How can’t you see that your hypothetical situation is a result of player’s own choices, and the only thing that system changed is - it gave ability to make more choices like that, idk, and I don’t care.
The whole game world is eligible for players of 120 lvl or any other “higher lvl” to gank lowbies. This is a part of risks in War Mode, same risks everybody had on a PvP servers before. Much higher lvl player goes because of whatever reason to a lower player zone and kills lowbies on their way. You can tilt possible outcome in your favor by not making decisions like the one you posted above. It doesn’t matter if it’s 80 vs 60 or 120 vs 60 - result if the same…
How do you know it “tries to offer an experience that’s similar to the system we’ve had before” ? If not twisting for drama, then maybe way too much thinking inside the box of old systems that you can’t distinguish emulation from evolution…
Yeah, logic is not strong with this one, but at least you’ve tried.
Problem you have with WM (making population even lower than it is while leveling in the old world) is a direct result of low overall population and not many players still wanting to level something. Low population on your realm and connected realms in WM = less players everywere, not many players leveling = even less players around you in what you like to do.
If those problems did not exist - you wouldn’t have your problem with WM, just like majority of players doesn’t have that problem in current content on normal realms and still somewhat ok populated RP realms.
Explaining same things again and again, and seeing complete dismissal of logic again and again - makes it really hard to take “this whole conversation” seriously.
On ignore now, it’s finally closed for good.
Good, bb.