I have a perfect solution for supporters of pay-to-win boosts

I agree with you that changes can open up a can of worms and that boosts should not happen. You got my support in relation to your actual message.

However, I have no respect for your sarcastic approach to get your point through. You’re better than that. You’re diminishing your own message by cloaking it in a condescending post.

No you did not, because Retail != Classic TBC.

Because most of us are sane people that enjoy playing video games in a relaxed maner.


I’ll be enjoying my boost, dunno about you :slight_smile:

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At least, Im not a hypocrite spitting on company which provided me with 20 years of great entertainment.
And if Bobby buys a new yacht, Im really glad since his bosses think he deserved it, not envious like some here.


This proves you have no Idea who Bobby Kotick is. And the company that provided wow vanilla, TBC and Wrath of the Lichking, aswell asl Warcraft 2 and 3 is long gone. The people in charge are no longer the same. The creative minds behind it have mostly left the company. No. I am not a hypocrite. While Bobby Kotick is probably partly responsible for the terribly low wages blizzard is paying to their lowest employees. Look it up… Activision Blizzard faced a lot of backlash because of it.

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Paying to skip content so that you an rush ahead at breakneck speed and spend all your time farming raids till the cows come home?

That’s not my idea of playing in a relaxed manner.

Ofcourse people in charge are not the same, nothing is the same, wow is not the same, you and me arent the same, years go by…
Only difference is some people can accept the change and some can not.


Ok, play your way then. Nobody is forcing you to do otherwise.

But it’s pretty chill to play 2 days a week, maybe 1 and do other more important and just as enjoyable things.
Even play other games.

That’s the good thing about MMO’s, you find a guild with likeminded people and you play with them, the way you enjoy playing.
Pretty neat right?

But I think it’s wise of you to drop this obsession you have about how others choose to play. It’s out of your controll.

My advice to you when TBCC launches is to find a low pop server where bots wont be so rampant. Right now, thats your only hope so you can enjoy the game you’ve been preaching about the past few days.
Because the the 2007 version is long gone.
Believe me, I was there when the Dark Portal opened back then and yes it was a great experience. You know why?
It was new, fresh and unknown.
TBCC are none of those things.

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Chromie’s Timewalking is the way to enjoy TBC. Why would anyone boost to 58 in Classic TBC and then slog through 58-70 grind, rep grinds, attunement grinds, gold grinds, badge grinds? Can skip it all and jump straight to the marvellous TBC content. Virtually no downsides.


So if you understand this, why did you call Activision Blizzard the “company which provided me with 20 years of great entertainment”?

In the end that is the old “Ship of Theseus”, the company has changed in every aspect so you can argue the current company is not the same company as 15 years ago. But so you also have changed, your attitude in life probably has changed, you have grown up, most of your body is composed of new cells that didn’t exist 15 years ago so we can argue that you are also not the same person. What defines what changes do not make a thing became a different thing and what changes define a new thing? What defines Blizzard? What defines you?

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With each passing day Your howling grows louder. I wonder what will You do at tbc launch?

I can clearly see You just can’t get over it. At this point, what You wrote, is beyond me. I cannot comprehend writing all this nonsense* over an optional feature in a video game.

Be it as it may, You don’t own this game, so stop enforcing Your view on how should we play it. If anything, it’s a useless gesture.

And If You’re piss-poor or can’t stomach someone spending their money on in game, optional, feature than stop looking in our wallets. I’ts disgusting.


Because it is the truth?

Can’t wait for my boost.

Atleast play it then.

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It’s been more than 3 months now on classic as well as on retail.

You just said you understood it isn’t the truth. It’s not even named Blizzard anymore, it’s now activision blizzard. The people behind it are different people. Everything changes. And therefore it can’t be the company that brought us anything. Because it’s different developers, different management, different name… the only thing that is the same is the franchise. But Star Wars has shown us very well how little that means.

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People like you who demand that TBC Classic be stuffed to the brim with convenience, QOL, cash boosts and pay-to-win because they can’t be bothered to play the game properly keep on saying ‘you don’t own the game’ - as if it has some kind of relevance to the situation.

And no I will not ‘stop enforcing my view’. What are you, the censorship squad?

If you don’t like it, don’t read it. it really is that simple. Pay-to-win apologists like you can never, in a million years, understand what is wrong about putting this kind of thing within games like TBC. I could explain it a million times, but you’d still not get it - because all you see is “Ooh I can skip a huge part of the game! Wow so fast! So streamline! Wow!

You have no comprehension of the kind of long-term damage this kind of thinking will do, and explaining it to you is a waste of time.

I even provided a solution on this thread that should thrill people like you, you should be pleased that you’ve now got the option to play TBC with all the QOL, convenience, instant gratification features you crave - but no… you want to ruin my version of TBC.