I HATE ganking. Ganking is not PVP

No, and don’t imply that for me.
Really, what? do I need to quote myself so you actually read what I posted? No, you have to re-read it yourself.

I said that nothing is perfect, there are problems, that War Mode made WPvP better as a whole, and that to improve problematic parts - other systems need to be changed/improved - mainly servers squish.

You don’t have real numbers and guessing/speculating to fit your argument.

But if we are going to speculate without trying to fit into something and a bit more objectively - Like you’ve said “leveling into a tedious, mind numbing…” - which it safe to assume that majority of players who are still leveling something would turn WM on to make it faster. Then they would select not a popular questing path (the whole “go wherever you want”) to avoid interruption by ganking as much as possible.

It’s also safe to assume that majority of players already lvled their alts to 110 during Legion, and now only interested in current content. Majority of players who wanted to lvl Dark Iron/Mag’har probably already did it, since a lot of time has passed.

BfA has a lot more and major problems than War Mode than lvling could ever create for anybody. The whole WoW population dropped a lot.

All of that is much more impactful to your lvling experience than anything related to War Mode. And you even stated that yourself later in your post. Make up you mind, it’s all over the place.

It has nothing to do with War Mode, and more dramatic speculation.

“go wherever you want” - is a part of open world games that makes them open world games. If you want more of a linear corridor type of a game… I hope WoW won’t be like that ever.

Thing is - everything is better when you “remember how it was”. Good memories are stronger than bad ones + nostalgia + your own personal preferences and reflection of other parts of current game you don’t like…

My most fond WoW memories are from Vanilla days - that was awesome! But I wouldn’t want to play that game and no changing and evolving.

Yes, Blizzard made a LOT of bad decisions along the way, but there are a good ones, and I think War Mode is one of them.

I heard a lot about how old world feels alive again when Allied races dropped. But I was late to the party and started lvling only close to the end of Legion. Population-wise it was the same experience I had while lvling at the end of 8.0 to now (finished yesterday) - empty world with a few ppl in it.

I even lvled with War Mode off during a second part of Boring Tundra, because nobody from my guild was lvling at that time and I was searching for someone to talk to during that “lvling process” thinking that group xp bonus is going to be something to make up for lost WM bonus. But there was none, and when I switched it back ON - there was a Horde hunter to PvP with :slight_smile:

Again, general game and playerbase issues. Nothing to do with War Mode and Ganking this thread is about.

This looks ether too angry or confused.

So, if I selected PvP server previously to engage in WPvP, and if I didn’t want that I could switch to the same character I want to play on but a PvE realm and quest peacefully - this is not an emulation.

But giving an ability to do the same, but with one character - is an emulation. And even if I still do PvP in the open world like I did with previous system - it’s somehow not WPvP.

Did I understand correctly what you are saying?
I think now it should be clear that “WPvP” and “Emulation” mean to you something different of general meaning of those terms.


Like you’ve said yourself - there are a lot more and bigger problems with lvling than War Mode. Mainly it’s a population problem of the whole WoW and that players don’t want/need to lvl anymore.

Solution to improve that situation (apart from improving whole game) is to make a server squish, mainly for RP realms sake.

Also, when Kul Tiran and Zandalari are released - don’t miss that train, open world while lvling could be full of life again (at least somewhat full…)


I love this part! :smiley:

Talk about dedication. ^^


Sorry to break it to you but it always was. I’m talking about the “updated” level scaling for older zones that allows you to level in zones that previously weren’t suited for your level, thus by design placing you in a zone with players of a much higher level. That’s pretty stupid in terms of open PvP.

What exactly are you talking about here? Switching to another character on a PvE realm? Getting invited by someone on a PvE realm? You really can’t see the difference between this and WM? :thinking:

And no, I don’t think WM is the root of all evil when it comes to questing. I merely said that it doesn’t help. It’s not the only issue I have with this “feature” however. I’ll be frank with you because it’s really quite simple. WM didn’t offer anything of value for me on the one hand and on the other hand it had a negative impact on other aspects of the game. That’s why I think that it’s overall a bad feature.

Other than that I mostly agree with what you said though. Server squish would be good. Must be confusing as hell for a new player to see a bunch of basically empty servers (even though it has been this way for a long time).

