they’re trying to call out.

It’s an important public announcement, people should know who they’re roleplaying with so they can make informed decisions, what if some innoucuous roleplayer came across one of these villains in the wild and upset them? That poor roleplayer would end up with poorly written accusations levied at them.

I think most of argent dawns players are able to make that call for them selves.

I mean its pretty common knowledge these days where the general argent dawn stands on things. For or against.

The idea that a list of armory links to guilds and characters that I and assumedly most people have never heard or cared about, with an insult that looks like it was ripped out of a bad MCU movie script, is an “important public announcement” is sending me.


No, you wish it was though.

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