I don't know what this thread even is anymore

Last I checked, “learning and growing” was not pivoting all responsibility/blame onto other parties, removing yourself from your own actions.

Which brings me to;

I’ve no way to prove nor disprove when you made said character. I find it odd that (in junction with you pivoting responsibility of your past onto other sources) you default to “Oh it was someone else with that name or you’re making it up” rather than outright denying it flat out. All in all, together with what Coalburnt has brought up (as well as former antics on the forums), I am reluctant to take much at face value from you. For all I can prove, it was someone with the same name (that then got recreated by you) so that’s really all the way I can drag this for now.

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It is what it is, but it happens to be true.

U14 4.0 when?

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Only when war crimes become regular war activities again

I come home from socializing (wow) and read this and

some people.



I don’t know what was expected to be achieved by digging up questionable activities from 10 years ago and posting them on an unrelated thread (For which the person acknowledges, apologises, and self-improved upon) - along with apparently a list of All Alts in Existence. (Stalker, much?)

I’m getting unpleasant flashbacks of the unhinged witch hunts from years yonder. And it’s the usual suspects. Is there any wonder why many are still cautious of them?


I gave this thread another glance and am clearly not the target audience. I guess that leaves only one reasonable question.


Of course, the bureau from which they hail doesn’t exactly have a spotless record (they used to meticulously catalogue and screenshot every perceived wrongdoing/slight perpetuated by their roleplay rivals in Stormwind as future ammunition) but they’ve been about as relevant as the forums* in-game for years.

*that is to say, not at all.


You people should be like me, playing Kingdom Come Deliverance, enjoying the heck out of the middle age, being Chad Henry Von Skalitz being a good Christian neighbour to his fellow citizens.

I prefer games where I can design my own character alas

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To be clear, I was never in the Bureau though they are very dear friends of mine and - though this hardly matters at this point - some of the finest roleplayers this server has to offer. Well and truly IC, never once metagaming or trading IC information whether in /g or on Discord, focused on character progression above all else. There have been many, many rumours about them throughout the years and 99% of them were vast exaggerations mainly rooted in certain people’s (not referring to the PCU here) dislike of the Bureau and its members, and said members’ combative nature on the forums. The latter I’ve always personally enjoyed as I too am quite combative and enjoy the forum bloodsports.

P.S. funny story, I asked to join more than once and they refused me more than once, claiming my character wouldn’t be suited to the guild.

you continue to give us way too much credit than we ever deserved and for the record, I really don’t have to explain for the 15th time how keeping proof of certain things actually came around to be a good idea when wild accusations are thrown left and right by some clearly unhinged people, as one can clearly see by one or two posters in this very own thread. oh and I can attest that Crazymon was never in the guild, we just know eachother for a long time, so that’s another missed shot.

come on, at least put a little more effort into it next time and if you’re not going to, stop derailing coalburnt’s increasingly funny paranoid posting

p.s: aaa damn, HIVEMIND (strikes again)

back to the coad bunker with us boys

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ah yes, the accusations that had proof attached to them, clearly unhinged.

1 person, me; with a second person adding context to previous dealings.

the irony of the whole ‘digging up questionable activites from 10 years ago’ spiel is not lost on me, given the increasingly moldy stick that is used against ‘the usual suspects’.

At least now you have a new and fresh reason to dislike me, enjoy.

I suppose the difference is when they keep doing it.

To clarify, I don’t hold much credence to the “all PCU bad” shtick, in case that’s what you’re referring to. The times I’ve encountered members in-game have been nothing but pleasant.
But there’s clearly behavioural issues in some areas the leadership should address internally (if they haven’t already); because it keeps happening.

I think most people realize these problems are complex. They’re just miffed at seeing the toxicity, witch hunts and collateral splashed over the forums, where they really shouldn’t be. Or when they spill out into previously uninvolved Discords for that matter, which I’ve seen happen a couple of times.


While I enjoy the idea of being so infamous I seemingly speak for an entire community, I’m sorry to burst your bubble but I have not been part of said community for a number of months now.

so no benevolent leader to slap my wrist, i’m afraid.

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Ahh, fair enough! In that case you should probably take better care yourself. At least bring down a notch please :ok_hand:


I’ve never really had that many issues with the pcu since, well, I mostly just stayed away and cared little about all those server politics. As a particular fencesitter rightly alluded to in his post before, I had my own issues to deal with. Ten or so years ago the guild was a target of some weird forum downvote crusaders that were real popular at the time but that mellowed down after a few interactions with Perroy on the infamous skype gm group.

I honestly couldn’t tell you why this dwarf throws so much bile since I was never really interested in being his enemy nor had a reason to be (i also have no idea who he is). Contrary to popular belief spread by some weird rumours about me (or the guild) I try to be an amicable person so if there’s any kind of problem that you want to talk about, you can find me ingame. You know my alts, it shouldn’t be a problem.

Maybe in private, Coalburnt, you’ll be able to tell me what is your problem with me and this inactive guild I am in. :slight_smile:

It’s Santern (I think?)

It’s not, I still have him on btag. He wouldn’t act like this either, I remember we used to play some games on steam ages ago and he was a pretty chill and fun dude.

No, that’s Warscale.

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I still am, and I’m also not Coalburnt lmao