I don't know what this thread even is anymore

I hope so!

Just the other week I bore witness to a highly disgruntled individual, who came into a discord server entirely unrelated to the Dust Scavengers, but which had different Vulpera RPers in it. They proceeded to aggressively paint all Vulpera RPers as such-and-such, then promptly told mods to f-off when politely asked to calm down.

It was certainly something! I hope the distinction can be made between regular RP and that pursued by more questionable groups and individuals.

You’re not arguing or talking to someone who is capable of acting in good faith, my dearest Wagon(e)

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I’m posting this anonymously to protect myself from certain members of Dust Scavengers.

They created an environment that encourages almost exclusively adult content. You may as well call it an ERP guild. It’s no secret either, the GM has art of… stuff on their AA page. Nothing NSFW necessarily, you will have to dive deeper to find all that, but provocative nonetheless. The guild lies about being a wholesome place to roleplay and celebrate Vulpera, only to invite members into a degenerate cesspit of down bad individuals who almost exclusively ERP and nothing else.

If minors weren’t involved, which they were, I wouldn’t have as much of an issue with them.

You’re literally an alt.


Speedwagone you’ve managed a miracle.


We’ll see.

Crap she’s typing.

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I mean we’ve seen that line posted in this thread already and it clearly didn’t stick.

Guess San’layn RPers have a memory issue in general.

(I’m about to be proven right btw)

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https:// youtu.be/2ipTOrO0vF0?t=246

Ah, another goldshire lux adjacent guild, fabulous.

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This is frankly my greatest linchpin of the whole situation. I don’t care about adult content just existing out there in the aether. I care that they’re not running the necessary precautions in front of minors and both directly & indirectly exposing them to it with their flagrant showcase of it all.

I’m willing to bet a Token that if I made a Cutesy Wutesy uwu Vulpera girlie and rocked up with near-no TRP I would be invited to “share a tent” before the evening was over.

Logs? Receipts?

Not denying there may be erp (every guild has it) but don’t come swinging around without it.


Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time… A long time.

Not true. Says a lot about you, though, if that’s a baseline assumption.


Given what they post publically and openly on Twitter, it’s not much of a stretch to guess what’s going on just beyond closed Guild-chat doors.

May it remain cursed and forgotten.

It’s a weird line but one he’s used before.


They’re not fully dead yet. Only yesterday did I run into one of them when my worgen was talking with a drachtyr, only they’re called Lovebirds now. Problem was, the other person acknowledged their presence, so I couldn’t immedeatly nope out of there. Surprisingly though, they did seem to try normal rp ( the characters chatted about the state of Westfall among other things), even if the trp looked fishy ( not degenerate, just strange lorewise).

It’s an old erper dogwhistle, ‘everyone erps’ means it’s ok to do weird sh*t around, beside and sometimes to kids because everyone does it.

That was one of the lines the 'nore used to plaster the forums with, I think he’s finally in a padded room somewhere but unfortunately elements of his guild live on, I don’t think goldshire has changed much.

No harm done! Atleast I don’t think so…

Just a little misunderstanding but nothing that’ll cause a calamity.
Apology accepted.


Thank you :pray:


No, every guild does. To say otherwise is ignorant at best, disingenuously sinister at worst. The caveat is context and where the erp is being done. If it’s out of game between two consenting players then its literally a non-issue.

If it’s in game woo boy you better hope the other player does not get cold feet and report the DMs to Blizzard.

Actually it is. Also Twitter is an off-site place no different to places where players get their saucy saucy art, which is apparently a non-issue if you’re an approved class of player.


What does the notion “Every guild has ERP” mean to you? Is it enough that a single person in said guild may partake in hidden ERP now and then?