I don't want horde premade BGs but

Alright, my bad. I misread then.

I agree that they stepped in and attempted to remedy the situation with a band-aid solution, yes.

I also stand by the notion that Battlegrounds did absolutely nothing in “fixing” the problem of severe faction imbalance, it simply served to avert the gazes of the masses.

I can frequently be found dead in the middle of 12 Horde players camping the Light’s Hope flight point between Undercity battleground queues should you wish to communicate with me in-game.

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The way I see it, they already get in their premades most of the time anyways, it wouldn’t matter to me or my gaming experience in the slightest if instead of 90% of AV’s being against full Premades if that goes up to 95%.

So you are insinuating that you would be content with the idea that the number of players required to form an 100% premade AV be reduced to 8, from 40?

That is what you are enabling by allowing groups of up to 5 players to queue for AV together, as apposed to individually.

Do not forget that these 8 groups of 5 players would have an even easier time finding and thus communicating with one another, as you could be assured that every member of the group would be entering the same Battleground.

You would allow for the premade abuse so highly touted as experience ruining by your fellow players to be made literally five times easier to enact, just so that you can play with your friends in AV, instead of simply queueing for WSG, or engaging with the opposite faction out in the world?

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There is more that can be done to prevent different groups/players from entering the same AV intentionally. They could gather up 2-5 AVs worth of players before they pop them and then shuffle the players among the different fresh AV instances. It sure looks like there are enough games for this to have a minimal impact on the queue, could do this with a deadline timer too.


These AV premade communities have hundreds of players. You can shuffle people around all you like, as long as you have instant queues (a byproduct of gross faction imbalance), you will have people getting into the same Battlegrounds as their peers.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way; and there is most clearly a will.

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But it’s not about ranking…

It’s about the fact alliance PUGS are having to do AV BGs with 10-20 player starts… due to the premades.

Do you just not read it correctly?

She is spamming her post all over the place and wonders why she gets silenced… one can only imagine how incredibly annoying she must be in game that everyone reports her!

You should have seen those clowns dubbing it a “exploit”. Clueless people unaware of what a exploit (videogame-wise) actually is.

Imagine being so intelligent to effectively overturn your disadvantage into one advantage.

Poor inferior zug minds, watch and learn clowns.

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That’s a misunderstanding, it’s a natural consequence of there being no proper mechanisms in place to prevent non-randomized patterns in a supposedly random matchmaking system.

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These zugzug crybabies will simply never stop crying and will ask for everything on a silver platter with no downsides to it. I’m so shocked to see that almost every horde player is absolutely the same with retail or fortnite babies.

I just went to silithus, ungoro, WPL, EPL and burning steppes in the last 2 hours. Every devilsaur, every black lotus spawn point and every mining node has 10+ horde players waiting around them. On my server, they have an absolute monopoly over the whole world because they have a 70% population. For 2 months now alliance on my server has been able to kill a world boss only once, I couldnt even see kazzak because whenever I tried to, I started getting ganked by 500+ hordes starting from duskwood. We managed to gather a 40 man raid and go gank and ninja azuregos from them only ONCE because they were so used to getting it for free, they didnt even expect any alliance to show up.

But guess what? They come and cry like street …s on forums because “omg thuy lust an av game.”

Such pitiful creatures, shame on you.


I like how you added this after you got schooled on this subject several times, by Bewarê if I recall correctly. Just because you seek to narrowly define it in such a way that your exploits fall outside the definition doesn’t mean it actually is narrowly defined.

Of course I read it. I understand why it’s happening as I said, hence why I went on to say “perhaps if you would like an experience unmolested by severe faction imbalance…”.

This is a situation we have to put up with as Alliance players, just as the Horde have to put up with the top end premades ending their 30 minute queues in 7 minutes. I’ve already told you the proper solution. Neither faction is without consequence.

Bewarê, nothing about Battleground queues have ever been random, nor have they ever been sold as a random matchmaking system. You either pick a specific, already active BG, or join the next available one. Where have you come up with the notion of them ever being random?

In a healthy faction environment they may seem random, due to both sides filling teams at equal speeds, but we aren’t in a healthy faction environment. It’s only an exploit in the sense that the Alliance are exploiting the benefit of being the undermanned faction; it’s not a bug, it’s not clever use of game mechanics, it’s literally how the game has always worked, and it just so happens to favour the Alliance for the time being.

