I find Body 1 & Body 2 Upsetting

and long beards for all.

Yes long beards for UD and Humans absolutely.

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long beards for dorf-females

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Ofc! Would roll one.

This isnt about hate… it starts with an innocent call or shoutout to give certain minorities more attention which is fine at that point.
But it starts to become a problem when everyone suddenly tries to force certain opinions on others.
its no longer a call for attention its now accept these people and their weird thoughts or be put in some haters box…
I for one cant even understand those people but its their life so i will let them life there life but let others life theres as well and dont start redefining words that have been around for 1000s of years…

so wanting to exist without being called weird and disgusting is attention seeking now is it? think yourself lucky you have never had these kind of thoughts i wouldnt wish them on my worst enemy…

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You twisted my words i had a completely different intonation with what i said.

You make it sound like i find them attention seekers…

I just said they are asking for more attention so there voices are also heared.
See the difference?

And yeah i do think they are weird just the fact that you think your a female when you are a male or you think your nothing as if its an option to be whatever you want to be whats next can i choose to be a camel?

did i twist words you actually said?

and this kind of chat is what drives the hate we just walking down the street what happened to live and let live? is it to much to ask for ?

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you can be deer and can be hired by Twitch, for example. Clearly identifying as deer isn’t mental health issue!

People (you -and me- included) should start with themselves, instead of looking at others. :blush:


Clearly not in this society…

A lot like the hate that trans people show those who don’t share the ideology. This goes both ways but the leftist types never acknowledge that.

Have you ever seen how the trans community treats those who detransition? Because its exactly how they claim to be treated by those who don’t follow their ideology, they’ve found their own minority to bully. Its hypocrisy at its finest.


Every person has some “demons”, but not on this level. Biggest problem is that certain group of people push to normalize those mental health issues. And even bigger problem when kids are getting indoctrinated and mutilate themselves for the rest of their life.

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I’d rather have body 1 and 2 than Elon charging me 8.99 to be able to use the mounts I’ve already earned. Oh an maybe 1 euro every time I want to use a toy. Or an extra 5 euros If I want to change character. Between going woke or going broke because of a greedy vulture, I would choose going wok honestly as much as I hate that woke nonsense.

You wouldn’t have to, Blizzard’s doing fine dollar wise.

And I hope with the acquisition from Ms this doesn’t change. Elon is the last person I want to see anywhere close to this game.

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I hate to agree with you but I do, This is a pointless debate Blizz wont change their tune on.

Reading through the thread it has gone completely offtopic and needs reporting closing down, now I dont care what side of the fence you are on this is a GAMING forum not a POLITICS forum.

You can spam 100 posts about this is a gaming forum its also a place for open discussion on this forum so people are allowed to chat and talk.

But you are wrong, this is a gaming forum for gaming discussion, berating eachother over being left wing or right wing is not the place for it here, the thread has been reported, the sooner a moderator closes it the sooner you can all stop being jerks to eachother.


These are opinions. Yours.
Again; start with yourself.