I don't want horde premade BGs but

Even if faction change would be free and easy it wouldn’t solve the problem. Some horde would faction change to alliance then got corpse camped for hours 1v5 or being beaten in pug AVs for weeks without winning a single game then they’d run back to horde.
This cannot be fixed on an individual level and cannot be fixed without major game mechanism changes.
Classic just made it obvious what everybody knows in the game industry: WoW’s pvp system is the worst of all multiplayer games and beyond fixable.

It is indeed fine because, giving the AV numbers in the queue windows was INTENDED by Blizzard because one might want to enter a specific ongoing AV (for let’s say joining guilds/friends in that game). You are not using a flaw in the game, you are using data which is purposely handed in to you. If that is the kind of “exploits” that should be punished/prevented, i’m glad Blizzard is not as intelligent as you.


I have also been advocating fixing P2, but it never happened. Why would horde crybabies should be treated differently?

Getting entire groups into a single game was not intended and you know this is true. You just prefer to argue in a dishonest way as is evidenced by your next claim:

Yes it did happen. They put out battlegrounds months in advance to stop the completely terrible world “pvp” from phase 2.


Outnumbering 3:1 is not intended.
So you made not intended population balance and now crying about not intended que times/possibilities avaliable only due to not intended balance YOU made.
Haha oh wow.


That might not have been intended, but removing numbers would also negate their intention, being to enter a specific instance of any battleground instead of a random one.

Releasing BG earlier, as well as any band-aid fix would, did just suppress the disastrous consequences of the root issue: faction balance. Until such issue will be properly addressed, there will always be “exploit” for both sides.

I have already told you that the expedited release of Battlegrounds did not fix anything. As evidenced by our discussion in this post.

There are still infinitely more Horde than Alliance, except now half of them are in Battlegrounds complaining about there being too many of them to reliably land in the same BG’s as eachother and that somehow Alliance players must be at fault.

You see how band-aid fixes accomplish literally nothing? If you want to fix something you need to actually think about what you’re suggesting. Knee-jerk reactions to vocal minorities are how Retail has ended up as it has.

The solution is no more complicated than reroll, but people would rather impose, as I mentioned above, fabricated handicaps on others instead of taking the initiative themselves.

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Yeah, everyone who can actually enjoy the game out in the open world again without corpse hopping from location to location disagrees that it didn’t do anything. Just because it didn’t fix everything doesn’t mean it didn’t fix anything.

We’re almost halfway through the release phases already, just telling people to reroll is not a solution in a game where it takes most people 8+ days of played time to get to a state in the game where you can even realize that the faction balance is what it is.

The playability of the open world is determined entirely by its proximity to a Horde warmaster. Sure, you can quest in Tanaris now, but you still can’t go anywhere near Winterspring, Searing Gorge, either of the Plaguelands, and many other zones as I mentioned above, because the large excess of Horde rankers simply migrate to those areas and lock them down between Battleground queues.

Besides, even if you don’t consider that, all it accomplished was to trade open world complaints for AV complaints. We haven’t “fixed” anything, we’ve simply diverted the complaints elsewhere.

Both of these issues fully derive from faction imbalance. If you don’t attempt to remedy that? You won’t fix anything.

I am sorry that you do not like the sound of reality.

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Then blizz should make AV wider so horde cant turtle. Ive not won a single AV after horde started to turtle.

You mean since horde actually started to PvP as opposed to alliance just rushing the PvE boss?

Yes, this is why premades are terrible for both factions.
Bug abuse is exploiting the system.

So uh, where are you reading this exactly?
I don’t recall posting anything about random queues.

AV has always been half pvp half pve content, what are you gonna do start a riot against the game designers? If you want pure pvp action you have 2 BGs for that.

The third paragraph of that post onward was aimed towards Bewarê, the Priest of whom had addressed me prior. Hence, the name of the player in bold at the start of a new paragraph.

And no, exploiting the system is not bug abuse. Exploiting has two definitions, I suggest you learn the meaning of both before throwing around such statements.

Bug Abuse is an act of finding a glitch or bug in a game by accident or intentionally, and exploiting it for an unfair advantage in a game.

In this case, it’s just PvE.
Horde actually want to PvP in AV? = They’re bad people?

Then quote them like this instead?

So not much time lost, but you can complain the next 1 1/2 years if you like.

Also then you see how it is to play a lock on the Alliance side !

Or just like, read?

And once again, I understand that English may not be your first language, but exploit has two definitions. One of which is to take advantage of an opportunity presented to you. Taking advantage of there being more Horde than Alliance is not bug abuse.

Battlegrounds being numbered is not a bug. Reading that number is not a bug. Alliance having fewer players resulting in instant queues is not a bug. It is not bug abuse, please use your head.


Premading in AV is not intended, thus it’s a bug.
Thus bug abuse and using this bug abuse is a form of exploiting.
English is my first language :slight_smile:

Not that hard to establish :slightly_smiling_face:
If it wasn’t a bug, horde would be able to premade as well and they can’t.
Thus… it’s a bug :smiley:
Please ban premades, Blizzard.

If the faction disparity wasn’t so huge, what we’re seeing now would not be possible.

It is not a bug. If you cannot grasp this concept then I am done attempting to discuss anything with you.

I wish you luck in getting your way.

It is a bug though :slight_smile:
You can’t queue as a group, thus it shouldn’t be possible to have a premade in AV.
Typical premade player exploiting the system.

Intentionally circumventing a technical restriction put in place (the lack of a join as group button) does fall under the other definition though. The battleground number is not part of the vanilla experience in any meaningful way but pug vs pug battlegrounds definitely are.

Yes but it’s not bug abuse. That being said, if you’re happy applying another band-aid fix so we can all be back here in a month’s time with a new issue, yes, we could do what you are suggesting.