I find Body 1 & Body 2 Upsetting

Watch out, some great scholar will crush u with his scientific backup about being trans, lol.

are you in relation with certain famous austrian painter?

My chakras are clean, connection with space and universe is set and karma producing only positive vibes. OM!, my friend.

I don’t have attack helicopters, deers or Zee-Zey-Zem around me.

When paleontologist exhumate human remains do they assign those remains to one of 78 genders or mark them as MALE - FEMALE?

I’m deeply empathetic, it is really sad to see person that clearly mentally unstable, confused and when someone (instead of providing help) pushes him to irreversable mutilation that will ruin life of this person forever. I feel sorry for them.

What is a Body Type 1 and Body Type 2? Never heard of it before World of Warcraft, somehow it wasnt mentioned in my biology class in school. Body type isn’t a problem when it means what is suppose to mean: skinny-normal-fat.

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They are numbered options.
Go figure. Just like the skin colours are numbered and not named.

‘normal’ huh?

You just keep on making these kinds of remarks. I’m not even going to react to your blatantly bigoted remarks earlier in your reply. You’ve proven what kind of person you are, I hope you get banned from the forums and this is the last reply you’ll get from me.
Not because I’m offended, but because I suspect you’re just doing it to get attention and trying to get a rise out of people; and I’m not going to give you the satisfaction.

Now go sit in a corner and think about what you’ve done.

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Why though? When you click on “Body type 1” it is clearly a male and “BT2” is clearly female and it is known that there is only 2 genders, so whats up with this newspeak?

yes, when you don’t have excessive fat content, have decent amount of muscle mass, fit and healthy.

You not gonna react because you can’t, thats it. Because non of this existed for thousands of years before some folks made up this “GeNdEr ThEoRy” nonsense and created basicly new cult. It is same level of scientific base and relevance as flat earth movement.

please, don’t call the manager!

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why do you say that i am homophobic? I enjoy watching lesbians on the internet.

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Why are u talking bs about 78 genders? They could just introduce non binary gender and it would be enough. It wouldn’t significally decrease effectiveness of paleontologists.

I’m deeply empathetic, it is really sad to see person that clearly mentally unstable, confused and when someone (instead of providing help) pushes him to irreversable mutilation that will ruin life of this person forever. I feel sorry for them.

U give pain to my brain cells, when I read ur clueless reasoning. U call being mentally unstable behaviour, which doesn’t result in negative consequences. What is “irreversable mutilation” here? What is ruining life for u by changing gender? These are ur dumb projections, not facts.

What is a Body Type 1 and Body Type 2? Never heard of it before World of Warcraft, somehow it wasnt mentioned in my biology class in school. Body type isn’t a problem when it means what is suppose to mean: skinny-normal-fat.

What biology has to do with fact, how people feel about themselves? You don’t know anything about psychology, so why are u barking, what people should do in first place? Also why are u assuming that science is just static/constant variable, which doesn’t change/evolve? If we would have “scientists” like u, maybe we would still live in caves instead of buildings : ]

You not gonna react because you can’t, thats it. Because non of this existed for thousands of years before some folks made up this “GeNdEr ThEoRy” nonsense and created basicly new cult. It is same level of scientific base and relevance as flat earth movement.

I have bachelor degree and doesn’t see any illogical reasoning with introducing another gender. She is just tired to deal with u, because it’s hard to teach u simple things. Don’t wash ur mouth by using “science” word, because u have nothing to do with science, u limited ignorant : ] If u are troll like she described u as person seeking attention, it means anyway that u are mentally just kid, who is wasting time on unproductive things, which are harmful for others. When it comes to me, I share my views to others on internet, so I don’t mind, if I sometimes feed the troll : ]

Holy moly, there is more?

why would they? Bones structure and DNA can only show Male or Female, nothing else.

You know, when they cut body parts out, it is kinda… irreversable. Whats ruining? Well, there is plenty of people that detransitioned - you can easily find out about their experience.

