I HATE ganking. Ganking is not PVP

How can’t you see that your hypothetical situation is a result of player’s own choices, and the only thing that system changed is - it gave ability to make more choices like that, idk, and I don’t care.

The whole game world is eligible for players of 120 lvl or any other “higher lvl” to gank lowbies. This is a part of risks in War Mode, same risks everybody had on a PvP servers before. Much higher lvl player goes because of whatever reason to a lower player zone and kills lowbies on their way. You can tilt possible outcome in your favor by not making decisions like the one you posted above. It doesn’t matter if it’s 80 vs 60 or 120 vs 60 - result if the same…

How do you know it “tries to offer an experience that’s similar to the system we’ve had before” ? If not twisting for drama, then maybe way too much thinking inside the box of old systems that you can’t distinguish emulation from evolution…

Yeah, logic is not strong with this one, but at least you’ve tried.
Problem you have with WM (making population even lower than it is while leveling in the old world) is a direct result of low overall population and not many players still wanting to level something. Low population on your realm and connected realms in WM = less players everywere, not many players leveling = even less players around you in what you like to do.

If those problems did not exist - you wouldn’t have your problem with WM, just like majority of players doesn’t have that problem in current content on normal realms and still somewhat ok populated RP realms.


Explaining same things again and again, and seeing complete dismissal of logic again and again - makes it really hard to take “this whole conversation” seriously.

On ignore now, it’s finally closed for good.

Good, bb.

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Lol mate. You’re sure you don’t wanna come back for another round? :roll_eyes:

To those that complain about ganking, do something about it, be proactive.

We need your 120s in Lakeshire, Redridge for example. Continual ganking from Horde 120 questers.

Defensive anti-ganking (or “Danking”) is the player controlled solution to deal with these baddies! There is no Blizz anti-gank mechanism, hopefully never will be. We have to do it, or just suffer. That’s WPvP.


Another player kills you.

Sounds like PvP to me, m8.


Threads like this make me wanna gank.


That is so nice! I love it!

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Some nice ideas here man, I would love some more WPVP-centric quests to do, not just 5 assault quests.

I really hope it’s a ‘watch this space’ from Blizz on this sort of stuff :sunglasses:


This one speaks the truth​:grin::grin:

Thank you!
I really hope so too.

What’s important is - Blizz doesn’t need to create complex scripted content like Dungeons and Raids or even Assaults, they only need to create tools for players to make their own content (improve and expand sandbox), and they even have this HUGE open world created over 14 years to reuse and reuse for that. It fits in this whole “spend less on development and gain more” very nicely, if ideas comes from sandbox and not theme-park ofc.

It could also open up WoW to more players like me, who love EVE Online not only because “Internet spaceships is a serious business”, but also because of all that freedom of Player vs Player interactions. And I don’t mean “full loot”, obviously it’s not for WoW, but everything else.

Tools like:

Players need to get something from somewhere, they go and inevitably meet other players who also there for “doesn’t matter what”.

Players need certain resources or points/currency, they can control towers/zones to get it, so other players who want it too can take it away.

Player is on a certain quest or quest-line that is important to story/war effort, and when they have that quest in their log and are in the quest area they can give conquest/currency on kill, so other players have a good reason to be there and disrupt it.


Add to this kind of approach and a good structured “PvP currency and PvP vendors” and you will have a nice and huge sandbox, with a lot of re-usability and repeatable content, and all of that will feel fresh again and again - because it’s PvP and anything can happen differently.

Non of that will make WoW into “some other game” - it will improve and expand on what’s already there.


This would be gold for me :star_struck:

I remember one of my fav things in Lineage 2 was the Castle Siege.

I don’t think they should steal this particular thing from Lineage, but having towers or a zone to defend or attack would be awesome.


Capturable objectives coming 8.2!


Let’s hope that Warfronts are not how Blizzard sees Castle Sieges, and maybe there will be something more like Sieges in the future.

But yeah, waiting for 8.2


Yeah I really like the capturable stuff idea, like in TBC etc.

Or in some respects like Wintergrasp (I know that’s not world PvP, but it’s capturable and have buffs).

Extra XP or WM buff or something like that maybe.


Warfronts could have been so much more with some PVP added into it.

Warfronts should’ve been more like Wintergrasp or Tol Barad at the very least imo.


Oh wow! Can’t wait :grinning:


Well, the only problem about this “ganking” is:
Everytime i go to low lvl zones to gank some low lvl players, I go hungry.
So please, little crybabies…level up with warmode on. I wanna oneshot you being naked, thanks.

Warm regards.


Tbh it’s a method of venting frustration at the current state of the game. No solid world to dominate, no solid PvP state. Poor content, no decent PvP vendors, what else do you do but gank. It’s about the only thing left, and warmode has pretty much destroyed that too.

There’s usually two reasons why people gank or attack defenseless low level players : frustration due to being unable to compete in an even playing field,and sociopathic traits.Most of them are usually the former one.

At least it means one thing,it’s very easy to rout a big gank raid with half as many players,because it means that most gankers,except for the sociopathic ones,are cowards,and this is why you’ll see a lot of their group run away,try to phase out,hearthstone or alt-F4 when you do try to fight back,and the few remaining will die easily.
If you see gankers somewhere on the map,try to gather a party on the /1 or /3 channel,and you should be able to disperse them with ease

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My first character was a forsaken warrior. I played on Scarshield, a pvprp server back then. At first i thought, hey this aint so bad, but then i got to hillsbrad. O god. My warrior still suffers from ptsd.

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It’s not so black and white. When I gan… defend wqs, most of it is literally just fun. And someone that doesn’t consider it fun, they won’t understand. Different players can have different reasons. Everyone is right to play their game in whatever way is fun for them.

For me, WM is a rich pvp experience that has no rules, except what situational rules are created by player choices and activity.

For example, controlling a popular wq is beneficial to your faction. It’s good to suppress your opponents, so that your faction is unhindered at a wq. That behaviour has created a situational rule: this wq belongs to Alliance.

To that end, you just want to kill on sight fast, and have your fellow Alli beside you in numbers - because you also expect/hope a Horde retaliation raid.

But, for your 2 b+w profiles…

  1. I do fit the skill issues profile. For me I love 1v1. But ye, I lack skills, so 2v1, 3v2, is easier for me than 2v2, 3v3. I am trying to learn tho. In the mean time, I will have fun my way. And why not.

  2. And, I am pretty mild mannered irl, but in a GAME, I just want to kill kill kill. Kill on sight. Destroy. Win or lose, just want to fight. That’s fun for me.

So I fit both b+w profiles in a way, but there is more to it. It’s just a game, and there are many ways to have fun in it. For me, mostly I enjoy the idea of defending, helping our faction get on with their WM quests. Others will have diff ideas of fun, for example RPing about honour. Fun for you? Do it.

Part of WM, is the skill of forming effective alliances to beat opponents. WM is random anything goes pvp, not a fixed faction ratio bg match. Fair doesn’t matter. WM is about making choices that affect the outcome of random situations.

I don’t care if an opponent is trying to quest. They made the choice to turn on WM. They are in front of me because pvp. It is their choice to play solo WM. Their choices and my choices, and choices of those around us, affect the outcome. That randomness is awesome.

But ye, some just enjoy ganking. Why not. Find it fun? Do it. Everyone around you made a choice to turn on WM. Even gankers get ganked hehe. Been trying to help out the Redridge lowbies with some anti-ganking, sometimes I get ganked myself. I should complain!

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