I have a perfect solution for supporters of pay-to-win boosts

A thing has been revealed to me today.

There’s a thing called Chromie Time in retail, that will allow you to run TBC content BUT with all the modern simplified, QOL, super-convenient, super-fast, super-streamlined, stripped-to-the-bone, instant access, effort-free, instant gratification features of post Cataclysm retail that you guys crave.

It even has all the modern retail graphics and character models people have been asking for, including Dungeon Finder and LFR.

There’s even a paid boost service that will take you straight to level cap, so you can spend all your time in dungeon and raid queues, spamming TBC heroics and raids to your heart’s content. No need to waste your time with any other content, or mess around exploring Outland - It’s perfect for you! Spend all your time sitting in your capital city, and whoosh! teleported straight to your instance of choice.

There’s even another service available called Timewalking that will let you do TBC raids with all the convenience of Shadowlands.

This is literally the perfect solution for you guys, and frankly I’m flabbergasted that nobody thought of it until now.


Go then, visit Chromie in Stormwind, and stop wasting your valuable time (time you so-often tell us you cannot spare) on the Classic Forums. To Outland you go!

Zoooom! Whooooosh!


Tempting, but nah…I am going to boost a paladin to 58 because i am not a masochist to auto attack my way to level 60 considering i have leveled 100 characters from 1-60 in my days.


Just because you want 1 QoL changes doesn’t mean you want the other 9999.


But you can do precisely that in Chromie Time, in retail.

You still have to level your character in TBC, so why waste time with all that exploration, travel, RPG, socialising nonsense when you can boost straight to level cap in Retail and AOE spam TBC dungeons at a super-fast pace all day?


Just for all this crusade of yours against other players choice, I will buy boost for sure. I dont need it at all, but will spent this money with pleasure and let it stay at lvl 58 forever.


Bobby Kotick loves suckers like you.


If this was the case, for the majority of WoW Classic player base, I would agree. And so would those who don’t agree with that “skip content” service.
But you are the exception. And Blizzard should listen more, to majority.
Zones, are already pretty empty. Do us a favour, and play (level) with us.

There is an even better solution for people who dislike the boost to the point that it “ruins the game” for them.:

No one forces you to play a game which includes something you don’t like.



But you’re walking down a path that will inexorably lead to all the other changes. If you accept pay-to-win boosts, then other QOL changes are the next logical step as far as the devs are concerned.


Where is your proof that this change will lead to change B? Where is your proof that change B will lead to the next, that to the next, that to the next, and so on?

The fact that retail underwent a certain development does not provide proof that this will happen several expansions early in a classic-remake of the original game.

It’s called “fallacy of the slippery slope”.


You’re going to spend a bunch of your own money just to spite people who don’t like pay-to-win? On a char you won’t even use?

Brilliant! I hope you don’t forget when launch day comes. It warms my heart to see people willing to literally flush their own cash down the toilet.

If I were so loaded as as to be able to literally flush cash down the toilet, for no other reason than to spite a random anonymous poster on a message board, I’d think seriously about donating that cash instead, maybe to charity? - But that’s just me.

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I won’t do it to spite anyone, I will do it because I want my paladin maxed, and I really don’t want to level a Paladin 1-58

Please explain to me how it damages anyone elses experience of the game, if I add a 7th capped character to my collection, after leveling, by hand, no mage boosts 6 characters already? (My main, 4 tailoring alts, the shamy I will level during prepatch)

As to the “flushing down the toilet” - part: If the boost is 60 euros, that’s not even half a days pay as far as I am concerned. It takes me somewhere between 5 and 8 days to level a character. So, purely economically speaking, I am saving a boatload of invested resources by getting a boost :smiley:


You can’t prove a thing like that until it happens, you just made an educated assumption that it will, based upon past history, and observable evidence.

For example, if a person points a loaded gun at me, I can be reasonably certain he desires to shoot me.

By the same token, if Activision stuff most of their games full of microtransactions, cash shops, and paid boosts, it’s reasonable to assume they desire to do something similar with TBC Classic, and the fact they have already started upon this path further strengthens this assumption.

And I am fully aware of the slippery slope fallacy thank you. This is not it.


but is dead content popularity wise… unlike the TBC Servers which are coming. also lacks the class design these players want back.

Which you can totally do in the manner I described in my opening post, in retail, using Chromie Time.

It does not damage any one else’s experience of the game, that is short term thinking. What it does is damage the long-term prospects of WoW Classic by allowing Activision to get their foot in the door with P2W and convenience features.

Having said that, would not armies of Outland-ready L58 bots damage things over the short term?

Finally the ‘down the toilet’ comment was not aimed at you, it was a reply to the other poster who said she would deliberately make a boosted character and never use it purely to spite people like me.


So we agree that it will not “inexorably” (I believe that was the word you used, yes?) happen, correct?

There is a possibility that it could happen, agreed.
And if your prediction is accurate, then it will happen, depending on which QoL change you are talking about exactly one entire expansion from now (LFD), two expansions from now (LFR) or more than two expansions from now (Pandas, Garrison Table and all the other retail sh_t).

I am going to play TBC.
I am not worried about what could maybe happen in Classic-Cataclysm :smiley:

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OK, maybe there’s a chance that Activision will think "do you know what? We’ve milked our games enough, let’s stop doing it"

Sure, it might happen.

Jim Morrison may also be alive.


if their gonna go through the whole expansion list… i’d like to actually do it without LFR, LFD, M+ or mythic Difficulty raids.

I’d geniunely be curious to see if these expansions would have beeen more successful without these components in.

True, but that wasn’t your argument. If that’s the message you want to send (which I agree with) then do that instead of trolling.

Who’s trolling? Not me. I offered a perfectly valid solution for pro-boosters and people who want the game stuffed full of convenience features; a solution that they should welcome with open arms, given that nobody seems to have thought of it.