I don't know what this thread even is anymore

The funniest thing about all of this is how Coalburnt thinks he’s performed some epic gotcha moment.

Come closer, wee man. Let me clue you in. Literally no one cares. The use of Classic alts was never about hiding to begin with. All of our alts were freely available on check-pvp all along - well, I know mine were. You PCU weirdos made a big deal about it and I really can’t understand why. Oh, I know. Because of the whole “if people know who I am they won’t RP with me” thing? I don’t think that’s a problem considering 90% of the people on these forums (you included) haven’t RPed properly since BfA.

When I said to hit me with the good stuff I didn’t mean throw some stalker tantrum bro.


The number is probably not as big as this but how big it ACTUALLY is? I can’t say for certain.

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btw you’re wrong, the funniest thing about all this is you/your acquaintances do the exact same thing regularly but the moment the shoe is on the other foot it suddenly ‘doesnt matter’ and is ‘cringe’.

the dance is the same but the steps have been reversed, that’s the funniest part.

I wish a kind soul could redpill me on what the hell Coalburnt’s problem is with my guild, it’s been so many years and I still don’t have a clue. I want to say I’ve never even interacted with you, guy, but I don’t really know who you are. What’s the beef, chief?

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I think it’s closer to 30% who don’t personally.
I still do daily. I need my fix of word usage.


redpill? don’t you know that’s a homophobic, racist dogwhistle? how very hypocritical.

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Well, this guy’s mind must have been made up years ago, but it was worth a try! Stay safe, friend.

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It’s me. I’m the consequences.

no, i’m the consequences

its time for me to live up to my family name and face full life consequences


I am so lost about what this thread turned into.

I think Taylor Swift is a good artist with the only genuinely bad album being Reputation.
Change my mind.

my insane evil twin has forgotten to take his medication and gone full asylumposting.


What if the consequences were the friends we made along the way?

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i’m not the one parading my alters on the forum in some bizarre attempt to save face

What thing?

I can’t believe a guild that has been inactive for years can mess with someone’s mind so much. Do you even know why you hate the “adolescent bureau boys” so much, Coalburnt???

Though your profiling work is really sloppy, you even suck at that.

actually, the discord I made is called ‘horsemen of bonk’.

Why are the people in that list of alts significant? I have never seen any of them in game or on the forums except for Jeyce who just replied.

Genuine question because all this has done from my perspective is show me that a bunch of people I’ve not heard of are also another group of people who I’ve never heard of.


any more astroturf in this thread and we could get a game of football going

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No, you see. It’s only an issue when the PCU (and everyone I don’t like is PCU) “alt posts”.
When Crazymon (Hey, you still weirdly schizo DM’ing and harassing guild members of people you blindly dislike on Wildroot or was that just a “back then” thing?) & company gets called out for alt-antics, it’s cringe/weird to call out and a non-issue.