I find Body 1 & Body 2 Upsetting

Definitily yes.


Its because some people in the real life world are trying to redefine “gender” and therefore everyone have to go along with it…

Not me though i am a firm believer in male and female. And no will make me believe there is a third gender or that npc characters are now body 1 or body 2 characters.


just let people be themselves it doesnt effect you

Yeah it does because people are trying to force their opinion on to me… and they are also trying like i said to redefine what gender means so if we just let it go they will change that meaning which i wont support…

Let male be masculine and let female be feminine and dont try to add a third gender and dont try to make false bodies in a game and i will be quiet again how about that?:wink:

Was not impressed on seeing the classic symbols of biological sex as in physicality had been removed and it’s just pandering to the extreme left-wing who want every aspect of our lives “neutral” to prevent offending a certain group who sees things one particular way and to be honest it’s pathetic and shows what a stupid direction the world is now heading into with this “Oh this offends me and there for it must be cancelled or criminalized so my feelings do not get hurt” I guess as a Generation X 'r who was bought up with none of this stupid pandering :poop: being dictated at me I find it very sad that companies have to now a appease the smallest and most militant and vocal parts of society.

Companies are like echo chambers they parrot a view that is deemed PC and woe betide anyone who thinks differently to the agenda they have and American firms are getting worse with this because of things such as Twitter. But hey it’s done now and it’s a sad indictment of the times we live in.

(Let me be clear I do not give a damn about anyone’s orientation what they like or do like live how you want to live but at the same time when entities try to ram such views down my throat like many other people it’s a huge NO from me views expressed above have no ill intent and no I’ll will towards any one I am just fed up with how stupid this world is getting now)

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It has nothing to do with politics.

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What does it say about me seems you have an issue with my point of view just saw you drop that “attack” on me why the sudden deletion of that? Please explain.

I deleted it to not have THIS discussion.
I’m not looking for ‘a fight’.

dont you think there is to much hate in the world? trans people exist and are not going anywhere

Welcome to another episode of “Closeted bigots: The thread” with participants who spend way too much time on pointless issues instead of something that actually is an issue.


on this weeks episode… terfs out themselves

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i agree

wdym not going anywhere? There isn’t any mental health institutions in EU? They should go there, if you believe that you’re something else trapped in wrong body - there is some serious issues.


so you agree to this and then instantly contradicted yourself with

maybe stop hating… life it too short

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i’m not hating, just wishing clear and healthy mind for every individual.


life isnt that simple unfortunately

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I’m a paperclip trapped in a human body…


:fist_left: :fist_right: :facepunch: :fist: :bangbang:


throw it in the bin

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its all stupid :slight_smile:

everything xD

atleast you’re eco friendly

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So body 3 & 4 for transmen and transwomen in 11.0? Sure. Give thin and fat bodies too. Human Males with robes look ridiculous right now.