I find Body 1 & Body 2 Upsetting

Sane opinion, yes.


Spamming your opinion doesn’t make it fact.
Keep an open mind. Be kind. Be understanding.

I’m not going to be feeding your toxicity any longer.


I suppose you are in favour of conversion therapy aswell… disgusting vile…

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Just ignore and report. Best way to deal with it, honestly.

if the forum actually had more then john the part time moderator this would have been closed so fast :smiley:

We know it are opinions but opinions do not hurt anyone forcing your ideology upon others does think about that😉

That’s too much of a one-sided way to look at it.
Vocalizing your opinions in certain ways definitely can hurt people.
And unfortunately there’s still plenty of people who think violence against LGBTQ folks is ‘fine’. Those are opinions that HURT in more ways than one.

Forcing ideology isn’t good either no, but don’t make it seem as if any opinion is just fine and doesn’t hurt anyone.

Anyway… all of this is off-topic for this forum. So this is where I’ll leave it at.


I think you need to educate yourself more though in general, since you have alot of other beliefs about politics, that base on wrong information

Instead of telling something new, providing any points/arguments against my rich logical back-up u just chose to keep repeating the same empty words over and over. “Congratulations” for lack of any reasoning.

You sound brainwashed. Maybe try to get VPN, and read something else than russian state media

Undead fits your rotten brain…

tbf i feel like people who are ready to voice their opinions on subject should also be ready to take opposing opinions on the subject…

it seems like many people on this forums aren’t and are very closed minded on their own opinion so it always leads to a bickering match.

if people come at me closed minded for example and refusing to even think otherwise, i just throw their own words back at them i don’t use my own… beat them with their own words instead.

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There is nothing logical about anything you’ve said

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it seems like many people on this forums aren’t and are very closed minded on their own opinion so it always leads to a bickering match.

Just people feel triggered by immorality. Instead of crying about reactions of other people maybe let go do something productive with ur time and read for example “Psychological Types” from Carl Jung to know more about humans instead of just writing useless posts.

who cares about other people feelings?

i’m against violence

Blizzard forcing it with “body type 1 and 2” nonsense, aren’t they?



Keep telling urself that : ] Not sure, if are u trolling or are u such intellectualy incapable, but anyway it was so tiring experience for me to try explain u my views. That’s all from me.

Never read Russian State Media - russian propaganda is boring, weak and propagandists are talentless, i prefer watching western propaganda like Bill Maher, Joe Rogan and others. I completely share my views on alphabet people with Matt Walsh - great dude.

Also binge-watching Philomena Cunk now, she is perfect display of western intelligence!

Ah, tolerant left, good thing i’m not rly type of person who gets offended by litteraly anything. But i couldn’t care less about your feelings, sorry.


Decent human beings usually do.


That’s not an ideology though. You are still free to call your character whatever gender you’d like. Just like other players can do that with their characters. That’s freedom.

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I only care about people close to me, feelings of random people on internet is irrelevant. Also facts don’t care about your feelings.

How so? It is solely pushed to please certain unscientific community.

It is surprising that feminist not mad cuz 1 > 2

Why do u mention my words towards u in mix with my words about freedom? : ] People, who are apathetic like u should be punished. Do u know, what is karma or do u hear this term first time? : ]

And what if one of those people close to you is hurt by the awful things you’re saying?

True, but you haven’t used any facts. Only opinions.
You’re also a human being who should be capable of using nuance and the smallest bit of empathy. You’re not a robot or AI that’s only about ‘facts’.

Says who? That’s YOUR conclusion.
Ps; don’t use ‘unscientific’, that’s your biased opinion and it only furthers your image as a biggot.

It’s just 2 different body types and they numbered them.
If there were 3 options, I’m sure the third one would be called ‘body 3’.
That’s pure logic there.

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