To imply that this is an exploit in the same vein as bug abuse would be disingenuous at best and a total lie at worst.


They should remove the pug option completely from AV.
Then everyone would be forced to organize a premade.

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It’s not about falling outside the definition, rather outside the field of the punishable ones. They copy pasted some wikictionary quote where exploiting means making the most out of situation which occurs to you and not to others (= unfair).
By this flawful meaning, every advantage that happens to be a consequence of faction imbalance (which is, again, entirely on players’ choiches/mistakes) would fall under that category, because it is “unfair” in favor of the dominant faction. Let’s limit the amount of dungeons per day for Horde, because they have more players and can form dungeons groups quicker than Alliance, and it is unfair to us who must spend 1 extra hour LFG for each dungeon, sounds legit doesn’t it? Let’s also raw increase the price of all horde auctions by 30% because with more playerbase the Horde has more farmers and they see more competition in prices so players can afford FAPs easier due to multiple undercuts.

I’m hopeless that you will see the difference between these “exploits” and toggling walk mode and jump above walls which people were obviously never meant to, potentially opening the door to futher exploiting such as entering BG field before gates have opened, because you know, Flametrash player…


Fixed this for you

  • Yeh, you, we can not fit into that elevator.
  • But you are 50, and elevator is designed for 5 people ?
  • Who cares, let us in.
  • But…
  • Let us iiiiiin.

Whordies no logic as usual.


You’re just drawing an arbitrary line in the sand because it benefits you. I’ve always advocated fixing the issues that alliance faced during phase 2 and now I’m advocating to fix the issues with battlegrounds.

Jumps should be fixed, because they were fixed in vanilla too. The AV backdoor jump isn’t the first jump that was discovered and it’s probably not the last one. During vanilla several WSG jumps were fixed. If we want our game to be like vanilla was, then we have to work to keep it that way. Having the game be static makes it unlike vanilla.

The current AV meta is also completely unlike vanilla and is most likely a product of cross server battlegrounds, a feature that didn’t exist for the majority of vanilla’s lifetime. Even when it existed, we had battlegroups with only a few servers in them. Blizzard explicitly didn’t allow group queue, and they should enforce that or open it up to everyone. I’d prefer they enforce it so we can have some fun battlegrounds going with pugs.

It’s amazing how you can say this and still claim alliance groups getting into AV is fine (emphasis mine).

Your only rebuttal is to insult me because I picked a server where an event happened that I had no hand in at all. You are the the toxic part of the community for your forum posts, but you claim I am the toxic part of the community for my server.


Faction imbalance is not players’ mistake at all.
It’s a game design failure.

If there are only 2 factions, obviously one them will dominate.
This could be caused by completely random factors (more better players in one of the factions) or can be a game mechanism mistake (better racials), but the slightest imbalance starts a self-accelerating process: the more join / reroll to the winner faction the harder to stay in the loser one, so more and more give up and reroll or quit.
If there are no artificial balance mechanisms (and in wow there isn’t even in retail) the game will always be imbalanced by its nature.

In classic min-maxers and steamers speed up the natural imbalance process with hype (pvp = go horde) to a level that it affected every alliance players’ game experience.
The imbalance cannot be stopped or reversed now without drastic changes in the game mechanism, which would make classic a different game.

So let’s face it: we hit the wall here, classic pvp will be close to non-existent in the
near future.
Alliance will give up on pvp entirely, horde will have no one to pvp with.

You can say - from an individual player’s point of view - that this could have been foreseen, so rolling horde is somehow the player’s fault, but there wasn’t really a choice here: either you rolled horde or just found yourself in an unplayable game as alliance and reroll horde later.
The only thing that a player could do was to roll on a pve or rp-pve server and not jump on the pvp hype train: same result with less frustration.


I mostly agree with the sentiment here. At the very least players lack the tools to balance the factions themselves. We had no knowledge of the faction balance until well into the game. The nature of this game makes joining the other team much too costly. In games like counter-strike, I used to hop into the team with less players or the weaker team all the time. You can’t do that in wow, people have limited time and the game keeps progressing, telling them to throw away all their characters to start over is silly.

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