I don't know what this thread even is anymore

Damn, tell me more.

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X amount of years ago (Around Legion or BFA I dare say) the guild I was in had to deal with the experience of Crazymon (name suddenly very fitting) flying around on Wildroot, following a officer of the guild on her alt in-game in Stormwind. Suddenly a barrage of vague whispers were sent where he insulted the woman in question OOC, calling her a whole slew of derogatory slurs and insinuating she was a ‘loose woman’ due to who she affiliated with.

No context or clue was given as to why he had an issue or decided to bombard her, except references to the group she affiliated with. Clique-drama was the bog standard back in the day, but said officer was never involved nor had spoken publicly about it.

To quote your own words above:

some people never grow out of their adolescent phase ig.

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That’s crazy(mon), unhinged gamers still up to their old tricks.

I guess those char lists dropping were a bit bigger of a deal than they claimed; always good to join the dots.

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This was the sort of thing I was trying to ask for. A list of names is useless without context for what those names may or may not have done. I wasn’t trying to cover up things or downplay anything but Coalburnt never gave any explanation beyond stating that person one is also person two.

These men, at least one of them (but I assume they all contribute some way) is responsible for a hate blog on tumblr that has been running for 8 years now called ‘consequences of argent dawn’, they like to paint themselves as the justiciars of argent dawn but the reality is there are more skeletons in the collective closet that it’s close to bursting.

Increasingly what is posted on this blog has become more and more unhinged and does not align with reality, however it persists.

Made and levelled the druid Wildroot specifically in Dragonflight, mained Villec the warlock and Aneseth the monk all through Legion and BfA. Galassar the priest also. Either you’re making this up or it was a different Wildroot. Also was in Rotgarde in Legion.

Everbody knows that was Valter was the leak, there were too many specific and detailed sources for it to have been Lukas, some of which were before Lukas’ time even.

You mean this Villec?

Also lol at trying to reframe history.

Yeah, that Villec.


For readers: yes, he is referring to pride parades.

Yeah, that’s around the time I was in Rotgarde. Ten years later, proud to be trans. Ten years before that quote making neo Nahtsee recruitment websites from my school PC. I look back on my 4chan days and realise how confused and lonely I was at the time. What a shame.


actually I believe this was the guild you were in at the time https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/guild/eu/argent-dawn/prideful

I think you missed an alt


Yoooo do you still play or RP? If so hit me up In-game on Orcbane, I always considered you a decent bloke.

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Missed more than one, mate. Keep digging and I’ll let you know if you’ve found the right ones after I come home from work.

Yup! Was active on Lucam and Remath up until this weekend but will be busy on SoD for a fair while, I expect. If you play on Crusader Strike feel free to poke me.


I’ve uninstalled Classic about 2 hours into SoD, I’ve had my fill with vanilla back in 2005.

Nonetheless hmu when you go back to retail, I’ll be around. I can send a Discord/bnet handle via ingame mail.

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Coal going full creepy stalker on main for some gotcha moment on the forums. :skull:

Why are pcu folks so unhinged.


Damn. I’m loving the rune system tbh! Anyways, where do I know you from again? The mail idea is a good idea.

Matowa was right.

Check my battle pets

edit: on my current main, Armory is broken on this one

yeah yeah we get it “its ok when my side does it but its not ok when side I don’t like does it” :roll_eyes:

Learning and improving from a gross past is something to be congratulated not shamed, so good job.