What i has to do about how other people feel about themselves? They can consider themselves rainbow unicorns, just do not project it to others. Can you call me “Absolutely brilliant and amazing forum poster Нюхачечка” from now on because i feel as one?

Well, science do evolve. Gender studies has nothing to do with science though.

in what? Gender theory? Psychology? Philosophy?

Nope, adepts of this made up nonsense simply can’t argue with anyone that had course of basic biology in like, i dunno, 5th grade.

but why is it so hard to let people be who they wanna be? do you have any right to tell them they cant?

Absolutely nothing wrong with it. Don’t put it for everyone else to deal with. Thats it.

no one is doing that… cis people always assume that its being rammed down there throats just for seeing trans people fighting for there rights

we litteraly have BODY TYPE 1 and BODY TYPE 2 in the game at this very moment.

inclusivity this excludes no one at all why is this a problem?

Who cares, if hormones/brain development/whatever related to functioning of organism tell someone that he has different gender?

You know, when they cut body parts out, it is kinda… irreversable. Whats ruining? Well, there is plenty of people that detransitioned - you can easily find out about their experience.

It is or it will be plus not everyone is transitioning. Why are u such limited? : /

What i has to do about how other people feel about themselves? They can consider themselves rainbow unicorns, just do not project it to others. Can you call me “Absolutely brilliant and amazing forum poster Нюхачечка” from now on because i feel as one?

Because it’s not problem to just throw off gender idea, since it doesn’t give any significant profit anyway. U are clinging to constants, when in fact everything is relative, u ignorant.

Well, science do evolve. Gender studies has nothing to do with science though.

It has to do with psychology, hormons, etc. but as I said, u don’t have clue about psychology as I said or any science in general. Ur ignorant approach to psychology/brain functioning shows ur ignorance.

in what? Gender theory? Psychology? Philosophy?


Nope, adepts of this made up nonsense simply can’t argue with anyone that had course of basic biology in like, i dunno, 5th grade.

Ah, ok, so if biology would adapt to new idea, u will agree with it. I guess if something is unproven hypothesis in science, is it also thing that people shouldn’t consider? : ]

it has nothing to do with inlcusivity, there is only Male and Female. Both genders were already included.

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trans men and women and also non binary

So what? If u feel male, u identify with 1. If u feel female, with 2. If someone is 60% female, 40% man, will choose 2. Where is problem? : ]

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Scientists kinda do, thats why they identify remains as Female or Male.

idk what it even suppose to mean, lmao.

Lmao. So if i medicate myself to complete delirium and consider myself Unicorn - it will be science based?

Nice, congrats.

it won’t though.

Not once you refered to me as “Absolutely brilliant and amazing forum poster Нюхачечка”, your bigotry hurts my feelings.

what does this even mean, how can someone be 60% female and 40% male? Does it mean that person gonna wash 60% of dishes and provide only 40% of income for their family?

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seems you also believe in gender stereotypes …

BTW. Ur belittling of psychology or philosophy sciences rly shows ur ignorance, if u rly think there is no value in these sciences. Especially, when u suggested that trans people should go to mental hospital, lol. I doubt that mental hospitals in modern times would want to just cage non binary people in room.

Scientists kinda do, thats why they identify remains as Female or Male.

Because there was no movement to change it. U constantly bark about scientific authorities without providing any argument, why exactly introducing third gender is bad in context of people.

idk what it even suppose to mean, lmao.

Not surprised.

Lmao. So if i medicate myself to complete delirium and consider myself Unicorn - it will be science based?

Why tf do u compare constant or semi-constant (when it comes to transitioning people) state of brain to be temporarily in high?

it won’t though.

If ignorant people like u would be “scientists”, I guess indeed it won’t : ] However as u see Blizzard as company full of creative people with high skills introduced this change : ]

what does this even mean, how can someone be 60% female and 40% male? Does it mean that person gonna wash 60% of dishes and provide only 40% of income for their family?

Upper part of body can be more feminine, lower part masculine for example. Beside of that it can be like with bisexual people - u can be slightly more into concrete gender than other.