I find Body 1 & Body 2 Upsetting

Does it mean that person gonna wash 60% of dishes and provide only 40% of income for their family?

I see now that u are probably also misogynist, lol.

Very little value, but infinitely more than in gender studies, thats for sure.

Because they can’t, it is litteraly impossible by nature.

trans people has constant or semi-constant hormonal issues because of medication. Same as high af person.

nope, females still gonna have wider hips and narrower shoulders.

obviously doesnt know what hrt does

well, if you start to give HRT meds to toddler, maybe that gonna affect it. DNA still gonna show that person as Male though.

what is a woman?

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Very little value, but infinitely more than in gender studies, thats for sure.

I didn’t hear about something like gender studies xd Anyway I guess that psychology accepts more genders than two currently, so ur point would be invalid in context of science view on it.

Because they can’t, it is litteraly impossible by nature.

People wants to control nature. This is reason, why we have surgeries, etc. It’s ur problem, if u are slave of nature, not science.

trans people has constant or semi-constant hormonal issues because of medication. Same as high af person.

Nope. They have issues starting after being just born.

nope, females still gonna have wider hips and narrower shoulders.

Unless someone will change it by surgery : ]

no one is gonna give hrt to a toddler…

well, it means insanity has more room to grow!

Nah, they don’t. Those who have very very very rare case of people being hermafrodite (or intersex) do.

you really dont have a clue

prove me wrong then

what is a woman?

Human with curvy body characteristics : ]

Nah, they don’t. Those who have very very very rare case of people being hermafrodite do.

They feel different from beginning, but u completely refuse fact of that. This feeling is dictated by some constant or early development process in body or/and brain. As I said, they feel constantly they are something different, so ur point about medications is just bs : ]

nope, thats wrong. It is person with female reproductive system and who has XX-chromosomes.

who cares what they feel? If i gonna feel myself as vegetable or some animal do i become one?

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nope, thats wrong. It is person with female reproductive system and who has XX-chromosomes.

Blizzard has different opinion and these people are many times more creative than u. As u see, big world players are also deciding to take different approach.

who cares what they feel? If i gonna feel myself as vegetable or some animal do i become one?

Many people. Just because u are apathetic fk, it doesn’t mean that everyone is : ]

It is called pandering to social justice mob. Funnily enough almost every game, movie or tv-show that put that at the forefront is failed spectaculary.

Imagine caring about feelings? It basicly bans humor and comedy :smiley:

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just a little bit about chromosomes :slight_smile:
https ://www. nhs. uk/conditions/klinefelters-syndrome/#:~:text=Usually%2C%20a%20female%20baby%20has,Y%20chromosome%20denotes%20male%20sex.

what next? you gonna link down syndrome wiki page to me? Genetical mutations sometimes do happen.

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you asked for proof and you blew it off cant say im surprised

i litteraly said that people do have intersex condition few posts above. But 99,9999% trans people do not - they’re result of drugs and surgery.

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It is called pandering to social justice mob. Funnily enough almost every game, movie or tv-show that put that as forefront is failed spectaculary.

U could say that I was pandered too, if u wouldn’t write with me, but… it would be ur dumb projection : ] Just people can have similar, open mindset to me.

Imagine caring about feelings? It basicly bans humor and comedy :smiley:

U can share humour and comedy like that with people with similar mindset, not everyone. I wouldn’t call it banning of humour and comedy. Anyway I wouldn’t compare dark humour to being apathetic fk toward others.