Choose aspect of the Chameleon talent. Suddnetly the big bad Horde can’t gank you anymore.

Hey wispr. Looks like your Stranglethorn ganking is going pretty well judging by these forum posts. Hope tbag isn’t still mad at us for the other day. He looked pretty salty, and I would hate to see his smile go away :).

The issue is warmode removes what original servers had. I remember the two major guilds Ihorde and security clashing on dragonmaw server. Actually fighting wars over areas to farm before driving the other off for farming rights.

Fighting for your spot is no longer a thing cause people can bucket and warmode off for items.

Sharding stopped this too but I still remember it all.

I have a neice and nephew that was uncalled for man ^^

This is where you are wrong my friend. Last night we had quite the tustle in Duskwood. Horde were ganking Darkshire as always and by combining forces of our gankers and anti gankers and their gankers we had a pretty big fight in Darkshire. Somewhere around 10 people from each side. It the continued and against the same people we ended having a big brawl in the Gurubashi arena.


Except when you got to stv all the players would have shardes out to different instances and wouldn’t have been there.

Or like when guilds raid capitals and disappear from the shards.

Also that isn’t a war for resources, you arnt shutting your opponent down, you arnt crushing there souls with defeat, eating Thier elf babies and letting them know they will not be farming those elemental potions tonight because the spot outside of kargath are belong to us.

When they can just turn warmode off and get those resources for raid progression it’s just not the same.

yep, ofc :slight_smile:
u should come by

Nope. We fought the same group in Duskwood, Redridge and STV. I think in older zones because the population is so low, you usually end up in the same shards. For example with wispr and Iwilltbag (a rogue who ganks stv) we have fought a while back and we met again yesterday.

Stop this condescending … it doesn’t help or make your point valid.
And no, WoW always had choices between zones - apart from starting, there was more than one zone in Vanilla where you could go to lvl.

Now you’re just making up stuff. Nothing and nobody except you are placing you in any zone. If you ended up in the same zone with “much higher level players” it’s ether your own “pretty stupid” or it’s a gank group came to have fun with you, and it has nothing to do with scaling. Only with your own choices where to go.

Really? instead of answering a question or understanding that it’s a rhetorical one, you are pretending and trying to steer it away to something else that wasn’t there…

So, let’s try to read again, your quote

my response and a question

I think this point is closed now, and you redirect is not working.

But it doesn’t suppose to help with questing. It’s a feature to enable PvP, and WPvP can only disrupt questing, not help it.

You think.
You see, you got there - it’s your opinion, and not a general fact you were trying to present it as.

Yes, I think Server squish would help, but again - mostly for later lvling zones and current content zones. It would improve situation with population in old leveling zones, but only to small extent.

As I’ve said - I would love to see old world more relevant, and full of life in zones of any level. So I get where you are coming from. But unfortunately, nothing much can be done about majority of players don’t want or need to level more alts and amount of players needed to populate even all major areas of this size of the world + all expansions.

So if leveling is an activity you like in WoW - your best choices are:

  • Lvl with friends for a company
  • Search for other like-minded players from other servers, not just yours
  • Wait for something like “new allied race” and jump on the train with other ppl

Realistically, as I’ve wrote in previous posts - there is not much Blizzard can do about it, and what they can - won’t improve lvling the way you might think it would.

On the bright side - War Mode enabled this unscripted sandbox WPvP to the fullest. It provided tools and reasons for players to turn it ON, then players became content for other players, and all of them create their content together, even in the old world, like this:

And it’s great!

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what char was u?
one of the tank pallys?

Nope I am this filthy rogue ^^. Was actually thinking of being peaceful until boozt started acting the way he did. This shattered every last hope for peace. Now I am back to my good old habits of being a jerk :).

Edit : had to reupload answer.

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Good to hear, peace is no fun :slight_smile:


Correct. But these zones mostly had the same level spans (like 1-10, 10-15 etc.) unlike today.

Again, I’m talking about level scaling. I don’t mean that Blizzard actually places anyone in these zones with you. It’s just that it’s naturally going to happen when a level 20 player can level in the same place as a level 58 player or a level 61 and a 79 player. This was introduced in Legion. Do you understand me now?

I honestly don’t understand the point you’re trying to make. Maybe rephrase it.

