I find Body 1 & Body 2 Upsetting

I just wanted to make my new char and noticed this… Needed to come to forum. Wtf is this and why? So are we now disagree with biology?


I mainly care about my primary group, like most of people do. Some times i can help other people that need help at a certain moment.

You dont care about others, you care about your toxic ideology. And as you said up, everybody who dont support your opinion is an enemy “and it would be a better world if they did not exist”

So less false moral, because you are already very soaked xD

I don’t have herd thinking like leftists xD

Summary of idiot with fked up morality : ]

You can’t even explain why xD

And it’s funny that we’re supposed to care about the common good while you’re a revolutionary from the couch xD

You can’t talk about morality when, once again:

You are pure trash xD

As u see, guys, statement that world would be better without some people implies that I would kill them in idiot’s “logic” : ]

It doesn’t necessarily have to be killing. In your case, you talk a lot about restricting freedom in the name of the system. Your message has negative connotations as much as you now try to make it seem less serious.
Either way, you have a totalitarian mind, so i keep my first comment to you.

No, they don’t.

Do you think, that china is a leftist country? LOL

Is that the only reason?

Well, I’m little confused with you. What is your point?

No, they don’t.

Wtf are u talking about? In USA u have paid education, healthcare, no days off from work and dysfunctional transport system. In general there are less public services and regulations towards companies.

Do you think, that china is a leftist country? LOL

Do u think that communism or socialism is domain of right wing?

Very weird reason

What is weird in not supporting animal cruelty? : ]

Well, I’m little confused with you. What is your point?

My point is to prove that socialism is better than capitalism for world. Idiot, who claims that I want immorally limit freedom of people, because I want less dumb and therefore painless world is ridiculous. By this logic u can do anything bad for sake of freedom and claim that u are free to do it, lol. Anyway even, if he is such idiot, there are also other people, who read it and may start to be more willingful to understand socialism values.

Aside of that I had thought that smart dictatorship is better than any democracy. For example Hitler raised Germany to high level as dictator before war. When it comes to dictatorship, many depends from person, who rules country.

Usa has tons of socalist structures. Just look how much of their taxes gets funneled into social welfare. You’re just a strawman clinging on some details about the u.s., that you probably saw in media once, and base your whole picture on those, but I do think, that the u.s. should become as socialist as us in europe though some day.

There is more to right/left than communism/socialism/capitalism/etc. You can have either in both political categories

Capitalism doesn’t really exist anymore in the western world. What does this have to do with genders?

Public health already exists in actual liberal systems…

Trans people got gender Disphoria, that means they identify with the opposite sex, so the current system is not a problem.

they can create a character of the sex with which they identify.

No, definitily no. history shows it and liberal countries have always had a higher rate of development

Communism was also the worst idea made by humanity and the biggest criminal ideology, more even than fascism or National socialism.

But also:

fortunately we do not depend on you

biology is offensive and hurt feelings of alphabet people, so it is considered as bigotry nowadays and should be cancelled.

i wonder, do you think Soviet Union was communist socialst state? Because if i project social norms of SU to modern day world (but i think modern China share many of those norms aswell) then people probably call me some far-right nutjob.


thing is, more i look into left-vs-right debate more i see constantly-shifting bs. It is all nonsense. It’s time to move on from Left-Right to Sane (family with male+female, 2 genders, being fit, being employed, etc)-Insane (everything to do with blue-haired overweight, constantly offended twitter user with pronoun in their bio).

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Maybe because human’s nature, It cant be implemented and is just utopic? :joy:

The sooner you accept it, the sooner you will leave that ideologic sect.
I am a former leftist voter that learned from my mistakes.

leftists live on dreams and seek the impossible while their representatives get rich. They will never eliminate poverty because in order to exist, they need inequalities to exist.

That is why the new left launches messages against the effort, promotes the obesity (as new body possity, lol) offers social payments to people who do not want to work, to turn a large part of the population into useless dependents of the state and gains votes and and seek to confront society, while true workers pay more and more taxes to pay the salaries to all social parasites.


More and more people gonna vote for conservatives, its because right isn’t as devided as left. Leftists even hate liberals, leftists hate freedom of speech and thought, they’re pro-censorship and pro-authoritarian govnmt, they hate diversity, they can only push certain insane agenda and complain on twitter.
Sometimes i wonder, do they actualy challenge themselves with pushing absolutely ridiculous stuff just to see how far they can go and get away with it.

just like democracy

Guy on the first house on the street climbs up onto his roof, spreads his arms, and jumps off. Naturally, he falls pretty hard and breaks a leg.

As the ambulance leaves, the guy in the second house on the street climbs up onto his roof, spreads his arms, and jumps off. He does no better - hits the bushes and takes many smaller wounds.

Later, the guy in the third house on the street climbs up onto his roof, spreads his arms, and jumps off. He’s especially unlucky. He hits the pointed railings. A real mess.

As the ambulance loads him up, the fourth guy climbs onto his roof. The ambulance driver shouts up: “Haven’t you learned anything from these three?” And the guy shouts down: “Yes, They didn’t do it right.”

The tragedies of the last century. The hundreds of millions of lives sacrificed to murder, suffering, despair, impoverishment, because some people thought they could find Utopia if they did it right.


Always nice to see a former leftist become something else, I’m impartial I agree with some things on both sides I don’t know the terminology used to describe someone in the middle its defenitely not undecided.

But I’d go as far as saying I’m not a right or a leftist with the scarlet crusade mentality, I only recently came back and was given a communcation contract and I had to ACCEPT to even play the game its pretty scary stuff to such a degree being scottish I do swear a lot its part of my vocabulary so now I’ve resorted to turning my chats off indefinitely.

Also some people find it difficult to work but I’m assuming you’re r effering to people who have the full on capabillity rather than the latter.

Can we have half male half female in wow soon?


I agree, that forcing gender on non-binary people isn’t social.

I think you need to educate yourself more though in general, since you have alot of other beliefs about politics, that base on wrong information