I have a perfect solution for supporters of pay-to-win boosts

yes and that’s what people want
I’m leveling shaman at the moment on HORDE so i don’t need boost for him
but i need boost for my HORDe paladin cause there is no HORDE paladin right now

because That is not TBC?
i want TBC DMG tbc classes tbc raids and all of that
on retail you can even play MOP
but that is not the same mop you don’t understand why people want old expansions back ? because they want the EXPANSION not shadowlands classes in MOP expansion
it is very simple to understand this
I for example will trade all of my progress in shadowlands to play CATACLYSM retri paladin or MOP shadow priest you see? in every expansion there was something very good
that’s why wotlk TBC and all private servers are so goood because you can play certain expansions

Cant boost horde paladin or alliance shaman, well actually cant boost blood elf or draenei.

Horde Paladins, can only be Blood Elves, right?

And as far as I’m aware you can’t boost a Blood Elf.

I think it’s because you have to kill all the undead and all the green dragons or their boss calls them in when you are killing him :slight_smile: Remember quite a few runs where you tell the tank to stop and go kill the other greens first but noooo lets kill boss and be done with this dungeon… and then halfway eranikus 25 dragonkin show up and mutilate the healer

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But you get a cool shield for your efforts!

The whole dungeon just has a bit of everything in it, I think that’s why I enjoy it.

Also if you wanna boost skinning/leatherworking it’s a good place to be.

I have yet another Solution for the AntiBoosters:

Goto youtube, load the Video from Blizzcon again, right at the point where they announce the boost.

Now look at the forum.
Look back at the video.
Look back at the forum.
Sadly, it isn’t the video.
But it could be like the video, if it stopped worrying about things that are already set in stone.
Look up.
Down again.
Where are you? You’re on the forum, with the video still running.
What’s that in the video? A major gaming company announcing something publicly at their most prestigious community event.
Look back at the video. Most players are fine with the boost, & it will generate money for the shareholders.
The decision is final, and there is no point in worrying about it.

I’m on a horse.


:smiley: if not i will just play my shaman but if there will be option to boost b elf i will do it

How do you know that ? is there any information?

Yes it was said during the TBC announcement at blizzconline and is probably on the warcraft website somewhere.

That is unfortunate but i can use it on something else and pay Gs to boost my paladin

Liked the old spice reference. But now look at this:

Now look where you are. The WoW classic forum.

The similarity being that a very large amount of people now either have nothing against the single boost or are in favor of the single boost. Just like then when a lot of people actualy wanted classic or didn’t have anything against classic being launched.

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They might be in favor of that, but are they in favor of botting becoming about 86x more effective? (bots don’t have to level anymore and are at gold farming level from the start. Source: Ballad of the Boost from MadSeasonShow)
Are they in favor of an influx of cheating (punishment becomes less harsh, since you can just start at level 58 again.)
Are they in favor of putting more cash shop into a game that wasn’t made to have one in the game? (It’s how we got from server transfers to wow tokens. Step by step. Just a year ago, blizzard said there wouldn’t be boosts in classic.)

I don’t think they are in favor of most of the consequences of what they are in favor of.

Can you please cite evidence that when world of warcraft was being developed it was stated with absolute clarity that a cash shop was never intended to be added?
Or is it rather the case that when the game was being developed it was breaking ice into new areas and they simply focused on the game, even then having to cut content and other stuff due to time running out?
I’m not saying it was intended, mostly because at the time games and the internet were a little different but I would like to see evidence that it was decided the game should never have a shop.

Also a 1 time time boost does not make a cash shop, you are making assumptions based on past events.

If blizzard were to add a shop and services to classic I’d probably be against it. Those things are services that can be repeated over an over whereas this boost is a 1 time option.

Watch MadSeasonShow’s “Ballad of the Boost”. He shows you everything you need to know.

And despite nobody saying they never intended to use an item shop, there simply where no item shops. Classic and TBC were created when Item shops didn’t exist, therefore those two games were not created with some kind of Microtransactions in mind. And that shows.

Please watch the video, or listen to it while playing.

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And madseason is the authority on these things…

I like his content but afaik he never work for blizzard.

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You misunderstand. Madseason shows you how certain services just don’t work with old WoW. Therefore it can be assumed that these games were not designed with said services in mind.

And he is an authority in this case, because he understands the game very well and knows its history too.

Only authority here is Blizzard. If Blizz says it is good, then it is good.
Who is this guy madseaons?

That’s like asking someone to read the mind of one of the old developers using retro-telepathy, and so it’s an impossible request.

I saw some evidence though, but unfortunately I can’t remember what the video was called, or who released it. It was shared on these forums just after Blizzcon but I’d have to trawl back through weeks of posts to find it.

In it some Youtubers were discussing the ramifications of TBC, which had just been announced at Blizzcon and among them was one of the ex-developers who had left the game after WotLK. He had been responsible for developing quite a lot of the TBC content, including the classes, skills, spells, effects and in-game mechanics.

He made it quite clear that he considered the boost to be the absolute antithesis of what the original dev team envisioned for the game, and made no bones about his bad feelings toward the boost. It’s not a big step to imagine that he probably would feel the same way about all cash shop services.

This is not evidence that the whole dev team never imagined a cash shop, but it’s certainly indicative that they probably weren’t thinking of one when they designed TBC.

If anyone reading this has a link to that Youtube vid, please include it below.


He spends 10 minutes talking from a neutral point of view and then spends the rest of video talking from his perspective with his opinions.

And while opinions are perfectly fine they cant be taken as fact, regardless of how much the I individual likes the subject matter.

Now if you got all the old original dev team together and they stated on record that the game wasnt intended to ever evolve or adapt with the changing ways of life (we might have had so.ething else other than a cash shop pop up) then ok I’d accept it.

But you are still stating opinion as fact and using it to determine who can or cannot play and how they can or cannot play. And that is something I dont agree with. Everyone is free to enjoy the game in their own way, provided they abide by the terms set forth by blizzard.