I don’t think it’s supposed to directly disrupt questing. It’s just something you do along the way, regardless of what you originally planned to do. But like I said, the problem it creates is not that you’re a valid target for ganking or whatever. The real problem is splitting up the playerbase and placing you in less populated areas (which is a side effect of WM). Can’t you see that this is not a good idea when it comes to mmorpg game design?

Yes, I’ve made it abundantly clear that this is my opinion and not a matter of fact. I wasn’t trying to present it as anything other than that. I only claimed otherwise in another post regarding the actual rules of WM and sharding on RP realms just to make things clear.

Again, I have no doubt that this feature works wonders for other players on other servers. My observation, however, is that it was only detrimental for our server. Less people in the older zones, mostly players from other servers in the new zones. That’s not what interests me in wPvP. If I want to see a bunch of random easy targets, I’ll simply queue for a random BG. To each his own.

Again - it’s only your choice where you go. Game even helps you to go on similar to old lvling route by giving you and option to choose to start quests in next location with a stand and then auto popup quest every 10 lvls. Following this the only thing that’s happening naturally - players around you with ±5 lvls. If you chose to go into a previously high lvl zone on your own and met higher lvl players there - it’s your choice that led there, and not some out of your control circumstances.
Do you understand me now?

The point - you’re needlessly exaggerating and twisting terms to make your point dramatic. WPvP is still just WPvP, nobody is emulating anything, players are still content for another players, fights going on, unscripted sandbox is full of life.

It doesn’t suppose to help, but it can disrupt…

War Mode idea is great, and good design for mmo game such as WoW. Can’t you see that you have this problem of “less populated areas” because of overall population and not many players still wanting to level something? War Mode plays very very minimal part in it, and only because of two main problems. Current content zones don’t have this problem…

Yes, it does.

RP servers are connected in War Mode to other RP servers. Or they could be players from LFG and that happened before War Mode.

If servers were squished to help with lower population - you would see a similar situation - players from other servers, because they (servers/realms) would be fully connected but still with their names, so there is no forced renames for players.

Again, less players, not enough for War Mode, etc - are problems of WoW population + “too many servers for this amount of players” + “too many old zones for any reasonable amount of players”.

Can hold yourself, right?
Random doesn’t = they are easy, or that it’s just easy targets. If they were from your server it wouldn’t make them harder.


It became very boring conversation of repeating the same things again and again. I’m out of here.

Few tips before I go:

  • Maybe situation on Argent Dawn or Defias or any of their connected realms (since both clusters are together in WM) would be more to your liking. Make an Alt there, lvl it, see how it is, and if it’s better - consider transferring your main. Your happiness and enjoyment could be worth this transfer fee, and it’s still better then pointlessly go round and round on forums.
  • Wait for new allied races, it’ll improve situation a bit


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Couldn’t agree more :). See you in the Valley.

That doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. You’re only taking into consideration one of the two possible scenarios: Player A is level 58 and goes to the Borean Tundra which was previously (meaning before the leveling update) too high for him and meets a much higher player (let’s say 78) who also happens to level there.
Before the update player A would have gone through the Dark Portal to level on the Hellfire Peninsula. Problem is that Hellfire Peninsula is now also eligible for level 58-80 which means that even the “traditional” questing paths have an increased chance of encountering much higher players.
That’s all I’m talking about. It’s the same thing that happened in the newer Zones (KT and Zandalar) and because of the very problem I described (which you fail to acknowledge somehow) Blizzard even created some weird scaling system to even the odds that were created by this new leveling system (and we all know how that played out).

I’m not twisting anything. I’m merely stating that Blizzard removed the old wPvP system and recreated it by different means with different rules. It’s not the same thing. It’s a different system that tries to offer an experience that’s similar to the system we’ve had before. It’s an emulation.

Thing is, you’re conflating two things here and it makes it really hard to take your argument seriously. Just because there are other reasons that play a part in contributing to a low population/empty world, doesn’t mean that the downsides of WM in regards to this problem don’t exist. It’s a fallacy.

The problem is persistence. In short, the interactions you can have players from other realms are very limited for obvious reasons. This degrades the overall experience.

I agree.

Hmm, anti-gankers… ankers?

Changed it to Danking, for “Defensive Anti-Ganking”.

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